# Restart of server does not work for embedded.
--source include/not_embedded.inc

source feedback_plugin_load.test;

  skip MTR_FEEDBACK_PLUGIN is not set;

# Yep. The plugin waits 5 minutes before sending anything,
# and there's no way to force it to send anything sooner.
# Let's wait, and hope that mtr is started with --parallel and
# is doing some work in other workers.

sleep 100;
set global sql_mode=ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY;
sleep 210;

# The test expects that the plugin will send a report at least 2 times,
# now (5 min after loading) and on server shutdown which happens below. 
# Since we have already waited for 5 min, let's be generous
# and make sure the server has enough time to shut down properly.
# We won't lose anything if the shutdown is fast, but if it's slow, the plugin 
# will still be able to finish the job and write about it in the error log.

--let $shutdown_timeout= 60
source include/restart_mysqld.inc;

replace_result https http 2 6;
  $log_error= $ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'} . '/log/mysqld.1.err';
  open(LOG, '<', $log_error) or die "open(< $log_error): $!";

  while ($_=<LOG>) {
    $logg{$&}++ if /feedback plugin:.*/;
  print "$logg{$_}: $_\n" for sort keys %logg;
  close LOG;