include/ [connection master] CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk SERIAL, vcol_date DATE AS (col_date) PERSISTENT, vcol_int INT AS (col_int) VIRTUAL, vcol_year YEAR AS (col_year) PERSISTENT, vcol_blob BLOB AS (col_blob) VIRTUAL, col_date DATE, col_int INT NULL, col_blob BLOB NULL, col_year YEAR, PRIMARY KEY(pk) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 (col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year) VALUES ('2010-04-24',5,'foo',1981); SET SQL_MODE=''; set binlog_row_image="FULL"; CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM t1; REPLACE INTO v1 SELECT pk, vcol_date, vcol_int, vcol_year, vcol_blob, col_date, col_int, col_blob, 1982 FROM t1; Warnings: Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_date' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_int' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_year' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_blob' in table 't1' has been ignored select col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year from v1; col_date col_int col_blob col_year 2010-04-24 5 foo 1982 connection slave; select col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year from v1; col_date col_int col_blob col_year 2010-04-24 5 foo 1982 connection master; DROP VIEW v1; set binlog_row_image="MINIMAL"; CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM t1; REPLACE INTO v1 SELECT pk, vcol_date, vcol_int, vcol_year, vcol_blob, col_date, col_int, col_blob, 1983 FROM t1; Warnings: Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_date' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_int' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_year' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_blob' in table 't1' has been ignored select col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year from v1; col_date col_int col_blob col_year 2010-04-24 5 foo 1983 connection slave; select col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year from v1; col_date col_int col_blob col_year 2010-04-24 5 foo 1983 connection master; DROP VIEW v1; set @@binlog_row_image="NOBLOB"; CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM t1; REPLACE INTO v1 SELECT pk, vcol_date, vcol_int, vcol_year, vcol_blob, col_date, col_int, col_blob, 1984 FROM t1; Warnings: Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_date' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_int' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_year' in table 't1' has been ignored Warning 1906 The value specified for generated column 'vcol_blob' in table 't1' has been ignored select col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year from v1; col_date col_int col_blob col_year 2010-04-24 5 foo 1984 connection slave; select col_date,col_int,col_blob,col_year from v1; col_date col_int col_blob col_year 2010-04-24 5 foo 1984 connection master; DROP VIEW v1; set @@binlog_row_image=default; DROP TABLE t1; SET SQL_MODE=default; CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INT, a VARCHAR(3), b VARCHAR(1) AS (a) VIRTUAL, PRIMARY KEY (pk)); INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 (pk, a) VALUES (1,'foo'),(2,'bar'); Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'b' at row 1 Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'b' at row 2 REPLACE INTO t1 (pk) VALUES (2); ERROR 22001: Data too long for column 'b' at row 1 UPDATE IGNORE t1 SET a = NULL; Warnings: Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'b' at row 1 Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'b' at row 2 DROP TABLE t1; include/