select * from information_schema.innodb_trx; trx_id trx_state trx_started trx_requested_lock_id trx_wait_started trx_weight trx_mysql_thread_id trx_query trx_operation_state trx_tables_in_use trx_tables_locked trx_lock_structs trx_lock_memory_bytes trx_rows_locked trx_rows_modified trx_concurrency_tickets trx_isolation_level trx_unique_checks trx_foreign_key_checks trx_last_foreign_key_error trx_adaptive_hash_latched trx_is_read_only trx_autocommit_non_locking Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_trx but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_locks; lock_id lock_trx_id lock_mode lock_type lock_table lock_index lock_space lock_page lock_rec lock_data Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_locks but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_lock_waits; requesting_trx_id requested_lock_id blocking_trx_id blocking_lock_id Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_lock_waits but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_cmp; page_size compress_ops compress_ops_ok compress_time uncompress_ops uncompress_time Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmp but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_cmp_reset; page_size compress_ops compress_ops_ok compress_time uncompress_ops uncompress_time Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmp_reset but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index; database_name table_name index_name compress_ops compress_ops_ok compress_time uncompress_ops uncompress_time Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmp_per_index but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_cmp_per_index_reset; database_name table_name index_name compress_ops compress_ops_ok compress_time uncompress_ops uncompress_time Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmp_per_index_reset but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_cmpmem; page_size buffer_pool_instance pages_used pages_free relocation_ops relocation_time Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmpmem but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_cmpmem_reset; page_size buffer_pool_instance pages_used pages_free relocation_ops relocation_time Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_cmpmem_reset but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_metrics; NAME SUBSYSTEM COUNT MAX_COUNT MIN_COUNT AVG_COUNT COUNT_RESET MAX_COUNT_RESET MIN_COUNT_RESET AVG_COUNT_RESET TIME_ENABLED TIME_DISABLED TIME_ELAPSED TIME_RESET STATUS TYPE COMMENT metadata_table_handles_opened metadata 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of table handles opened metadata_table_handles_closed metadata 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of table handles closed metadata_table_reference_count metadata 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Table reference counter lock_deadlocks lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of deadlocks lock_timeouts lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of lock timeouts lock_rec_lock_waits lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times enqueued into record lock wait queue lock_table_lock_waits lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times enqueued into table lock wait queue lock_rec_lock_requests lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of record locks requested lock_rec_lock_created lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of record locks created lock_rec_lock_removed lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of record locks removed from the lock queue lock_rec_locks lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Current number of record locks on tables lock_table_lock_created lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of table locks created lock_table_lock_removed lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of table locks removed from the lock queue lock_table_locks lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Current number of table locks on tables lock_row_lock_current_waits lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of row locks currently being waited for (innodb_row_lock_current_waits) lock_row_lock_time lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Time spent in acquiring row locks, in milliseconds (innodb_row_lock_time) lock_row_lock_time_max lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds (innodb_row_lock_time_max) lock_row_lock_waits lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of times a row lock had to be waited for (innodb_row_lock_waits) lock_row_lock_time_avg lock 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value The average time to acquire a row lock, in milliseconds (innodb_row_lock_time_avg) buffer_pool_size server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Server buffer pool size (all buffer pools) in bytes buffer_pool_reads buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of reads directly from disk (innodb_buffer_pool_reads) buffer_pool_read_requests buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of logical read requests (innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests) buffer_pool_write_requests buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of write requests (innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests) buffer_pool_wait_free buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of times waited for free buffer (innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free) buffer_pool_read_ahead buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pages read as read ahead (innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead) buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Read-ahead pages evicted without being accessed (innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted) buffer_pool_pages_total buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Total buffer pool size in pages (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total) buffer_pool_pages_misc buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Buffer pages for misc use such as row locks or the adaptive hash index (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc) buffer_pool_pages_data buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Buffer pages containing data (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data) buffer_pool_bytes_data buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Buffer bytes containing data (innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data) buffer_pool_pages_dirty buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Buffer pages currently dirty (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty) buffer_pool_bytes_dirty buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Buffer bytes currently dirty (innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty) buffer_pool_pages_free buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Buffer pages currently free (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free) buffer_pages_created buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pages created (innodb_pages_created) buffer_pages_written buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pages written (innodb_pages_written) buffer_index_pages_written buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of index pages written (innodb_index_pages_written) buffer_non_index_pages_written buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of non index pages written (innodb_non_index_pages_written) buffer_pages_read buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pages read (innodb_pages_read) buffer_pages0_read buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of page 0 read (innodb_pages0_read) buffer_index_sec_rec_cluster_reads buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of secondary record reads triggered cluster read buffer_index_sec_rec_cluster_reads_avoided buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of secondary record reads avoided triggering cluster read buffer_data_reads buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Amount of data read in bytes (innodb_data_reads) buffer_data_written buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Amount of data written in bytes (innodb_data_written) buffer_flush_batch_scanned buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages scanned as part of flush batch buffer_flush_batch_num_scan buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of times buffer flush list flush is called buffer_flush_batch_scanned_per_call buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages scanned per flush batch scan buffer_flush_batch_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages flushed as part of flush batch buffer_flush_batches buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of flush batches buffer_flush_batch_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as a flush batch buffer_flush_neighbor_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total neighbors flushed as part of neighbor flush buffer_flush_neighbor buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of times neighbors flushing is invoked buffer_flush_neighbor_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as a neighbor batch buffer_flush_n_to_flush_requested buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages requested for flushing. buffer_flush_n_to_flush_by_age buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages target by LSN Age for flushing. buffer_flush_adaptive_avg_time_slot buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Avg time (ms) spent for adaptive flushing recently per slot. buffer_LRU_batch_flush_avg_time_slot buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Avg time (ms) spent for LRU batch flushing recently per slot. buffer_flush_adaptive_avg_time_thread buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Avg time (ms) spent for adaptive flushing recently per thread. buffer_LRU_batch_flush_avg_time_thread buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Avg time (ms) spent for LRU batch flushing recently per thread. buffer_flush_adaptive_avg_time_est buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Estimated time (ms) spent for adaptive flushing recently. buffer_LRU_batch_flush_avg_time_est buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Estimated time (ms) spent for LRU batch flushing recently. buffer_flush_avg_time buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Avg time (ms) spent for flushing recently. buffer_flush_adaptive_avg_pass buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Numner of adaptive flushes passed during the recent Avg period. buffer_LRU_batch_flush_avg_pass buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of LRU batch flushes passed during the recent Avg period. buffer_flush_avg_pass buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of flushes passed during the recent Avg period. buffer_LRU_get_free_loops buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Total loops in LRU get free. buffer_LRU_get_free_waits buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Total sleep waits in LRU get free. buffer_flush_avg_page_rate buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Average number of pages at which flushing is happening buffer_flush_lsn_avg_rate buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Average redo generation rate buffer_flush_pct_for_dirty buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Percent of IO capacity used to avoid max dirty page limit buffer_flush_pct_for_lsn buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Percent of IO capacity used to avoid reusable redo space limit buffer_flush_sync_waits buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times a wait happens due to sync flushing buffer_flush_adaptive_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages flushed as part of adaptive flushing buffer_flush_adaptive buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of adaptive batches buffer_flush_adaptive_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as an adaptive batch buffer_flush_sync_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages flushed as part of sync batches buffer_flush_sync buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of sync batches buffer_flush_sync_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as a sync batch buffer_flush_background_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages flushed as part of background batches buffer_flush_background buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of background batches buffer_flush_background_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as a background batch buffer_LRU_batch_scanned buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages scanned as part of LRU batch buffer_LRU_batch_num_scan buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of times LRU batch is called buffer_LRU_batch_scanned_per_call buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages scanned per LRU batch call buffer_LRU_batch_flush_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages flushed as part of LRU batches buffer_LRU_batches_flush buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of LRU batches buffer_LRU_batch_flush_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as an LRU batch buffer_LRU_batch_evict_total_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages evicted as part of LRU batches buffer_LRU_batches_evict buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of LRU batches buffer_LRU_batch_evict_pages buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Pages queued as an LRU batch buffer_LRU_single_flush_scanned buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages scanned as part of single page LRU flush buffer_LRU_single_flush_num_scan buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of times single page LRU flush is called buffer_LRU_single_flush_scanned_per_call buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Page scanned per single LRU flush buffer_LRU_single_flush_failure_count Buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times attempt to flush a single page from LRU failed buffer_LRU_get_free_search Buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of searches performed for a clean page buffer_LRU_search_scanned buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages scanned as part of LRU search buffer_LRU_search_num_scan buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of times LRU search is performed buffer_LRU_search_scanned_per_call buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Page scanned per single LRU search buffer_LRU_unzip_search_scanned buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_owner Total pages scanned as part of LRU unzip search buffer_LRU_unzip_search_num_scan buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Number of times LRU unzip search is performed buffer_LRU_unzip_search_scanned_per_call buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled set_member Page scanned