--let $rpl_topology=1->2 --source include/rpl_init.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --echo *** Test normal shutdown/restart of slave server configured as a GTID slave. *** --connection server_1 CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master --source include/stop_slave.inc --let $status_items= Master_Log_File,Using_Gtid --source include/show_slave_status.inc CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid=current_pos; # Now try to restart the slave mysqld server without starting the slave first # threads after the CHANGE MASTER. # When the slave restarts, it should reconnect using GTID. # We test that it really uses GTID by purging on the master the # old binlog the slave would need if connecting with old style # file name/offset. --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF FLUSH LOGS; --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --connection server_1 FLUSH LOGS; --let $purge_binlogs_to=master-bin.000002 --source include/wait_for_purge.inc --source include/show_binary_logs.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); FLUSH LOGS; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3); --source include/save_master_gtid.inc --source include/show_binary_logs.inc # Let the slave mysqld server start again. --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart: --skip-slave-start=0 EOF --connection server_2 --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --source include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; --echo *** Test normal shutdown/restart of master server, check binlog state is preserved. *** --connection server_1 SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4); --replace_column 2 # 4 # 5 # SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000003' LIMIT 1,1; FLUSH LOGS; --replace_column 2 # 4 # 5 # 6 # SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000004' LIMIT 1,1; --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect restart EOF --connection default --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --connection server_1 --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --replace_column 2 # 4 # 5 # 6 # SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'master-bin.000005' LIMIT 1,1; --source include/show_binary_logs.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5); --source include/save_master_gtid.inc --connection server_2 --source include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; --echo *** Test that @@gtid_slave_pos and @@gtid_current_pos are correctly loaded even if slave threads have not started. *** --let $slave_pos1= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos` --let $current_pos1= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_current_pos` --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart: --skip-slave-start=1 --skip-log-bin EOF --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --disable_query_log eval SET @slave_pos1= "$slave_pos1"; eval SET @current_pos1= "$current_pos1"; --enable_query_log SET @slave_pos2= @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos; SET @current_pos2= @@GLOBAL.gtid_current_pos; SELECT IF(@slave_pos1=@slave_pos2, "OK", CONCAT(@slave_pos1, " != ", @slave_pos2)); SELECT IF(@current_pos1=@current_pos2, "OK", CONCAT(@current_pos1, " != ", @current_pos2)); --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (6); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --source include/start_slave.inc --sync_with_master SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; --echo *** MDEV-4490: Old-style master position points at the last GTID event after slave restart *** --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (7); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; # Now we restart the slave server. When it restarts, there is nothing new # to replicate. Check that the position is nevertheless updated and # MASTER_POS_WAIT() works correctly and detects that we are up-to-date. --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart: --skip-slave-start=0 EOF --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --source include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc --connection server_1 --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; --echo *** MDEV-4486: Allow to start old-style replication even if mysql.gtid_slave_pos is unavailable --connection server_2 --source include/stop_slave.inc CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid= no; --source include/start_slave.inc --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (8); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; --source include/stop_slave.inc SET sql_log_bin= 0; ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=InnoDB; SET sql_log_bin= 1; --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart: --skip-slave-start=1 --skip-innodb EOF --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --error ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE SELECT * FROM mysql.gtid_slave_pos; SET sql_log_bin=0; call mtr.add_suppression("Failed to load slave replication state from table"); call mtr.add_suppression("Unable to load replication GTID slave state"); SET sql_log_bin=1; --source include/start_slave.inc --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; # Put things back as they were. --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart: EOF --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc SET sql_log_bin= 0; ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=MyISAM; SET sql_log_bin= 1; --source include/start_slave.inc --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master --source include/stop_slave.inc CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid= slave_pos; --source include/start_slave.inc --echo *** MDEV-4692: mysql.gtid_slave_pos accumulates values for a domain *** SELECT domain_id, COUNT(*) FROM mysql.gtid_slave_pos GROUP BY domain_id; --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (11); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES; SELECT domain_id, COUNT(*) FROM mysql.gtid_slave_pos GROUP BY domain_id; --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart: EOF --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --source include/start_slave.inc --connection server_1 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (12); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (13); --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --sync_with_master FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES; SELECT domain_id, COUNT(*) FROM mysql.gtid_slave_pos GROUP BY domain_id; --echo *** MDEV-4650: show variables; ERROR 1946 (HY000): Failed to load replication slave GTID position *** --connection server_2 SET sql_log_bin=0; --let $old_pos= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.gtid_slave_pos` RENAME TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos TO mysql.gtid_slave_pos_old; SET sql_log_bin=1; --write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect wait EOF --shutdown_server --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc # Let the slave mysqld server start again. --append_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.2.expect restart EOF --enable_reconnect --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc --disable_result_log SHOW VARIABLES; --enable_result_log SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_slave_pos'; --error ER_CANNOT_LOAD_SLAVE_GTID_STATE,ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos = '0-1-2'; SHOW WARNINGS; # Restore things. SET sql_log_bin=0; RENAME TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos_old TO mysql.gtid_slave_pos; CALL mtr.add_suppression("Failed to load slave replication state from table mysql.gtid_slave_pos"); SET sql_log_bin=1; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_slave_pos'; SET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos = '0-1-2'; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'gtid_slave_pos'; # Don't let .result file depend on old state of gtid_slave_pos --disable_query_log --disable_result_log eval SET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos = '$old_pos'; --enable_query_log --enable_result_log --source include/start_slave.inc --connection server_1 DROP TABLE t1; --source include/rpl_end.inc