# # WL#6326: InnoDB: fix index->lock contention # --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/have_innodb_16k.inc --disable_query_log SET @old_innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = @@innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug; SET @old_innodb_adaptive_hash_index = @@innodb_adaptive_hash_index; SET @old_innodb_stats_persistent = @@innodb_stats_persistent; --enable_query_log # Save the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/count_sessions.inc SET GLOBAL innodb_adaptive_hash_index = false; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent = false; --connect (con1,localhost,root,,) --connect (con2,localhost,root,,) --connect (con3,localhost,root,,) CREATE TABLE t1 ( a00 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a01 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a02 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a03 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a04 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a05 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a06 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', b INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) ENGINE = InnoDB; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD CONSTRAINT pkey PRIMARY KEY( a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06 ); # # Prepare primary key index tree to be used for this test. # # Only root (1) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # Make the first records sparse artificially, # not to cause modify_tree by single node_ptr insert operation. # * (7 - 2) records should be larger than a half of the page size # * (7 + 2) records should be fit to the page # (above t1 definition is already adjusted) SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = 7; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('aa'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ab'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ac'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ad'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ae'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('af'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ag'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ah'); # Raise root (1-2) # (aa,ad) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad,ae,af,ag,ah) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ai'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('aj'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ak'); # Split leaf (1-3) # (aa,ad,ak) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj)(ak) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('al'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('am'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('an'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ao'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ap'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('aq'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ar'); # Split leaf (1-4) # (aa,ad,ak,ar) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj)(ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq)(ar) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('as'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('at'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('au'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('av'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('aw'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ax'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ay'); # Split leaf (1-5) # (aa,ad,ak,ar,ay) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj)(ak,al,am,an,ao,ap,aq)(ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax)(ay) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('az'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ba'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bb'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bc'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bd'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('be'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bf'); # Split leaf (1-6) # (aa,ad,ak,ar,ay,bf) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad..)(ak..)(ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax)(ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be)(bf) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bg'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bh'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bi'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bj'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bk'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bl'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bm'); # Split leaf (1-7) # (aa,ad,ak,ar,ay,bf,bm) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad..)(ak..)(ar..)(ay,az,ba,bb,bc,bd,be)(bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl)(bm) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bn'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bo'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bp'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bq'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('br'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bs'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bt'); # Raise root (1-2-8) # (aa,ar) # (aa,ad,ak) (ar,ay,bf,bm,bt) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad..)(ak..)(ar..)(ay..)(bf..)(bm..)(bt) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bu'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bv'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bw'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bx'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('by'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bz'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ca'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cb'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cc'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cd'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ce'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cf'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cg'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ch'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ci'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cj'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ck'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cl'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cm'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cn'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('co'); # Split also at level 1 (1-3-11) # (aa,ar,co) # (aa,ad,ak) (ar,ay,bf,bm,bt,ca,ch) (co) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad..)(ak..)(ar..)(ay..)(bf..)(bm..)(bt..)(ca..)(ch..)(co) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cp'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cq'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cr'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cs'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ct'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cu'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cv'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cw'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cx'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cy'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cz'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('da'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('db'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dc'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dd'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('de'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('df'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dg'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dh'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('di'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dj'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dk'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dl'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dm'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dn'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('do'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dp'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dq'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dr'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ds'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dt'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('du'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dv'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dw'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dx'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dy'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('dz'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ea'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('eb'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ec'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ed'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ee'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ef'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('eg'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('eh'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ei'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ej'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ek'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('el'); # Split also at level 1 (1-4-18) # (aa,ar,co,el) # (aa,ad,ak) (ar,ay,bf,bm,bt,ca,ch) (co,cv,dc,dj,dq,dx,ee) (el) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad..)