--echo # --echo # Bug#69122 - INNODB DOESN'T REDO-LOG INSERT BUFFER MERGE --echo # OPERATION IF IT IS DONE IN-PLACE --echo # --source include/have_innodb.inc # innodb_change_buffering_debug option is debug only --source include/have_debug.inc # Embedded server does not support crashing --source include/not_embedded.inc # DBUG_SUICIDE() hangs under valgrind --source include/not_valgrind.inc # This test is slow on buildbot. --source include/big_test.inc --source include/have_sequence.inc call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: innodb_read_only prevents crash recovery"); call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin initialization aborted at srv0start\\.cc"); call mtr.add_suppression("Plugin 'InnoDB'"); FLUSH TABLES; CREATE TABLE t1( a INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, b CHAR(1), c INT, INDEX(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB STATS_PERSISTENT=0; --let $_server_id= `SELECT @@server_id` --let $_expect_file_name= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.$_server_id.expect # The flag innodb_change_buffering_debug is only available in debug builds. # It instructs InnoDB to try to evict pages from the buffer pool when # change buffering is possible, so that the change buffer will be used # whenever possible. SET GLOBAL innodb_change_buffering_debug = 1; let SEARCH_FILE = $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.1.err; # Create enough rows for the table, so that the change buffer will be # used for modifying the secondary index page. There must be multiple # index pages, because changes to the root page are never buffered. INSERT INTO t1 SELECT 0,'x',1 FROM seq_1_to_8192; BEGIN; SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 3; connect (con1,localhost,root,,); BEGIN; DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a=1; # This should be buffered, if innodb_change_buffering_debug = 1 is in effect. INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,'X',1); SET DEBUG_DBUG='+d,crash_after_log_ibuf_upd_inplace'; --exec echo "wait" > $_expect_file_name --error 2013 # This should force a change buffer merge SELECT b FROM t1 LIMIT 3; disconnect con1; connection default; let SEARCH_PATTERN=Wrote log record for ibuf update in place operation; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let $restart_parameters= --innodb-read-only --source include/start_mysqld.inc CHECK TABLE t1; --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc let SEARCH_PATTERN=innodb_read_only prevents crash recovery; --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let $restart_parameters= --innodb-force-recovery=5 --source include/start_mysqld.inc SELECT * FROM t1 LIMIT 1; replace_regex /.*operations:.* (insert.*), delete \d.*discarded .*/\1/; SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; # Slow shutdown will not merge the changes due to innodb_force_recovery=5. SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0; --let $restart_parameters= --source include/restart_mysqld.inc CHECK TABLE t1; replace_regex /.*operations:.* (insert.*), delete \d.*discarded .*/\1/; SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; DROP TABLE t1;