# ==== Purpose ==== # # Test that temporary tables are correctly replicated after switching to ROW format in MIX mode. # This test case will test the condition of the bug#40013. # The test step is: # 1: create temp table on connection 'master'; # 2: switch to ROW format using 'INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (UUID());' # 3: disconnect 'master' and connect to a new connection 'master1'; # 4: sync to slave and check the number of temp tables on slave. # source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc; source include/have_innodb.inc; source include/master-slave.inc; --echo ==== Initialize ==== --connection master CREATE TABLE t1 (a CHAR(48)); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1_tmp1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (UUID()); sync_slave_with_master; --echo ==== Verify results on slave ==== SHOW STATUS LIKE "Slave_open_temp_tables"; --connection master disconnect master; --connection master1 # waiting DROP TEMPORARY TABLE event to be written into binlog let $wait_binlog_event= DROP; source include/wait_for_binlog_event.inc; sync_slave_with_master; --echo ==== Verify results on slave ==== SHOW STATUS LIKE "Slave_open_temp_tables"; --echo ==== Clean up ==== --let $rpl_connection_name= master --let $rpl_server_number= 1 --source include/rpl_connect.inc --connection master DROP TABLE t1; sync_slave_with_master; # # BUG#43046: mixed mode switch to row format with temp table lead to wrong # result # # NOTES # ===== # # 1. Temporary tables cannot be logged using the row-based # format. Thus, once row-based logging is used, all subsequent # statements using that table are unsafe, and we approximate this # condition by treating all statements made by that client as # unsafe until the client no longer holds any temporary tables. # # 2. Two different connections can use the same temporary table # name without conflicting with each other or with an # existing non-TEMPORARY table of the same name. # # DESCRIPTION # =========== # # The test is implemented as follows: # 1. create regular tables # 2. create a temporary table t1_tmp: should be logged as statement # 3. issue an alter table: should be logged as statement # 4. issue statement that forces switch to RBR # 5. create another temporary table t2_tmp: should not be logged # 6. issue alter table on t1_tmp: should not be logged # 7. drop t1_tmp and regular table on same statement: should log both in # statement format (but different statements) # 8. issue deterministic insert: logged as row (because t2_tmp still # exists). # 9. drop t2_tmp and issue deterministic statement: should log drop and # query in statement format (show switch back to STATEMENT format) # 10. in the end the slave should not have open temp tables. # --source include/rpl_reset.inc -- connection master # action: setup environment CREATE TABLE t1 (a int) engine=innodb; CREATE TABLE t2 ( i1 INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (i1) ); CREATE TABLE t3 ( i1 INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (i1) ); CREATE TRIGGER tr1 AFTER DELETE ON t2 FOR EACH ROW INSERT INTO t3 () VALUES (); # assertion: assert that CREATE is logged as STATEMENT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1_tmp (i1 int); # assertion: assert that ALTER TABLE is logged as STATEMENT ALTER TABLE t1_tmp ADD COLUMN b INT; # action: force switch to RBR INSERT INTO t1 values(1); INSERT INTO t2 (i1) select * from t1; # assertion: assert that t2_tmp will not make into the binlog (RBR logging atm) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2_tmp (a int); # assertion: assert that ALTER TABLE on t1_tmp will not make into the binlog ALTER TABLE t1_tmp ADD COLUMN c INT; -- echo ### assertion: assert that there is one open temp table on slave -- sync_slave_with_master SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Slave_open_temp_tables'; -- connection master # assertion: assert that both drops are logged DROP TABLE t1_tmp, t2; # assertion: assert that statement is logged as row (master still has one # opened temporary table - t2_tmp. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); # assertion: assert that DROP TABLE *is* logged despite CREATE is not. DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t2_tmp; # assertion: assert that statement is now logged as STMT (mixed mode switches # back to STATEMENT). INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); -- sync_slave_with_master -- echo ### assertion: assert that slave has no temporary tables opened SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Slave_open_temp_tables'; -- connection master # action: drop remaining tables DROP TABLE t3, t1; -- sync_slave_with_master -- source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo # Bug#55478 Row events wrongly apply on the temporary table of the same name --echo # ========================================================================== connection master; let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1); let $binlog_start= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1); --echo # The statement should be binlogged CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1(c1 INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; --echo --echo # Case 1: CREATE TABLE t1 ... SELECT --echo # ---------------------------------- let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1); let $binlog_start= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1); --echo --echo # The statement generates row events on t1. And the rows events should --echo # be inserted into the base table on slave. CREATE TABLE t1 ENGINE=MyISAM SELECT rand(); source include/show_binlog_events.inc; let $binlog_file= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1); let $binlog_start= query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1); --echo --echo # Case 2: DROP TEMPORARY TABLE in a transacation --echo # ---------------------------------------------- --echo BEGIN; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t1; # The patch for BUG#55478 fixed the problem only on RBR. The problem on SBR # will be fixed by the patch for bug#55709. So This statement cannot be # executed until Bug#55709 is fixed # # INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); --echo # The rows event will binlogged after 'INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1)' --disable_warnings INSERT IGNORE INTO t1 VALUES(uuid()+0); --enable_warnings COMMIT; source include/show_binlog_events.inc; --sync_slave_with_master --echo # Compare the base table. --let $diff_tables= master:t1, slave:t1 --source include/diff_tables.inc --echo connection master; DROP TABLE t1; --source include/rpl_end.inc