connect master,localhost,root,,test,$MASTER_MYPORT,$MASTER_MYSOCK; connect slave,localhost,root,,test,$SLAVE_MYPORT,$SLAVE_MYSOCK; connection slave; CALL mtr.add_suppression("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT."); start slave; Got one of the listed errors start slave; ERROR HY000: Could not initialize master info structure for ''; more error messages can be found in the MariaDB error log change master to master_host='',master_port=MASTER_PORT, master_user='root'; ERROR HY000: Could not initialize master info structure for ''; more error messages can be found in the MariaDB error log reset slave; change master to master_host='',master_port=MASTER_PORT, master_user='root'; connection master; reset master; connection slave; start slave; include/ connection master; create temporary table temp_table (a char(80) not null); insert into temp_table values ("testing temporary tables"); create table t1 (s text); insert into t1 values('Could not break slave'),('Tried hard'); connection slave; Master_Log_File = 'master-bin.000001' Relay_Master_Log_File = 'master-bin.000001' include/ select * from t1; s Could not break slave Tried hard connection master; flush logs; create table t2(m int not null auto_increment primary key); insert into t2 values (34),(67),(123); flush logs; show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000001 # master-bin.000002 # master-bin.000003 # create table t3 select * from temp_table; connection slave; select * from t3; a testing temporary tables connection master; drop table temp_table, t3; connection slave; insert into t2 values(1234); connection master; set insert_id=1234; insert into t2 values(NULL); connection slave; call mtr.add_suppression("Slave SQL.*Error .Duplicate entry .1234. for key .PRIMARY.. on query.* error.* 1062"); include/ [errno=1062] connection master; connection slave; connection master; purge master logs to 'master-bin.000002'; show master logs; Log_name master-bin.000002 File_size # Log_name master-bin.000003 File_size # purge binary logs to 'master-bin.000002'; show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000002 # master-bin.000003 # SELECT @time_for_purge:=DATE_ADD('tmpval', INTERVAL 1 SECOND); purge master logs before (@time_for_purge); show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000003 # insert into t2 values (65); connection slave; Master_Log_File = 'master-bin.000003' Relay_Master_Log_File = 'master-bin.000003' include/ select * from t2; m 34 65 67 123 1234 connection master; create temporary table temp_table (a char(80) not null); insert into temp_table values ("testing temporary tables part 2"); create table t3 (n int); select count(*) from t3 where n >= 4; count(*) 103 create table t4 select * from temp_table; show binary logs; Log_name File_size master-bin.000003 # master-bin.000004 # master-bin.000005 # master-bin.000006 # master-bin.000007 # master-bin.000008 # master-bin.000009 # show master status; File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB master-bin.000009 # connection slave; select * from t4; a testing temporary tables part 2 Master_Log_File = 'master-bin.000009' Relay_Master_Log_File = 'master-bin.000009' include/ lock tables t3 read; select count(*) from t3 where n >= 4; count(*) 103 unlock tables; connection master; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4; drop temporary table temp_table; connection slave; End of 4.1 tests show binlog events in 'non existing_binlog_file'; ERROR HY000: Error when executing command SHOW BINLOG EVENTS: Could not find target log purge master logs before now(); show binlog events in ''; ERROR HY000: Error when executing command SHOW BINLOG EVENTS: Could not find target log purge master logs before now(); End of 5.0 tests include/