# # Test for Bug#30113362 : BTR_CUR_WILL_MODIFY_TREE() IS INSUFFICIENT FOR HIGHER TREE LEVEL # --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/have_innodb_16k.inc --disable_query_log SET @old_innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = @@innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug; SET @old_innodb_adaptive_hash_index = @@innodb_adaptive_hash_index; SET @old_innodb_stats_persistent = @@innodb_stats_persistent; --enable_query_log # Save the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/count_sessions.inc SET GLOBAL innodb_adaptive_hash_index = false; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent = false; connect (purge_control,localhost,root,,); START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; --connect (con2,localhost,root,,) CREATE TABLE t1 ( a00 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a01 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', a02 CHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'a', b INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT pkey PRIMARY KEY(a00, a01, a02) ) charset latin1 ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT='MERGE_THRESHOLD=45'; # # Prepare primary key index tree to be used for this test. # SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = 3; delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE data_load_t1() BEGIN DECLARE c1 INT DEFAULT 97; DECLARE c2 INT DEFAULT 97; DECLARE c3 INT DEFAULT 97; WHILE c1 < 102 DO WHILE c2 < 123 DO WHILE c3 < 123 DO INSERT INTO t1 (a00) VALUES (CHAR(c1,c2,c3)); SET c3 = c3 + 1; END WHILE; SET c3 = 97; SET c2 = c2 + 1; END WHILE; SET c2 = 97; SET c1 = c1 + 1; END WHILE; END | delimiter ;| call data_load_t1(); DROP PROCEDURE data_load_t1; # all node pages are sparse (max 3 node_ptrs) ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; connection con2; DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'cnm'; COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 SET a00 = 'cnm'; # causes "domino falling" merges to upper level connection purge_control; COMMIT; connection con2; SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = 0; ROLLBACK; # at this moment, in the tree, # ... # level 4: ...(ast,avw,ayz)(bcc,bff,bii,bll,boo,brr,buu,bxx,cba,ced,cqp,cts)(cwv,czy,ddb)... # ... --echo # Test start # (1) Similar case to the first reported corefile at bug#30113362 # - Deleting 'bii' causes "domino falling" merges and the node_ptr becomes left_most of level 4. # So, the operation needs upper level pages' X-latch, though doesn't cause merge more. connection purge_control; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; connection con2; DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'bii'; COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 SET a00 = 'bii'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rollback_undo_pk SIGNAL roll1_wait WAIT_FOR roll2'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rollback_purge_clust SIGNAL rollback_waiting WAIT_FOR resume'; send ROLLBACK; connection purge_control; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR roll1_wait'; COMMIT; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL roll2'; connect (con1,localhost,root,,); # FIXME: This occasionally times out! --disable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR rollback_waiting TIMEOUT 1'; --enable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait1'; send SELECT a00 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'bii'; connection default; # FIXME: This occasionally times out! --disable_warnings SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait1 TIMEOUT 1'; --enable_warnings # bug#30113362 caused deadlock SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL resume'; connection con1; reap; connection con2; reap; connection default; ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # (2) Confirm blocking domain caused by DELETE modify_tree for tall index tree # at this moment, in the tree, # ... # level 4: ...(ajk,amn,apq)(ast,avw,ayz,bll,boo,brr,buu,bxx,cba,ced,cqp,cts)(cwv,czy,ddb)(dge,djh,dmk)(dpn,dsq,dvt)(dyw,ebz,efc)... # ... # makes >17 records in level4 [(2^(4-1))*2 + 1]. (causes never left_most records) DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'dpn'; COMMIT; INSERT INTO t1 SET a00 = 'dpn'; ROLLBACK; # at this moment, in the tree, # (* before "]" and after "[" records are treated as left_most possible records) # ... # level 4: ...(ajk,amn,apq)(ast,avw,ayz,bll,boo,brr,buu,bxx],cba,ced,[cqp,cts,cwv,czy,ddb,dge,dsq,dvt)(dyw,ebz,efc)... # level 3: ...(cba,ccb,cdc)(ced,cfe,cgf,chg],cih,cji,[ckj,clk,con,cpo)(cqp,crq,csr)... # level 2: ...(ckj,cks,clb)(clk,clt],cmc,cml,cmu,cnd,[cnv,coe)(con,cow,cpf)... # level 1: ...(cmu,cmx,cna)(cnd],cng,cnj,cnp,[cns)(cnv,cny,cob)... # level 0: ...(cnd,cne,cnf)(cng,cnh,cni)(cnj,cnk,cnl,cnn,cno)(cnp,cnq,cnr)... # deletes just 'ced' node_ptr only from level 4. doesn't cause merge and never left_most. # adjusts MERGE_THRESHOLD to do so. ALTER TABLE t1 COMMENT='MERGE_THRESHOLD=35'; connection purge_control; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; connection con2; DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'cnd'; COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 SET a00 = 'cnd'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rollback_undo_pk SIGNAL roll1_wait WAIT_FOR roll2'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rollback_purge_clust SIGNAL rollback_waiting WAIT_FOR resume EXECUTE 2'; send ROLLBACK; connection purge_control; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR roll1_wait'; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL roll2'; connection con1; # FIXME: For some reason, we will not always receive these signals! --disable_warnings # An optimistic row_undo_mod_remove_clust_low() will fail. SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR rollback_waiting TIMEOUT 1'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL resume'; # Wait for the pessimistic row_undo_mod_remove_clust_low() attempt. SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR rollback_waiting TIMEOUT 1'; --enable_warnings disconnect purge_control; # The expectation should be... # level 0: (#cnd#,cne,cnf): causes merge # level 1: (#cnd#],cng,cnj,cnp,[cns): left_most # level 2: (clk,clt],cmc,cml,cmu,#cnd#,[cnv,coe): causes merge # level 3: (ced,cfe,cgf,chg],cih,cji,[ckj,#clk#,con,cpo): left_most possible (not cause merge) # level 4: (ast,avw,ayz,bll,boo,brr,buu,bxx],cba,#ced#,[cqp,cts,cwv,czy,ddb,dge,dsq,dvt): no merge, not left_most possible # So, the top X-latch page is at level4. (ast~dvt) # blocking domain based on whether its ancestor is latched or not. # (*[]: ancestor is X-latched) # level 0: ...(asq,asr,ass) [(ast,asu,asv)...(dyt,dyu,dyv)] (dyw,dyx,dyy)... # Not blocked searches ## In MariaDB, both these will block, because we use different DEBUG_SYNC ## instrumentation (in rollback, not purge) and the root page (number 3) ## is being latched in row_undo_mod_remove_clust_low(). ## SELECT a00 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'ass'; ## SELECT a00 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'dyx'; ## SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait1'; ## send SELECT a00 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'ast'; ## connection con2; ## SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'rw_s_lock_waiting SIGNAL lockwait2'; ## send SELECT a00 FROM t1 WHERE a00 = 'dyw'; connection default; ## SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait1'; ## SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR lockwait2'; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL resume'; ## connection con1; ## reap; disconnect con1; connection con2; reap; disconnect con2; connection default; ANALYZE TABLE t1; SELECT CLUST_INDEX_SIZE FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS WHERE NAME = 'test/t1'; # Cleanup SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'RESET'; DROP TABLE t1; --disable_query_log SET GLOBAL innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug = @old_innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug; SET GLOBAL innodb_adaptive_hash_index = @old_innodb_adaptive_hash_index; SET GLOBAL innodb_stats_persistent = @old_innodb_stats_persistent; --enable_query_log --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc