--echo # --echo # Bug #20445525 ADD A CONSISTENCY CHECK AGAINST DB_TRX_ID BEING --echo # IN THE FUTURE --echo # --source include/not_debug.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc let PAGE_SIZE=`select @@innodb_page_size`; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT) row_format=redundant engine=innoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); let MYSQLD_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`; --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc perl; do "$ENV{MTR_SUITE_DIR}/include/crc32.pl"; my $file = "$ENV{MYSQLD_DATADIR}/test/t1.ibd"; open(FILE, "+<", $file) || die "Unable to open $file"; binmode FILE; #Seek the the infimum record and get the offset to next record #Infimum record exist at offset 101 for redundant format #And offset to the next record is present 2 bytes prior to #infimum record my $ps= $ENV{PAGE_SIZE}; my $page; sysseek(FILE, 3*$ps, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file\n"; die "Unable to read $file" unless sysread(FILE, $page, $ps) == $ps; #In this case the first record should be at offset 135 die unless unpack("n", substr($page, 99, 2)) == 135; substr($page,135+6,6) = "\xff" x 6; my $polynomial = 0x82f63b78; # CRC-32C my $ck= pack("N",mycrc32(substr($page, 4, 22), 0, $polynomial) ^ mycrc32(substr($page, 38, $ps - 38 - 8), 0, $polynomial)); substr($page,0,4)=$ck; substr($page,$ps-8,4)=$ck; sysseek(FILE, 3*$ps, 0) || die "Unable to rewind $file\n"; syswrite(FILE, $page, $ps)==$ps || die "Unable to write $file\n"; close(FILE) || die "Unable to close $file"; EOF --source include/start_mysqld.inc let SEARCH_FILE= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.1.err; let SEARCH_PATTERN= \[Warning\] InnoDB: A transaction id in a record of table `test`\.`t1` is newer than the system-wide maximum; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc call mtr.add_suppression("\\[Warning\\] InnoDB: A transaction id in a record of table `test`\\.`t1` is newer than the system-wide maximum"); SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1;