--source include/have_perfschema.inc --source include/word_size.inc --vertical_results # need stable timestamp, because its current value is printed below set time_zone='+00:00'; set timestamp=unix_timestamp('2014-09-01 13:40:23'); # ditto set pseudo_thread_id=10; # to show session != global, and doesn't affect global_value_origin set sql_mode=ansi_quotes; # global_value_origin=SQL set global div_precision_increment=5; # Don't show values or origin as they may have been changed by the test # or different recompilation. Remove variables that are depending on # configuration options --replace_regex /^\/\S+/PATH/ select VARIABLE_NAME,VARIABLE_SCOPE,VARIABLE_TYPE,VARIABLE_COMMENT,NUMERIC_MIN_VALUE,NUMERIC_MAX_VALUE,NUMERIC_BLOCK_SIZE,ENUM_VALUE_LIST,READ_ONLY,COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT from information_schema.system_variables where variable_name not like 'debug%' and variable_name not like 'wsrep%' and variable_name not like 's3%' and variable_name not in ( 'log_tc_size' ) order by variable_name; # yet less data: no values, no blocks size, no min/max value. select VARIABLE_NAME, GLOBAL_VALUE_ORIGIN, VARIABLE_SCOPE, VARIABLE_TYPE, VARIABLE_COMMENT, ENUM_VALUE_LIST, READ_ONLY, COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENT from information_schema.system_variables where variable_name in ( 'log_tc_size' ) order by variable_name; set global div_precision_increment=default;