# # Whenever the mysql_binlog_send method (dump thread) reaches the # end of file when reading events from the binlog, before checking # if it should wait for more events, there was a test to check if # the file being read was still active, i.e, it was the last known # binlog. However, it was possible that something was written to # the binary log and then a rotation would happen, after EOF was # detected and before the check for active was performed. In this # case, the end of the binary log would not be read by the dump # thread, and this would cause the slave to lose updates. # # This test verifies that the problem has been fixed. It waits # during this window while forcing a rotation in the binlog. # --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/master-slave.inc --connection master SET @debug_saved= @@GLOBAL.DEBUG_DBUG; CREATE TABLE t (i INT); # When reaching the EOF the dump thread will wait before deciding if # it should move to a new binlong file. SET GLOBAL DEBUG_DBUG= "d,wait_after_binlog_EOF"; INSERT INTO t VALUES (1); --sleep 1 # A insert and a rotate happens before the decision INSERT INTO t VALUES (2); FLUSH LOGS; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'now SIGNAL signal.rotate_finished'; --sync_slave_with_master # All the rows should be sent to the slave. --let $diff_tables=master:t,slave:t --source include/diff_tables.inc ##Clean up --connection master SET @@GLOBAL.DEBUG_DBUG= @debug_saved; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; DROP TABLE t; --source include/rpl_end.inc