(ak..)(ar..)(ay..)(bf..)(bm..)(bt..)(ca..)(ch..)(co..)(cv..)(dc..)(dj..)(dq..)(dx..)(ee..)(el) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('em'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('en'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('eo'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ep'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('eq'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('er'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('es'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('et'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('eu'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ev'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ew'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ex'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ey'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ez'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fa'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fb'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fc'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fd'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fe'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ff'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fg'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fh'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fi'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fj'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fk'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fl'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fm'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fn'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fo'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fp'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fq'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fr'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fs'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ft'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fu'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fv'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fw'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fx'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fy'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('fz'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ga'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gb'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gc'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gd'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('ge'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gf'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gg'); INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gh'); # Current tree form (1-4-24) # (aa,ar,co,el) # (aa,ad,ak) (ar,ay,bf,bm,bt,ca,ch) (co,cv,dc,dj,dq,dx,ee) (el..,gb) # (aa,ab,ac)(ad..)(ak..)(ar..)(ay..)(bf..)(bm..)(bt..)(ca..)(ch..)(co..)(cv..)(dc..)(dj..)(dq..)(dx..)(ee..)(el..)..(gb..) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # Insert the rest of records normally SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = 0; --echo # Test start # (1) Insert records to leaf page (bf..) and cause modify_page. # - root page is not X latched # - latched from level 1 page (ar,ay,bf,bm,bt,ca,ch) SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; # Filling leaf page (bf..) INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bfa'); --connection con1 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'before_insert_pessimitic_row_ins_clust SIGNAL reached WAIT_FOR continue'; # Cause modify_tree --send INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('bfb'); --connection con2 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR reached'; # Not blocked searches SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'aa'; SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'aq'; # "where a00 = 'co'" is blocked because searching from smaller ('co','a','a',..). SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'cp'; SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'el'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait1'; # Blocked --send SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'ar'; --connection con3 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait2'; # Blocked --send SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'cn'; --connection default # FIXME: These occasionally time out! --disable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait1 TIMEOUT 1'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait2 TIMEOUT 1'; --enable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL continue'; --connection con1 --reap --connection con2 --reap --connection con3 --reap --connection default ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # (2) Insert records to leaf page (co..) and cause modify_page # - root page is X latched, because node_ptr for 'co' # is 1st record for (co,cv,dc,dj,dq,dx,ee) # # * ordinary pessimitic insert might be done by pessistic update # and we should consider possibility node_ptr to be deleted. SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; # Filling leaf page (co..) INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('coa'); --connection con1 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'before_insert_pessimitic_row_ins_clust SIGNAL reached WAIT_FOR continue'; # Cause modify_tree --send INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('cob'); --connection con2 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR reached'; # All searches are blocked because root page is X latched SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait1'; # Blocked --send SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'aa'; --connection con3 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait2'; # Blocked --send SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'el'; --connection default # FIXME: These occasionally time out! --disable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait1 TIMEOUT 1'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait2 TIMEOUT 1'; --enable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL continue'; --connection con1 --reap --connection con2 --reap --connection con3 --reap --connection default ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # (3) Insert records to rightmost leaf page (gb..) and cause modify_page # - root page is not X latched, because node_ptr for 'gb' is the last record # of the level 1 though it is last record in the page. # - lathed from level 1 page (el..,gb) SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; # Filling leaf page (gb..) INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gba'); --connection con1 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'before_insert_pessimitic_row_ins_clust SIGNAL reached WAIT_FOR continue'; # Cause modify_tree --send INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES ('gbb'); --connection con2 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR reached'; # Not blocked searches SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'aa'; SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'ek'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait1'; # Blocked --send SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'el'; --connection con3 SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait2'; # Blocked --send SELECT a00,a01 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'gb'; --connection default # FIXME: These occasionally time out! --disable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait1 TIMEOUT 1'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait2 TIMEOUT 1'; --enable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL continue'; --connection con1 --reap --connection con2 --reap --connection con3 --reap --connection default ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # Cleanup SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; --connection default --disconnect con1 --disconnect con2 --disconnect con3 DROP TABLE t1; --disable_query_log SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = @old_innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug; SET GLOBAL innodb_adaptive_hash_index = @old_innodb_adaptive_hash_index; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent = @old_innodb_stats_persistent; --enable_query_log # Wait till all disconnects are completed. --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc