# This is a script for MTR with hybrid use. # a) As regression test # Mostly some brute force attempt to stress the internal sx locks of # InnoDB which were introduced by WL#6326+WL#6363. # The file with expected results fits to this variant. # The impact on code coverage is quite good. # b) As testbed for attempts to extend or improve the RQG test wl6326_sql.yy. # The MTR based test uses # - a table t1 with the same layout # - the same stored functions # - the same stored procedure proc_fill_t1 for inserting a configurable # amount of records into t1 # like the RQG test wl6326_sql.yy. # Feel free to modify parameters like $max_row_count, $max_con, # $high_load_duration or switch debugging on (let $test_debug= 1). # But please be aware that MTR will most probably report that the test # failed because it got a difference to expected results. # Reasons: # - In general: The file with expected results fits to a) only. # - The actual results might dependend on $max_row_count. # - Additional result sets might be printed. # # WL#6326 is about the sx locks (InnoDB feature only). --source include/have_innodb.inc # Runtime properties: # Notebook i5 dual core with HT, MySQL binaries compiled with debug, # max_row_count=10000 rows # vardir on tmpfs : ~ 375 # vardir on disk : ~ 546 --source include/big_test.inc # We go with "--send" and "--reap" and that fails with the embedded server. --source include/not_embedded.inc # Its intentional to not take the risk that a run with valgrind times out. --source include/not_valgrind.inc # FIXME: # Increase the code coverage provided by the current test by # trying "InnoDB Tablespace Monitor" as soon as some bug is fixed # or wait till the deprecated "InnoDB Tablespace Monitor" is # removed. # Setup of some parameters # ------------------------ # Number of records within every chunk to be added to t1. let $load_unit= 10000; # # Rough number of records in t1 to achieve. # We add chunks of $load_unit rows till the actual number # of rows in the table t1 exceeds $max_row_count. # let $max_row_count= 1000000; # let $max_row_count= 300000; # let $max_row_count= 100000; # let $max_row_count= 30000; let $max_row_count= 10000; # ~ 322s on tmpfs (NB) # # Determine which variant to run. let $test_debug= 0; # # Number of concurrent sessions to be used in the high load test. let $max_con= 10; # Duration of the high load test in seconds. let $high_load_duration= 60; # Putting all objects into the SCHEMA my_schema makes the final cleanup easier. # We simply run than DROP SCHEMA my_schema. CREATE SCHEMA my_schema; USE my_schema; CREATE FUNCTION f_thread_id (i INT) RETURNS CHAR(4) DETERMINISTIC RETURN CONCAT(LPAD(CAST(i AS CHAR),3,'_'),'_') ; SELECT CONCAT('->', f_thread_id( 1), '<-'); SELECT CONCAT('->', f_thread_id(12), '<-'); # Definition of parameters used in functions. # We use here a "1" in order to make the impact on the results of the functions # good visible. SET @extra_int = 1; SET @extra_string = f_thread_id(@extra_int); SELECT @extra_int , @extra_string; # The different functions are used later when filling t1 and also during # RQG testing. They serve to generate the difference between column values # in different rows in different areas of the column. # Fictional example: # row 1 col_int0=1 colx='1abcdefgh' coly='abcd1efgh' colz='abcdefgh1' # row 2 col_int0=2 colx='2abcdefgh' coly='abcd2efgh' colz='abcdefgh2' # The function f_ is for the column with the name . # There is a function # - for every column except col_int0 # - even if the SQL for generating the value is simple. # The reason for this is the architecture of the RQG test. let $part= AS my_result FROM (SELECT 1 AS my_col UNION SELECT 12 UNION SELECT 123 UNION SELECT 1234 UNION SELECT 12345) AS tx; let $function_name= f_col_int1; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS INT(20) DETERMINISTIC RETURN i * 1000 + @extra_int ; eval SELECT $function_name(my_col) $part; let $function_name= f_col_int2; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS INT(20) DETERMINISTIC RETURN @extra_int * 10000000 + i ; eval SELECT $function_name(my_col) $part; let $function_name= f_col_int3; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS INT(20) DETERMINISTIC RETURN @extra_int ; eval SELECT $function_name(my_col) $part; let $function_name= f_col_blob; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS BLOB DETERMINISTIC RETURN RPAD(@extra_string,(@@innodb_page_size / 2 ) + 1,'a'); eval SELECT CONCAT('->', SUBSTR($function_name(my_col) FROM 1 FOR 10), '<-.....->', SUBSTR($function_name(my_col) FROM -10 FOR 10), '<-') $part; let $function_name= f_col_char0; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS CHAR(255) DETERMINISTIC RETURN LPAD(CAST(i AS CHAR),255,' '); eval SELECT CONCAT('->', $function_name(my_col), '<-') $part; let $function_name= f_col_char1; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS CHAR(26) DETERMINISTIC RETURN CONCAT('B', LPAD(SUBSTR(CAST(i AS CHAR),1,(LENGTH(CAST(i AS CHAR)) DIV 2)),10,' '), @extra_string, RPAD(SUBSTR(CAST(i AS CHAR), -((LENGTH(CAST(i AS CHAR)) + 1) DIV 2)),10,' '), 'E') ; eval SELECT CONCAT('->', $function_name(my_col), '<-') $part; let $function_name= f_col_char2; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS CHAR(26) DETERMINISTIC RETURN CONCAT('B', RPAD(SUBSTR(CAST(i AS CHAR),1,(LENGTH(CAST(i AS CHAR)) DIV 2)),10,' '), @extra_string, LPAD(SUBSTR(CAST(i AS CHAR), -((LENGTH(CAST(i AS CHAR)) + 1) DIV 2)),10,' '), 'E'); eval SELECT CONCAT('->', $function_name(my_col), '<-') $part; let $function_name= f_col_char3; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS CHAR(26) DETERMINISTIC RETURN CONCAT('B',@extra_string,LPAD(CAST(i AS CHAR),20,' '),'E'); eval SELECT CONCAT('->', $function_name(my_col), '<-') $part; let $function_name= f_col_char4; eval CREATE FUNCTION $function_name (i INT) RETURNS CHAR(26) DETERMINISTIC RETURN CONCAT('B',RPAD(CAST(i AS CHAR),20,' '),@extra_string,'E'); eval SELECT CONCAT('->', $function_name(my_col), '<-') $part; # Auxiliary table for figuring out the impact of scenarios on # information_schema.innodb_metrics content. CREATE TABLE my_metrics LIKE information_schema.innodb_metrics; ALTER TABLE my_metrics ADD COLUMN phase ENUM('after', 'before'), DROP COLUMN SUBSYSTEM, DROP COLUMN TYPE, DROP COLUMN COMMENT, ADD PRIMARY KEY (NAME,phase); let $empty_my_metrics= DELETE FROM my_metrics; let $before_my_metrics= INSERT INTO my_metrics SELECT NAME, COUNT, MAX_COUNT, MIN_COUNT, AVG_COUNT, COUNT_RESET, MAX_COUNT_RESET, MIN_COUNT_RESET, AVG_COUNT_RESET, TIME_ENABLED, TIME_DISABLED, TIME_ELAPSED, TIME_RESET, STATUS, 'before' FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE NAME LIKE 'innodb_rwlock_sx_%'; let $after_my_metrics= INSERT INTO my_metrics SELECT NAME, COUNT, MAX_COUNT, MIN_COUNT, AVG_COUNT, COUNT_RESET, MAX_COUNT_RESET, MIN_COUNT_RESET, AVG_COUNT_RESET, TIME_ENABLED, TIME_DISABLED, TIME_ELAPSED, TIME_RESET, STATUS, 'after' FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE NAME LIKE 'innodb_rwlock_sx_%'; let $print_metrics= SELECT NAME, COUNT, MAX_COUNT, MIN_COUNT, AVG_COUNT, COUNT_RESET, MAX_COUNT_RESET, MIN_COUNT_RESET, AVG_COUNT_RESET, TIME_ENABLED, TIME_DISABLED, TIME_ELAPSED, TIME_RESET, STATUS FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE NAME LIKE 'innodb_rwlock_sx_%' ORDER BY NAME; # The main table for testing. CREATE TABLE t1 ( col_int0 BIGINT, col_int1 BIGINT, col_int2 BIGINT, col_int3 BIGINT, col_blob BLOB, col_char0 VARCHAR(255), col_char1 VARCHAR(30), col_char2 VARCHAR(30), col_char3 VARCHAR(30), col_char4 VARCHAR(30) ) ENGINE = InnoDB; # Use many indexes with mostly significant size in order to cause # some heavy use of sx locks during data generation. ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx_col_int0 (col_int0), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx1 (col_int1, col_char0), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx2 (col_int2, col_char0, col_int1), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx3 (col_int3, col_int2, col_char0), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx4 (col_char1, col_char0), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx5 (col_char2, col_char0, col_char1), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx6 (col_char3, col_char2, col_char0), ADD UNIQUE KEY uidx7 (col_int1, col_int2, col_int3, col_char4, col_char1, col_char2, col_char3, col_char0), ADD KEY idx8 (col_blob(10), col_char4); delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE proc_fill_t1 (max_row_count INT, load_unit INT) BEGIN DECLARE my_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE max_load_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t0; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t0 (col_int0 BIGINT, PRIMARY KEY(col_int0)); WHILE (my_count < load_unit ) DO SET my_count = my_count + 1; INSERT INTO t0 SET col_int0 = my_count; END WHILE; SET max_load_count = (SELECT (max_row_count DIV load_unit) + 1 ); SELECT COUNT(col_int0) INTO @val FROM t1; SET my_count = 0; REPEAT INSERT INTO t1 (col_int0, col_int1, col_int2, col_int3, col_blob, col_char0, col_char1, col_char2,col_char3,col_char4) SELECT col_int0 + @val, f_col_int1(col_int0 + @val), f_col_int2(col_int0 + @val), f_col_int3(col_int0 + @val), f_col_blob(col_int0 + @val), f_col_char0(col_int0 + @val), f_col_char1(col_int0 + @val), f_col_char2(col_int0 + @val), f_col_char3(col_int0 + @val), f_col_char4(col_int0 + @val) FROM t0; COMMIT; SELECT MAX(col_int0) INTO @val FROM t1; SET my_count = my_count + 1; UNTIL( my_count > max_load_count OR @val >= max_row_count ) END REPEAT; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t0; END| delimiter ;| delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE proc_dml (max_duration INT, t1_stripe_half INT) BEGIN DECLARE aux INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE start_time INT; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION, SQLWARNING, NOT FOUND BEGIN END; SET @extra_int = CONNECTION_ID(); SET @extra_string = f_thread_id(@extra_int); SELECT ROUND(MAX(col_int0) / 2 ) INTO @t1_half FROM t1; # The user lock 'Blocker' should be already set by some other session S1. # S1 starts the race by releasing that lock. # Wait till the lock is released and the lock can be obtained. # In order to prevent endless waiting in case of non foreseen problems # limit the timespan to 30 seconds. SELECT GET_LOCK('Blocker', 30) INTO @aux; # Release the lock immediate so that the other "runner" sessions start too. SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('Blocker') INTO @aux; SET start_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); WHILE (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - start_time < max_duration) DO SET @aux = @t1_half - t1_stripe_half + ROUND(RAND() * t1_stripe_half * 2); UPDATE t1 SET col_int1 = f_col_int1(col_int0), col_int2 = f_col_int2(col_int0), col_int3 = f_col_int3(col_int0), col_blob = f_col_blob(col_int0), col_char0 = f_col_char0(col_int0), col_char1 = f_col_char1(col_int0), col_char2 = f_col_char2(col_int0), col_char3 = f_col_char3(col_int0), col_char4 = f_col_char4(col_int0) WHERE col_int0 = @aux; COMMIT; END WHILE; END| delimiter ;| SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%"; SET @pre_reset_ts = NOW(); --sleep 1.1 SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%"; SET @pre_enable_ts = NOW(); --sleep 1.1 SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_enable = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%"; --sleep 1.1 SET @pre_collect_ts = NOW(); eval $empty_my_metrics; eval $before_my_metrics; --echo # TC-01 There are exact three entries "innodb_rwlock_sx_%" with the --echo # with the name which follow in innodb_metrics. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> 3 FROM my_metrics WHERE NAME IN ('innodb_rwlock_sx_spin_waits', 'innodb_rwlock_sx_spin_rounds', 'innodb_rwlock_sx_os_waits'); if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT NAME FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME; exit; } --echo # pass SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @sx_count FROM my_metrics; --echo # TC-02 Counting is now enabled. ALL = @sx_count entries show that. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE STATUS = 'enabled'; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT NAME, STATUS FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-03 @pre_reset_ts < TIME_RESET. ALL = @sx_count entries show that. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE @pre_reset_ts < TIME_RESET; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT NAME, @pre_reset_ts, TIME_RESET FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-04 @pre_enable_ts < TIME_ENABLED. ALL = @sx_count entries show that. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE @pre_enable_ts < TIME_ENABLED; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT NAME, @pre_enable_ts, TIME_ENABLED FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-05 TIME_RESET < TIME_ENABLED AND TIME_ENABLED < @pre_collect_ts --echo # AND TIME_ELAPSED > 0. ALL = @sx_count entries show that. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE TIME_RESET < TIME_ENABLED AND TIME_ENABLED < @pre_collect_ts AND TIME_ELAPSED > 0; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT NAME, @pre_collect_ts, TIME_RESET, TIME_ENABLED, TIME_ELAPSED FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-06 COUNT_RESET = MAX_COUNT_RESET. ALL = @sx_count entries show that. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE COUNT_RESET = MAX_COUNT_RESET; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT NAME, COUNT_RESET, MAX_COUNT_RESET FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME; exit; } --echo # pass SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%"; --disable_result_log if($test_debug) { --enable_result_log eval $print_metrics; } SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; --enable_result_log eval $empty_my_metrics; eval $before_my_metrics; # These values (the "0") help to identify later if some record is in its # initial state or already modified. SET @extra_string = '__0_'; SET @extra_int = 0; --echo # TC-07 One session inserts some significant amount of rows into t1. --echo # The system MUST survive that. --replace_result $max_row_count eval SET @max_row_count = $max_row_count; --replace_result $load_unit eval SET @load_unit = $load_unit; SET @start_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); SET AUTOCOMMIT = OFF; CALL proc_fill_t1 (@max_row_count, @load_unit); --echo # pass SET AUTOCOMMIT = ON; SELECT col_int0 INTO @t1_half FROM t1 WHERE col_int0 >= (@val DIV 2) ORDER BY col_int0 LIMIT 1; --disable_result_log if($test_debug) { --enable_result_log SELECT COUNT(*) AS table_row_count, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time AS fill_run_time FROM t1; eval $print_metrics; } SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; --enable_result_log # Show that the value distribution is according to the plan. --vertical_results SELECT col_int0, col_int1, col_int2, col_int3, CONCAT('->', SUBSTR(col_blob FROM 1 FOR 10), '<-.....->', SUBSTR(col_blob FROM -10 FOR 10), '<-') AS col_blobx, CONCAT('->',col_char0,'<-') AS col_char0x, CONCAT('->',col_char1,'<-') AS col_char1x, CONCAT('->',col_char2,'<-') AS col_char2x, CONCAT('->',col_char3,'<-') AS col_char3x, CONCAT('->',col_char4,'<-') AS col_char4x FROM t1 WHERE col_int0 between 98 AND 102; --horizontal_results # For experiments/interest only. Please do not remove that. if (0) { ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT n_rows, clustered_index_size, sum_of_other_index_sizes FROM mysql.innodb_table_stats; # SELECT * FROM mysql.innodb_index_stats; # idx_col_int3_int0 n_diff_pfx01 1 col_int3 # idx_col_int3_int0 n_diff_pfx02 10000 col_int3,col_int0 # idx_col_int3_int0 n_diff_pfx03 10000 col_int3,col_int0,DB_ROW_ID # idx_col_int3_int0 n_leaf_pages 19 Number of leaf pages in the index # idx_col_int3_int0 size 20 Number of pages in the index --vertical_results SELECT t1.index_name, t1.stat_value AS idx_pages, t2.stat_value AS idx_leaf_pages, (t1.stat_value - t2.stat_value - 1) / t1.stat_value AS sx_page_ratio FROM mysql.innodb_index_stats t1, mysql.innodb_index_stats t2 WHERE t1.index_name = t2.index_name AND t1.stat_name = 'size' AND t2.stat_name = 'n_leaf_pages' ORDER BY t1.index_name; --horizontal_results } --echo # TC-11 Several concurrent sessions perform updates in t1 like mad. --echo # The system MUST survive this. --echo # Printing of statements is partially suppressed. SET @start_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE col_int0 = @t1_half FOR UPDATE; SELECT GET_LOCK('Blocker', 1000) ; --disable_query_log let $num= $max_con; while ($num) { --connect (con$num,localhost,root,,) USE my_schema; # The second parameter of the procedure is size of the affected stripe / 2. # A smaller stripe causes some smaller counter growth but most probably # also more stress around locking in general. # Example # (nnnn) = half stripe size # NAME | COUNT_RESET (5000) | COUNT_RESET (100) # -----------------------------+--------------------+---------------- # innodb_rwlock_sx_os_waits | 1412 | 486 # innodb_rwlock_sx_spin_rounds | 44061 | 17031 # innodb_rwlock_sx_spin_waits | 996 | 515 --send eval CALL proc_dml($high_load_duration,@t1_half); dec $num; } --connection default SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('Blocker') ; --sleep 3 COMMIT; let $num= $max_con; while ($num) { --connection con$num --reap dec $num; } --echo # pass --connection default --enable_query_log # let $wait_timeout= 181; # --source include/wait_condition.inc # eval $after_my_metrics; --disable_result_log if($test_debug) { --enable_result_log SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time AS update_battle_run_time; eval $print_metrics; } SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; --enable_result_log --echo # TC-13 One session performs ALTER TABLE t1 ADD KEY ... on the fat table t1. --echo # The system MUST survive this. SET @start_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD KEY idx_col_char4_col_char0 (col_char4,col_char0); --disable_result_log if($test_debug) { --enable_result_log SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time AS add_key_run_time; eval $print_metrics; } SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; --enable_result_log --echo # pass --echo # TC-15 One session performs a fat update on the fat table t1. --echo # The system MUST survive this. SET @start_time = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); SET @extra_int = 13; SET @extra_string = f_thread_id(@extra_int); eval UPDATE t1 SET col_int1 = f_col_int1(col_int0), col_int2 = f_col_int2(col_int0), col_int3 = f_col_int3(col_int0), col_blob = f_col_blob(col_int0), col_char0 = f_col_char0(col_int0), col_char1 = f_col_char1(col_int0), col_char2 = f_col_char2(col_int0), col_char3 = f_col_char3(col_int0), col_char4 = f_col_char4(col_int0) WHERE col_int0 BETWEEN @t1_half - 2500 AND @t1_half + 2500; COMMIT; --disable_result_log if($test_debug) { --enable_result_log SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time AS total_update_run_time; eval $print_metrics; } SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; --enable_result_log --echo # pass # Basically every of the big activities causes some counter growth. # But caused by # - the architecture of InnoDB (certain things happen asynchronous) # - the actual test configuration (server/InnoDB options) # - conditions like parallel (./mtr --parallel=auto?) load on the testing box # this might be not fulfilled per single big activity every time except # we go with huge waits or similar. # Observation: # - non debug binaries: expectation frequent not fulfilled # - debug binaries: expectation rare not fulfilled # let $wait_timeout= 121; let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = @sx_count FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics t_after JOIN my_metrics t_before ON t_after.COUNT_RESET > t_before.COUNT_RESET AND t_after.NAME = t_before.NAME; --source include/wait_condition.inc eval $after_my_metrics; --echo # TC-16 The following activities happend after reset in innodb_metrics --echo # - Insert some significant amount of rows into t1. --echo # - Several concurrent users perform excessive updates in t1. --echo # - ALTER TABLE ... ADD KEY --echo # - One UPDATE statement modifying a huge slice of t1. --echo # Any of them causes heavy use of SX lock and therefore COUNT_RESET --echo # must have grown for ALL = @sx_count entries. # The former testcases TC-10 and TC12 had to be made a part of this testcase # because their results were unstable. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics t_after JOIN my_metrics t_before ON t_after.COUNT_RESET > t_before.COUNT_RESET AND t_after.NAME = t_before.NAME WHERE t_after.phase = 'after' AND t_before.phase = 'before'; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT * FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME, phase; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-09 Heavy activity after reset. --echo # COUNT_RESET = MAX_COUNT_RESET for ALL = @sx_count entries --echo # needs to stay valid though he counters will have grown. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE phase = 'after' AND COUNT_RESET = MAX_COUNT_RESET; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT * FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME, phase; exit; } --echo # pass eval $empty_my_metrics; eval $before_my_metrics; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%"; eval $after_my_metrics; --echo # TC-08 There was a reset. COUNT_RESET = MAX_COUNT_RESET for ALL --echo # = @sx_count entries. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE phase = 'before' AND COUNT_RESET = MAX_COUNT_RESET; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT * FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME, phase; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-17 We had heavy activity causing big counters and after that a reset. --echo # Reset causes COUNT > COUNT_RESET AND MAX_COUNT > MAX_COUNT_RESET --echo # for ALL @sx_count entries. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics WHERE phase = 'after' AND COUNT > COUNT_RESET AND MAX_COUNT > MAX_COUNT_RESET; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT * FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME, phase; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-18 We had some reset but this must not decrease COUNT or MAX_COUNT --echo # after.COUNT >= before.COUNT AND --echo # after.MAX_COUNT >= before.MAX_COUNT for ALL @sx_count entries. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics t_after JOIN my_metrics t_before ON t_after.COUNT >= t_before.COUNT AND t_after.MAX_COUNT >= t_before.MAX_COUNT AND t_after.NAME = t_before.NAME WHERE t_after.phase = 'after' AND t_before.phase = 'before'; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT * FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME, phase; exit; } --echo # pass --echo # TC-19 We had some reset after heavy activity and this must cause --echo # after.COUNT_RESET < before.COUNT_RESET --echo # AND after.MAX_COUNT_RESET < before.MAX_COUNT_RESET AND --echo # for ALL @sx_count entries. let $check_statement= SELECT COUNT(*) <> @sx_count FROM my_metrics t_after JOIN my_metrics t_before ON t_after.COUNT_RESET < t_before.COUNT_RESET AND t_after.MAX_COUNT_RESET < t_before.MAX_COUNT_RESET AND t_after.NAME = t_before.NAME WHERE t_after.phase = 'after' AND t_before.phase = 'before'; if(`$check_statement`) { --echo # fail eval $check_statement; SELECT * FROM my_metrics ORDER BY NAME, phase; exit; } --echo # pass # Cleanup let $num= $max_con; while ($num) { --connection con$num --disconnect con$num --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc dec $num; } --connection default USE test; DROP SCHEMA my_schema; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable = all; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset_all = all; --disable_warnings SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_enable = default; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable = default; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset = default; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset_all = default; --enable_warnings SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_disable = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%"; SET GLOBAL innodb_monitor_reset = "innodb_rwlock_sx_%";