# Check the impact of different entries in performance_schema.setup_actors # on when and how activity of users is recordeed in performance_schema.threads. # The checks for indirect activity caused by users, system threads etc. # are within setup_actors1.test. --source include/not_windows.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_perfschema.inc # The initial number of rows is 1. The initial row always looks like this: # mysql> select * from performance_schema.setup_actors; # +------+------+------+ # | Host | User | ROLE | # +------+------+------+ # | % | % | % | # +------+------+------+ select * from performance_schema.setup_actors; truncate table performance_schema.setup_actors; insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('hosta', 'user1', '%'); insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('%', 'user2', '%'); insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('localhost', 'user3', '%'); insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('hostb', '%', '%'); select * from performance_schema.setup_actors order by USER, HOST, ROLE; create user user1@localhost; grant ALL on *.* to user1@localhost; create user user2@localhost; grant ALL on *.* to user2@localhost; create user user3@localhost; grant ALL on *.* to user3@localhost; create user user4@localhost; grant ALL on *.* to user4@localhost; create user user5@localhost; grant select on test.* to user5@localhost; flush privileges; connect (con1, localhost, user1, , ); # INSTRUMENTED must be NO because there is no match in performance_schema.setup_actors select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id(); let $con1_thread_id= `select THREAD_ID from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id()`; --connection default insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('%', 'user1', '%'); --connection con1 # INSTRUMENTED must be NO because there was no match in performance_schema.setup_actors # when our current session made its connect. Later changes in setup_actors have no # impact. select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id(); --disconnect con1 connect (con2, localhost, user2, , ); # INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there is a match via # (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('%', 'user2', '%') in performance_schema.setup_actors. select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID=connection_id(); let $con2_thread_id= `select THREAD_ID from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id()`; --disconnect con2 --connection default # If a thread dies, we don't expect its THREAD_ID value will be re-used. if ($con2_thread_id <= $con1_thread_id) { --echo ERROR: THREAD_ID of con2 is not bigger than THREAD_ID of con1 eval SELECT $con2_thread_id as THREAD_ID_con2, $con1_thread_id THREAD_ID_con1; } --disable_warnings drop table if exists test.t1; --enable_warnings create table test.t1 (col1 bigint); lock table test.t1 write; connect (con3, localhost, user3, , ); # INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there is a match via # (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('localhost', 'user3', '%') in performance_schema.setup_actors. select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id(); # PROCESSLIST_ columns are: # (if name like '%OneConnection') all the same as what you'd get if you # run a select on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST for the corresponding thread. # Check at least once that this is fulfilled. # Note(mleich): # A join between INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST and performance_schema.threads # Example: # select count(*) = 1 # from performance_schema.threads T inner join information_schema.PROCESSLIST P # on T.PROCESSLIST_ID = P.ID and T.PROCESSLIST_USER = P.USER and # T.PROCESSLIST_HOST = P.HOST and T.PROCESSLIST_DB = P.DB and # T.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND = P.COMMAND and T.PROCESSLIST_INFO = P.INFO # where T.PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id() and T.NAME = 'thread/sql/one_connection' # executed by the current connection looks like some of the most elegant solutions # for revealing this. But such a join suffers from sporadic differences like # column | observation # -------|------------- # state | "Sending data" vs. "executing" # time | 0 vs. 1 (high load on the testing box) # info | vs. NULL (use of "--ps-protocol") # IMHO the differences are harmless. # Therefore we use here a different solution. # --echo # Send a statement to the server, but do not wait till the result --echo # comes back. We will pull this later. send insert into test.t1 set col1 = 1; connect (con4, localhost, user4, , ); --echo # Poll till INFO is no more NULL and State = 'Waiting for table metadata lock'. let $wait_condition= select count(*) from information_schema.processlist where user = 'user3' and info is not null and state = 'Waiting for table metadata lock'; --source include/wait_condition.inc # Expect to get 1 now select count(*) = 1 from performance_schema.threads T inner join information_schema.PROCESSLIST P on T.PROCESSLIST_ID = P.ID and T.PROCESSLIST_USER = P.USER and T.PROCESSLIST_HOST = P.HOST and T.PROCESSLIST_DB = P.DB and T.PROCESSLIST_COMMAND = P.COMMAND and T.PROCESSLIST_INFO = P.INFO where T.PROCESSLIST_USER = 'user3' and T.NAME = 'thread/sql/one_connection'; # Resolve the situation + some cleanup --connection default unlock tables; --connection con3 --echo # Reap the result of the no more blocked insert --reap --connection default drop table test.t1; --disconnect con3 --connection con4 # INSTRUMENTED must be NO because there is no match in performance_schema.setup_actors select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id(); --disconnect con4 --connection default insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('localhost', '%', '%'); select * from performance_schema.setup_actors order by USER, HOST, ROLE; connect (con4b, localhost, user4, , ); # INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there is a match via # (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('localhost', '%', '%') in performance_schema.setup_actors. select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id(); --disconnect con4b --connection default insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('%', 'user5', '%'); create sql security definer view test.v1 as select NAME, TYPE, INSTRUMENTED, PROCESSLIST_USER, PROCESSLIST_HOST from performance_schema.threads where PROCESSLIST_ID = connection_id(); connect (con5, localhost, user5, , ); --error ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR select * from performance_schema.threads; # 1. INSTRUMENTED must be YES because there are two matches # (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('localhost', '%', '%') # (HOST,USER,ROLE) = ('%', 'user5', '%') # in performance_schema.setup_actors. # But the instrument will only count once which means we must get only one row. # 2. PROCESSLIST_USER refers to USER(), the user who connected, # not the user we might be temporarily acting as (with definer's rights). # Therefore PROCESSLIST_USER must be 'user5' though we run with right's of definer 'root' select * from test.v1; --disconnect con5 --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc --connection default drop view test.v1; revoke all privileges, grant option from user1@localhost; revoke all privileges, grant option from user2@localhost; revoke all privileges, grant option from user3@localhost; revoke all privileges, grant option from user4@localhost; revoke all privileges, grant option from user5@localhost; drop user user1@localhost; drop user user2@localhost; drop user user3@localhost; drop user user4@localhost; drop user user5@localhost; flush privileges; truncate table performance_schema.setup_actors; insert into performance_schema.setup_actors values ('%', '%', '%'); select * from performance_schema.setup_actors;