--source include/not_embedded.inc # # Test based on mysql-test/suite/sys_vars/t/all_vars.test # and adapted for the performance schema tables. # # This test verifies that *all* performance schema tables are tested # by the perfschema test suite. # In particular, every table there must be covered by: # - a ddl_.test file. # - a dml_.test file. # # # we can diff in perl or in sql, as it's my_SQL_test suite, do it in sql # perl; use File::Basename; my $dirname=dirname($ENV{MYSQLTEST_FILE}); my @all_tests=<$dirname/*.test>; open(F, '>', "$ENV{MYSQLTEST_VARDIR}/tmp/perfschema-all_tests.txt") or die; binmode F; print F join "\n", sort map { basename $_ } @all_tests; EOF --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; drop table if exists t2; --enable_warnings create table t1 (test_name text); create table t2 (test_name text); --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR eval load data infile "$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/perfschema-all_tests.txt" into table t1; insert into t2 select concat('ddl_', table_name, '.test') from information_schema.tables where table_schema='performance_schema'; insert into t2 select concat('dml_', table_name, '.test') from information_schema.tables where table_schema='performance_schema'; # Abbreviations used for naming test files: update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "events_waits_summary_", "ews_"); update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "events_stages_summary_", "esgs_"); update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "events_statements_summary_", "esms_"); update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "file_summary_", "fs_"); update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "objects_summary_", "os_"); update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "table_io_waits_summary_", "tiws_"); update t2 set test_name= replace(test_name, "table_lock_waits_summary_", "tlws_"); # Debug # select test_name as 'FOUND' from t1; # select test_name as 'EXPECTED' from t2; delete from t2 where t2.test_name in (select t1.test_name from t1); # If this fails, the test listed in the output is missing from the test suite. # The way to fix the failure is to implement the missing test, not silence this select. select test_name as `MISSING DDL/DML TESTS` from t2; drop table t1; drop table t2; --remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/perfschema-all_tests.txt