include/ [connection master] CALL mtr.add_suppression("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT"); create table t1 (word char(20) not null); load data infile '../../std_data/words.dat' into table t1; load data local infile 'MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/words.dat' into table t1; select * from t1 limit 10; word Aarhus Aaron Ababa aback abaft abandon abandoned abandoning abandonment abandons connection slave; stop slave; connection master; UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password('foo') WHERE host='localhost' AND user='root'; connection slave; start slave; connection master; UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password('') WHERE host='localhost' AND user='root'; create table t3(n int); insert into t3 values(1),(2); connection slave; select * from t3; n 1 2 select sum(length(word)) from t1; sum(length(word)) 1022 connection master; drop table t1,t3; connection slave; connection master; create table t1 (n int) engine=myisam; connection slave; connection master; reset master; connection slave; stop slave; reset slave; connection master; connection slave; lock tables t1 read; start slave; connection master; include/ unlock tables; connection master; create table t2(id int); insert into t2 values(connection_id()); connection master1; create temporary table t3(n int); insert into t3 select get_lock('crash_lock%20C', 1) from t2; connection master; update t1 set n = n + get_lock('crash_lock%20C', 2); connection master1; select (@id := id) - id from t2; (@id := id) - id 0 kill @id; drop table t2; drop temporary table t3; connection master; Got one of the listed errors connection slave; include/ [errno=1927] select count(*) from t1; count(*) 5000 connection master1; drop table t1; create table t1 (n int); insert into t1 values(3456); insert ignore into mysql.user (Host, User, Password) VALUES ("10.10.10.%", "blafasel2", password("blafasel2")); Warnings: Warning 1364 Field 'ssl_cipher' doesn't have a default value Warning 1364 Field 'x509_issuer' doesn't have a default value Warning 1364 Field 'x509_subject' doesn't have a default value Warning 1364 Field 'authentication_string' doesn't have a default value select select_priv,user from mysql.user where user = _binary'blafasel2'; select_priv user N blafasel2 update mysql.user set Select_priv = "Y" where User= _binary"blafasel2"; select select_priv,user from mysql.user where user = _binary'blafasel2'; select_priv user Y blafasel2 connection slave; select n from t1; n 3456 select select_priv,user from mysql.user where user = _binary'blafasel2'; select_priv user Y blafasel2 connection master1; drop table t1; delete from mysql.user where user="blafasel2"; connection slave; include/