include/ [connection master] connection master; show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000001 # create table t1 (f text) engine=innodb; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'at_purge_logs_before_date WAIT_FOR rotated'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'after_purge_logs_before_date SIGNAL continued'; insert into t1 set f=repeat('a', 4096); connection master1; *** there must be two logs in the list *** show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000001 # master-bin.000002 # insert into t1 set f=repeat('b', 4096); *** there must be three logs in the list *** show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000001 # master-bin.000002 # master-bin.000003 # SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL rotated'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR continued'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; connection master; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; connection slave; connection master; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'at_purge_logs_before_date WAIT_FOR rotated'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'after_purge_logs_before_date SIGNAL continued'; insert into t1 set f=repeat('b', 4096); connection master1; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL rotated'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR continued'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; connection master; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; drop table t1; connection slave; include/