per single LRU unzip search buffer_page_read_index_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Index Leaf Pages read buffer_page_read_index_non_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Index Non-leaf Pages read buffer_page_read_index_ibuf_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Index Leaf Pages read buffer_page_read_index_ibuf_non_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Index Non-Leaf Pages read buffer_page_read_undo_log buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Undo Log Pages read buffer_page_read_index_inode buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Index Inode Pages read buffer_page_read_ibuf_free_list buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Free List Pages read buffer_page_read_ibuf_bitmap buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Bitmap Pages read buffer_page_read_system_page buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of System Pages read buffer_page_read_trx_system buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Transaction System Pages read buffer_page_read_fsp_hdr buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of File Space Header Pages read buffer_page_read_xdes buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Extent Descriptor Pages read buffer_page_read_blob buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Uncompressed BLOB Pages read buffer_page_read_zblob buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of First Compressed BLOB Pages read buffer_page_read_zblob2 buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Subsequent Compressed BLOB Pages read buffer_page_read_other buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of other/unknown (old version of InnoDB) Pages read buffer_page_written_index_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Index Leaf Pages written buffer_page_written_index_non_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Index Non-leaf Pages written buffer_page_written_index_ibuf_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Index Leaf Pages written buffer_page_written_index_ibuf_non_leaf buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Index Non-Leaf Pages written buffer_page_written_undo_log buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Undo Log Pages written buffer_page_written_index_inode buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Index Inode Pages written buffer_page_written_ibuf_free_list buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Free List Pages written buffer_page_written_ibuf_bitmap buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Insert Buffer Bitmap Pages written buffer_page_written_system_page buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of System Pages written buffer_page_written_trx_system buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Transaction System Pages written buffer_page_written_fsp_hdr buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of File Space Header Pages written buffer_page_written_xdes buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Extent Descriptor Pages written buffer_page_written_blob buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Uncompressed BLOB Pages written buffer_page_written_zblob buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of First Compressed BLOB Pages written buffer_page_written_zblob2 buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Subsequent Compressed BLOB Pages written buffer_page_written_other buffer_page_io 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of other/unknown (old version InnoDB) Pages written os_data_reads os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of reads initiated (innodb_data_reads) os_data_writes os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of writes initiated (innodb_data_writes) os_data_fsyncs os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of fsync() calls (innodb_data_fsyncs) os_pending_reads os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of reads pending os_pending_writes os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of writes pending os_log_bytes_written os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Bytes of log written (innodb_os_log_written) os_log_fsyncs os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of fsync log writes (innodb_os_log_fsyncs) os_log_pending_fsyncs os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pending fsync write (innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs) os_log_pending_writes os 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pending log file writes (innodb_os_log_pending_writes) trx_rw_commits transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of read-write transactions committed trx_ro_commits transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of read-only transactions committed trx_nl_ro_commits transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of non-locking auto-commit read-only transactions committed trx_commits_insert_update transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of transactions committed with inserts and updates trx_rollbacks transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of transactions rolled back trx_rollbacks_savepoint transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of transactions rolled back to savepoint trx_rollback_active transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of resurrected active transactions rolled back trx_active_transactions transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of active transactions trx_rseg_history_len transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Length of the TRX_RSEG_HISTORY list trx_undo_slots_used transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of undo slots used trx_undo_slots_cached transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of undo slots cached trx_rseg_current_size transaction 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Current rollback segment size in pages purge_del_mark_records purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of delete-marked rows purged purge_upd_exist_or_extern_records purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of purges on updates of existing records and updates on delete marked record with externally stored field purge_invoked purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times purge was invoked purge_undo_log_pages purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of undo log pages handled by the purge purge_dml_delay_usec purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Microseconds DML to be delayed due to purge lagging purge_stop_count purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Number of times purge was stopped purge_resume_count purge 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Number of times purge was resumed log_checkpoints recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of checkpoints log_lsn_last_flush recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value LSN of Last flush log_lsn_last_checkpoint recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value LSN at last checkpoint log_lsn_current recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Current LSN value log_lsn_checkpoint_age recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Current LSN value minus LSN at last checkpoint log_lsn_buf_pool_oldest recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value The oldest modified block LSN in the buffer pool log_max_modified_age_async recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Maximum LSN difference; when exceeded, start asynchronous preflush log_max_modified_age_sync recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Maximum LSN difference; when exceeded, start synchronous preflush log_pending_log_flushes recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Pending log flushes log_pending_checkpoint_writes recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Pending checkpoints log_num_log_io recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Number of log I/Os log_waits recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of log waits due to small log buffer (innodb_log_waits) log_write_requests recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of log write requests (innodb_log_write_requests) log_writes recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of log writes (innodb_log_writes) log_padded recovery 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Bytes of log padded for log write ahead compress_pages_compressed compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages compressed compress_pages_decompressed compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages decompressed compression_pad_increments compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times padding is incremented to avoid compression failures compression_pad_decrements compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times padding is decremented due to good compressibility compress_saved compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of bytes saved by page compression compress_pages_page_compressed compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages compressed by page compression compress_page_compressed_trim_op compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of TRIM operation performed by page compression compress_pages_page_decompressed compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages decompressed by page compression compress_pages_page_compression_error compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of page compression errors compress_pages_encrypted compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages encrypted compress_pages_decrypted compression 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of pages decrypted index_page_splits index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of index page splits index_page_merge_attempts index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of index page merge attempts index_page_merge_successful index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of successful index page merges index_page_reorg_attempts index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of index page reorganization attempts index_page_reorg_successful index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of successful index page reorganizations index_page_discards index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of index pages discarded adaptive_hash_searches adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of successful searches using Adaptive Hash Index adaptive_hash_searches_btree adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of searches using B-tree on an index search adaptive_hash_pages_added adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of index pages on which the Adaptive Hash Index is built adaptive_hash_pages_removed adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of index pages whose corresponding Adaptive Hash Index entries were removed adaptive_hash_rows_added adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Adaptive Hash Index rows added adaptive_hash_rows_removed adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Adaptive Hash Index rows removed adaptive_hash_rows_deleted_no_hash_entry adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of rows deleted that did not have corresponding Adaptive Hash Index entries adaptive_hash_rows_updated adaptive_hash_index 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of Adaptive Hash Index rows updated file_num_open_files file_system 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value Number of files currently open (innodb_num_open_files) ibuf_merges_insert change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of inserted records merged by change buffering ibuf_merges_delete_mark change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of deleted records merged by change buffering ibuf_merges_delete change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of purge records merged by change buffering ibuf_merges_discard_insert change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of insert merged operations discarded ibuf_merges_discard_delete_mark change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of deleted merged operations discarded ibuf_merges_discard_delete change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of purge merged operations discarded ibuf_merges change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of change buffer merges ibuf_size change_buffer 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Change buffer size in pages innodb_master_thread_sleeps server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times (seconds) master thread sleeps innodb_activity_count server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Current server activity count innodb_master_active_loops server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times master thread performs its tasks when server is active innodb_master_idle_loops server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of times master thread performs its tasks when server is idle innodb_background_drop_table_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent to process drop table list innodb_ibuf_merge_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent to process change buffer merge innodb_log_flush_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent to flush log records innodb_mem_validate_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent to do memory validation innodb_master_purge_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent by master thread to purge records innodb_dict_lru_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent to process DICT LRU list innodb_dict_lru_count_active server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of tables evicted from DICT LRU list in the active loop innodb_dict_lru_count_idle server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of tables evicted from DICT LRU list in the idle loop innodb_checkpoint_usec server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Time (in microseconds) spent by master thread to do checkpoint innodb_dblwr_writes server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of doublewrite operations that have been performed (innodb_dblwr_writes) innodb_dblwr_pages_written server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of pages that have been written for doublewrite operations (innodb_dblwr_pages_written) innodb_page_size server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled value InnoDB page size in bytes (innodb_page_size) innodb_rwlock_s_spin_waits server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rwlock spin waits due to shared latch request innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rwlock spin waits due to exclusive latch request innodb_rwlock_sx_spin_waits server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rwlock spin waits due to sx latch request innodb_rwlock_s_spin_rounds