# # MDEV-5317 Compound statement / anonymous blocks # source include/have_log_bin.inc; delimiter |; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY)| BEGIN NOT ATOMIC INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3); END| SELECT * FROM t1| PREPARE stmt FROM "BEGIN NOT ATOMIC INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (?); END"; SET @val = 6| reset master| EXECUTE stmt USING @val| SELECT * FROM t1| # see how ?-placeholder was replaced with the value delimiter ;| source include/show_binlog_events.inc; delimiter |; DROP TABLE t1| # # test for default database # # * SP db is different from the current db CREATE DATABASE mysqltest1| CREATE PROCEDURE mysqltest1.sp1() BEGIN PREPARE stmt FROM "BEGIN NOT ATOMIC CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT DATABASE(); END"; EXECUTE stmt; END| CALL mysqltest1.sp1()| SELECT * FROM mysqltest1.t1| USE mysqltest1| DROP DATABASE mysqltest1| # * no current db --error ER_NO_DB_ERROR BEGIN NOT ATOMIC CREATE TABLE t1(a int); END| BEGIN NOT ATOMIC SET @a=1; CREATE TABLE test.t1(a int); END| USE test| show tables| drop table t1| # IF (without /**/ mysqltest treats if as its own command) /**/ if (select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test' and table_name='t1') = 0 then create table t1 (a int); end if| show tables| /**/ if (select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test' and table_name='t1') = 0 then create table t1 (a int); end if| show tables| # CASE simple case (select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test') when 't1' then create table t2 (b int); when 't2' then create table t3 (b int); else signal sqlstate '42S02'; end case| show tables| # CASE searched case when database() = 'test' then create table t3 (test text); when now() < date'2001-02-03' then create table oops (machine time); end case| show tables| # LOOP --error ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR loop create table t4 (a int); end loop| show tables| # REPEAT set @a=0; repeat set @a = @a + 1; until @a > 5 end repeat| select @a| # WHILE --vertical_results /**/ while (select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test') do select concat('drop table ', table_name) into @a from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test' limit 1; select @a as 'executing:'; prepare dt from @a; execute dt; end while| --horizontal_results # see how ?-placeholder and SP variables are replaced with values create table t1 (x int)| create function fn(a int) returns int begin insert t1 values (a+7); return a+8; end| reset master| /**/ if fn(9) > 5 then select 1; end if| prepare stmt from "if fn(?) > 6 then begin declare a int; set a=?*2; insert t1 values(a+?); end; end if"| set @a=1, @b=2, @c=3| execute stmt using @a, @b, @c| delimiter ;| source include/show_binlog_events.inc; delimiter |; drop function fn| drop table t1| # # MDEV-6606 Server crashes in String::append on selecting sql_mode inside anonymous block # MDEV-6609 SQL inside an anonymous block is executed with wrong SQL_MODE # set @@sql_mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"; begin not atomic select @@sql_mode; end| create table t1 (a int)| select a from t1 having a > 1| begin not atomic select a from t1 having a > 1; end| drop table t1| --echo # --echo # MDEV-8615: Assertion `m_cpp_buf <= begin_ptr && --echo # begin_ptr <= m_cpp_buf + m_buf_length' failed in --echo # Lex_input_stream::body_utf8_start --echo # --error ER_PARSE_ERROR --query b'