--source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/master-slave.inc # Format is restricted because the test expects a specific result of # relay-logging that splits a transaction into two different files. --source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc # # MDEV-15152 Optimistic parallel slave doesn't cope well with START SLAVE UNTIL # --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc RESET MASTER; RESET SLAVE; --connection master RESET MASTER; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int primary key, b text) ENGINE=InnoDB; --let $a0 = 25 --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a=$a0, b='trx0' # Memorize the position for replication restart from it --let $pos_trx0 = query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) --connection slave --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master # --connection slave --sync_slave_with_master --source include/stop_slave.inc ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=InnoDB; SET @old_parallel_threads=@@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=2; SET @old_parallel_mode=@@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_mode; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_mode='optimistic'; # Run the slave in the following modes one by one. # # 1. the until position is set in the middle of trx2 # below $pos_trx0 of the last exec position in the first file # 2. and above $pos_trx0 # In either case trx2 must commit before slave stops. # 3. the until postion is inside trx1 # 4. RELAY log until inside trx1 # 5. RELAY log until inside a "big" trx # 6. RELAY log until inside a trx within a sequence of relay logs # # Execution flaw for Until_Master_Pos cases follows as: # create the transaction trx1, trx2 # logged at the beginning of two subsequent binlog files. # Set the until position to at the middle of the 2rd transaction. # Engage the optimistic scheduler while having trx1 execution blocked. # Lift the block after trx2 has reached waiting its order to commit. # *Proof 1* # Observe that the slave applier stops at a correct position. # In the bug condition it would stop prematurely having the stop position # in the first file, therefore trx2 not committed. # Specifically, an internal transaction position until makes the applier to run # beyond it to commit commit the current transaction. # *Proof 2* # Observe the following START SLAVE resumes OK. # # Auxiliary third trx3 on master is just for triggering the actual stop # (whihc is a legacy UNTIL's property). # trx0 is to produce a specific value of the last executed binlog file:pos # to emulate the bug condition. # # Intermediate checks via SELECT are supposed to succeed # with putting out value 1. # # NOTE: Relay log until tests have to use explicit log names and position # which may require to adjust with future changes to event formats etc. # --connection slave SET @old_max_relay_log_size = @@global.max_relay_log_size; SET @@global.max_relay_log_size=4096; --connection master # trx1 --let $a=1 BEGIN; while (`SELECT $a < $a0`) { --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a=$a, b='trx1' --inc $a } COMMIT; --let $fil_1 = query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1) --let $pos_trx1 = query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) FLUSH LOGS; # $pos_0 the offset of the first event of trx2 in new file --let $pos_0=query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) # trx2 --let $a=$a0 BEGIN; --eval UPDATE t1 SET b='trx2_0' WHERE a = $a --eval UPDATE t1 SET b='trx2' WHERE a = $a COMMIT; --let $fil_2=query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1) --let $pos_trx2=query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) # trx3 --let $a=$a0 --inc $a --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a=$a,b='trx3' --let $pos_trx3=query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) --let $a= --echo *** case 1 UNTIL inside trx2 --connection slave1 # Blocker to hold off EXEC_MASTER_LOG_POS advance BEGIN; --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a= 1 --connection slave --let $pos_until=`SELECT $pos_trx0 - 1` --replace_result $pos_0 $pos_until $pos_trx2 --eval SELECT $pos_0 <= $pos_until AND $pos_until < $pos_trx2 as "pos_until < trx0 and is within trx2" CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USE_GTID=no; --replace_result $fil_2 file_2 $pos_until --eval START SLAVE UNTIL MASTER_LOG_FILE = '$fil_2', MASTER_LOG_POS = $pos_until --let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state = "Waiting for prior transaction to commit" --source include/wait_condition.inc --connection slave1 # unblock to see the slave applier stops at $until ROLLBACK; --echo Proof 1: Correct stop --connection slave --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Master_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1) if (`SELECT "$file_stop" != "$fil_2" OR $pos_stop < $pos_until`) { --echo *** ERROR: Slave stopped at $file_stop:$pos_stop which is not $fil_2:$pos_until. --die } --eval SELECT count(*) = 1 as 'trx2 is committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx2' --eval SELECT count(*) = 0 as 'trx3 is not committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx3' --echo Proof 2: Resume works out --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master --sync_slave_with_master --echo *** case 2 UNTIL inside trx2 --connection slave --eval DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a <> $a0 --eval UPDATE t1 SET b='trx0' WHERE a = $a0 --connection slave1 # Blocker to hold off EXEC_MASTER_LOG_POS advance BEGIN; --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a= 1 --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc --let $pos_until=`SELECT $pos_trx2 - 1` --replace_result $pos_trx0 $pos_until $pos_trx2 --eval SELECT $pos_trx0 <= $pos_until AND $pos_until < $pos_trx2 as "pos_until >= trx0 and is within trx2" --replace_result $fil_1 file_1 $pos_trx0 --eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE = '$fil_1', MASTER_LOG_POS = $pos_trx0, MASTER_USE_GTID=no --replace_result $fil_2 file_2 $pos_until --eval START SLAVE UNTIL MASTER_LOG_FILE = '$fil_2', MASTER_LOG_POS = $pos_until --let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE state = "Waiting for prior transaction to commit" --source include/wait_condition.inc --connection slave1 # unblock to see the slave applier stops at $until ROLLBACK; --echo Proof 1: Correct stop --connection slave --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Master_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1) if (`SELECT "$file_stop" != "$fil_2" OR $pos_stop < $pos_until`) { --echo *** ERROR: Slave stopped at $file_stop:$pos_stop which is not $fil_2:$pos_until. --die } --eval SELECT count(*) = 1 as 'trx2 is committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx2' --eval SELECT count(*) = 0 as 'trx3 is not committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx3' --echo Proof 2: Resume works out --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master --sync_slave_with_master --echo *** case 3 UNTIL inside trx1 --connection slave --eval DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a <> $a0 --eval UPDATE t1 SET b='trx0' WHERE a = $a0 --connection slave1 # Blocker to hold off EXEC_MASTER_LOG_POS advance BEGIN; --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a= 1; # block trx1 --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc --let $pos_until=`SELECT $pos_0 - 1` --replace_result $pos_0 $pos_until $pos_trx2 --eval SELECT $pos_until < $pos_0 as "pos_until before trx2 start position" --replace_result $fil_1 file_1 $pos_trx0 --eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE = '$fil_1', MASTER_LOG_POS = $pos_trx0, MASTER_USE_GTID=no --replace_result $fil_2 file_2 $pos_until --eval START SLAVE UNTIL MASTER_LOG_FILE = '$fil_2', MASTER_LOG_POS = $pos_until --connection slave1 # unblock to see the slave applier stops at $until ROLLBACK; --echo Proof 1: Correct stop --connection slave --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Master_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1) if (`SELECT "$file_stop" != "$fil_2" OR $pos_stop < $pos_until`) { --echo *** ERROR: Slave stopped at $file_stop:$pos_stop which is not $fil_2:$pos_until. --die } --eval SELECT count(*) = $a0-1 as 'trx1 is committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx1' --eval SELECT count(*) = 0 as 'trx2 is not committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx2' --echo Proof 2: Resume works out --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master --sync_slave_with_master --echo *** case 4 Relay-log UNTIL inside trx1 --connection slave --eval DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a <> $a0 --eval UPDATE t1 SET b='trx0' WHERE a = $a0 --connection slave1 # Blocker to hold off EXEC_MASTER_LOG_POS advance BEGIN; --eval INSERT INTO t1 SET a= 1; # block trx1 --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc --replace_result $fil_1 file_1 $pos_trx0 --eval CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE = '$fil_1', MASTER_LOG_POS = $pos_trx0, MASTER_USE_GTID=no START SLAVE IO_THREAD; --source include/wait_for_slave_io_to_start.inc # The following test sets the stop coordinate is set to inside the first event # of a relay log that holds events of a transaction started in an earlier log. # Peek the stop position in the middle of trx1, not even on a event boundary. --let $pos_until=255 --let $file_rl=slave-relay-bin.000003 --let $binlog_file=$file_rl --let $pos_xid=508 --let $info= query_get_value(SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN '$file_rl' FROM $pos_xid LIMIT 1, Info, 1) if (`SELECT "$info" NOT LIKE "COMMIT /* xid=% */" OR $pos_xid < $pos_until`) { --echo *** Unexpected offset. Refine it to point to the correct XID event! --die } --replace_result $file_rl file_2 $pos_until --eval START SLAVE UNTIL RELAY_LOG_FILE = '$file_rl', RELAY_LOG_POS = $pos_until --connection slave1 # unblock to see the slave applier stops at $until ROLLBACK; --echo Proof 1: Correct stop --connection slave --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_Pos, 1) if (`SELECT strcmp("$file_rl","$file_stop") > -1`) { --echo *** ERROR: Slave stopped at $file_stop:$pos_stop which is not $file_rl:$pos_until. --die } --eval SELECT count(*) = $a0-1 as 'trx1 is committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx1' --eval SELECT count(*) = 0 as 'trx2 is not committed' FROM t1 WHERE b = 'trx2' --echo Proof 2: Resume works out --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master --sync_slave_with_master --echo *** case 5 Relay-log UNTIL inside a "big" trx that spawns few relay logs --connection master CREATE TABLE t2 (a TEXT) ENGINE=InnoDB; FLUSH LOGS; --sync_slave_with_master --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_Pos, 1) --let $records=`SELECT floor(4*@@global.max_relay_log_size / 1024) + 1` --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc --connection master # trx4 BEGIN; --let $i=$records while ($i) { INSERT INTO t2 SET a=repeat('a',1024); --dec $i } COMMIT; # slave will stop there: --let $file_trx4 = query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, File, 1) --let $pos_trx4 = query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) # trx5 INSERT INTO t2 SET a='a'; --let $pos_trx5 = query_get_value(SHOW MASTER STATUS, Position, 1) --connection slave START SLAVE IO_THREAD; --source include/wait_for_slave_io_to_start.inc # Set position inside the transaction though the value # specified is beyond that relay log file. # The coordianate may point to in a different event in future changes # but should not move away from inside this big group of events. # So we don't test which event in the transaction it points to. --let $pos_until= 4500 --let $file_rl= slave-relay-bin.000010 --replace_result $file_rl file_2 $pos_until --eval START SLAVE UNTIL RELAY_LOG_FILE = '$file_rl', RELAY_LOG_POS = $pos_until --echo Proof 1: Correct stop --connection slave --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Master_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1) # It's showed the actual stop occurred before trx5 if (`SELECT strcmp("$file_trx4", "$file_stop") <> 0 OR $pos_stop >= $pos_trx5 OR count(*) <> $records FROM t2`) { --echo *** ERROR: Slave stopped at *binlog* $file_stop:$pos_stop which is not $file_trx4:$pos_trx4. --die } --echo Proof 2: Resume works out --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master --sync_slave_with_master --let $diff_tables=master:t2,slave:t2 --source include/diff_tables.inc --echo *** case 6 Relay-log UNTIL inside a small trx inside a sequence of relay logs --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc --connection master # trx6 --let $records=`SELECT count(*) FROM t2` while ($records) { BEGIN; DELETE FROM t2 LIMIT 1; COMMIT; --dec $records } COMMIT; --connection slave START SLAVE IO_THREAD; --source include/wait_for_slave_io_to_start.inc --connection master --source include/sync_slave_io_with_master.inc --connection slave # The relay-log coordinate is not at an event boundary and # also may change across the server version. # The test makes its best to check its coherance. --let $pos_until= 3130 --let $file_rl= slave-relay-bin.000018 --let $pos_gtid = 2987 --let $info= query_get_value(SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN '$file_rl' FROM $pos_gtid LIMIT 1, Info, 1) if (`SELECT "$info" != "BEGIN GTID 0-1-23"`) { --echo *** Unexpected offset. Refine it to point to the correct GTID! --die } --let $pos_event = 3120 --let $type= query_get_value(SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS IN '$file_rl' FROM $pos_event LIMIT 1, Event_type, 1) if (`SELECT "$type" != "Delete_rows_v1"`) { --echo *** Unexpected offset. Refine it to point to the expected event! --die } --replace_result $file_rl file_2 $pos_until --eval START SLAVE UNTIL RELAY_LOG_FILE = '$file_rl', RELAY_LOG_POS = $pos_until --echo Proof 1: Correct stop --connection slave --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_to_stop.inc --let $file_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_File, 1) --let $pos_stop= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Relay_Log_Pos, 1) if (`SELECT strcmp("$file_stop", "$file_rl") = -1 OR strcmp("$file_stop", "$file_rl") = 0 AND $pos_stop < $pos_until`) { --echo *** ERROR: Slave stopped at *relay* $file_stop:$pos_stop which is not $file_rl:$pos_until. --die } --echo Proof 2: Resume works out --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master --sync_slave_with_master --let $diff_tables=master:t2,slave:t2 --source include/diff_tables.inc # # Clean up. # --connection slave --source include/stop_slave.inc SET GLOBAL max_relay_log_size=@old_max_relay_log_size; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_mode=@old_parallel_mode; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=@old_parallel_threads; --source include/start_slave.inc --connection master DROP TABLE t1, t2; --sync_slave_with_master --source include/rpl_end.inc