server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rwlock spin loop rounds due to shared latch request innodb_rwlock_x_spin_rounds server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rwlock spin loop rounds due to exclusive latch request innodb_rwlock_sx_spin_rounds server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rwlock spin loop rounds due to sx latch request innodb_rwlock_s_os_waits server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of OS waits due to shared latch request innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of OS waits due to exclusive latch request innodb_rwlock_sx_os_waits server 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of OS waits due to sx latch request dml_reads dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rows read dml_inserts dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rows inserted dml_deletes dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rows deleted dml_updates dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of rows updated dml_system_reads dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of system rows read dml_system_inserts dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of system rows inserted dml_system_deletes dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of system rows deleted dml_system_updates dml 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled status_counter Number of system rows updated ddl_background_drop_indexes ddl 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of indexes waiting to be dropped after failed index creation ddl_background_drop_tables ddl 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of tables in background drop table list ddl_online_create_index ddl 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of indexes being created online ddl_pending_alter_table ddl 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX in progress ddl_sort_file_alter_table ddl 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of sort files created during alter table ddl_log_file_alter_table ddl 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of log files created during alter table icp_attempts icp 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Number of attempts for index push-down condition checks icp_no_match icp 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Index push-down condition does not match icp_out_of_range icp 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Index push-down condition out of range icp_match icp 0 NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL disabled counter Index push-down condition matches select * from information_schema.innodb_ft_default_stopword; value a about an are as at be by com de en for from how i in is it la of on or that the this to was what when where who will with und the www select * from information_schema.innodb_ft_deleted; DOC_ID Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_ft_deleted but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_ft_being_deleted; DOC_ID Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_ft_being_deleted but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_ft_index_cache; WORD FIRST_DOC_ID LAST_DOC_ID DOC_COUNT DOC_ID POSITION Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_ft_index_cache but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_ft_index_table; WORD FIRST_DOC_ID LAST_DOC_ID DOC_COUNT DOC_ID POSITION Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_ft_index_table but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_ft_config; KEY VALUE Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_ft_config but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_buffer_page; POOL_ID BLOCK_ID SPACE PAGE_NUMBER PAGE_TYPE FLUSH_TYPE FIX_COUNT IS_HASHED NEWEST_MODIFICATION OLDEST_MODIFICATION ACCESS_TIME TABLE_NAME INDEX_NAME NUMBER_RECORDS DATA_SIZE COMPRESSED_SIZE PAGE_STATE IO_FIX IS_OLD FREE_PAGE_CLOCK Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_buffer_page but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_buffer_page_lru; POOL_ID LRU_POSITION SPACE PAGE_NUMBER PAGE_TYPE FLUSH_TYPE FIX_COUNT IS_HASHED NEWEST_MODIFICATION OLDEST_MODIFICATION ACCESS_TIME TABLE_NAME INDEX_NAME NUMBER_RECORDS DATA_SIZE COMPRESSED_SIZE COMPRESSED IO_FIX IS_OLD FREE_PAGE_CLOCK Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_buffer_page_lru but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_buffer_stats; select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_tables; TABLE_ID NAME FLAG N_COLS SPACE FILE_FORMAT ROW_FORMAT ZIP_PAGE_SIZE SPACE_TYPE Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_tables but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_tablestats; TABLE_ID NAME STATS_INITIALIZED NUM_ROWS CLUST_INDEX_SIZE OTHER_INDEX_SIZE MODIFIED_COUNTER AUTOINC REF_COUNT Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_tablestats but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_indexes; INDEX_ID NAME TABLE_ID TYPE N_FIELDS PAGE_NO SPACE MERGE_THRESHOLD Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_indexes but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_columns; TABLE_ID NAME POS MTYPE PRTYPE LEN Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_columns but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_fields; INDEX_ID NAME POS Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_fields but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_foreign; ID FOR_NAME REF_NAME N_COLS TYPE Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_foreign but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_foreign_cols; ID FOR_COL_NAME REF_COL_NAME POS Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_foreign_cols but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_tablespaces; SPACE NAME FLAG FILE_FORMAT ROW_FORMAT PAGE_SIZE ZIP_PAGE_SIZE SPACE_TYPE FS_BLOCK_SIZE FILE_SIZE ALLOCATED_SIZE Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_tablespaces but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_datafiles; SPACE PATH Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_datafiles but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_changed_pages; select * from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces_encryption; SPACE NAME ENCRYPTION_SCHEME KEYSERVER_REQUESTS MIN_KEY_VERSION CURRENT_KEY_VERSION KEY_ROTATION_PAGE_NUMBER KEY_ROTATION_MAX_PAGE_NUMBER CURRENT_KEY_ID ROTATING_OR_FLUSHING Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_tablespaces_encryption but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_tablespaces_scrubbing; SPACE NAME COMPRESSED LAST_SCRUB_COMPLETED CURRENT_SCRUB_STARTED CURRENT_SCRUB_ACTIVE_THREADS CURRENT_SCRUB_PAGE_NUMBER CURRENT_SCRUB_MAX_PAGE_NUMBER Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_tablespaces_scrubbing but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_mutexes; NAME CREATE_FILE CREATE_LINE OS_WAITS Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_mutexes but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed select * from information_schema.innodb_sys_semaphore_waits; THREAD_ID OBJECT_NAME FILE LINE WAIT_TIME WAIT_OBJECT WAIT_TYPE HOLDER_THREAD_ID HOLDER_FILE HOLDER_LINE CREATED_FILE CREATED_LINE WRITER_THREAD RESERVATION_MODE READERS WAITERS_FLAG LOCK_WORD LAST_READER_FILE LAST_READER_LINE LAST_WRITER_FILE LAST_WRITER_LINE OS_WAIT_COUNT Warnings: Warning 1012 InnoDB: SELECTing from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.innodb_sys_semaphore_waits but the InnoDB storage engine is not installed