SET @@session.default_storage_engine = 'MyISAM'; create or replace table t1 (b double generated always as (rand()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (curdate()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (current_date) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (current_date()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (current_time) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (current_time()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (current_timestamp()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (current_timestamp) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime generated always as (curtime()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b varchar(10) generated always as (localtime()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b varchar(10) generated always as (localtime) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b varchar(10) generated always as (localtimestamp()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b varchar(10) generated always as (localtimestamp) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b varchar(10) generated always as (now()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a int, b varchar(10) generated always as (sysdate()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b datetime generated always as (unix_timestamp()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b datetime generated always as (utc_date()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b datetime generated always as (utc_time()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a datetime, b datetime generated always as (utc_timestamp()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a int generated always as (connection_id()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(32) generated always as (current_user()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(32) generated always as (current_user) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (database()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(32) generated always as (schema()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(32) generated always as (session_user()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(32) generated always as (system_user()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (user()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024) generated always as (uuid_short()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024) generated always as (uuid()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (version()) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (encrypt(a)) virtual); create or replace table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (UpdateXML(a,'/a','fff')) virtual); drop table t1; # LOAD_FILE() create table t1 (a varchar(64), b varchar(1024) generated always as (load_file(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'load_file()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # MATCH() create table t1 (a varchar(32), b bool generated always as (match a against ('sample text')) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'match ... against()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # BENCHMARK() create table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (benchmark(a,3)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'benchmark()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # FOUND_ROWS() create table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (found_rows()) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'found_rows()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # GET_LOCK() create table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (get_lock(a,10)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'get_lock()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # IS_FREE_LOCK() create table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (is_free_lock(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'is_free_lock()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # IS_USED_LOCK() create table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (is_used_lock(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'is_used_lock()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # LAST_INSERT_ID() create table t1 (a int generated always as (last_insert_id()) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'last_insert_id()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `a` # MASTER_POS_WAIT() create table t1 (a varchar(32), b int generated always as (master_pos_wait(a,0,2)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'master_pos_wait()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # NAME_CONST() create table t1 (a varchar(32) generated always as (name_const('test',1)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'name_const()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `a` # RELEASE_LOCK() create table t1 (a varchar(32), b int generated always as (release_lock(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'release_lock()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # ROW_COUNT() create table t1 (a int generated always as (row_count()) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'row_count()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `a` # SLEEP() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (sleep(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'sleep()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # VALUES() create table t1 (a varchar(1024), b varchar(1024) generated always as (values(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'values()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # Stored procedures create procedure p1() begin select current_user(); end // create function f1() returns int begin return 1; end // create table t1 (a int generated always as (p1()) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression '`p1`()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `a` create table t1 (a int generated always as (f1()) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression '`f1`()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `a` drop procedure p1; drop function f1; # Unknown functions create table t1 (a int generated always as (f1()) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression '`f1`()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `a` # # GROUP BY FUNCTIONS # # AVG() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (avg(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'avg()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # BIT_AND() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (bit_and(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'bit_and()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # BIT_OR() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (bit_or(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'bit_or()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # BIT_XOR() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (bit_xor(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'bit_xor()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # COUNT(DISTINCT) create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (count(distinct a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'count(distinct )' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # COUNT() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (count(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'count()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # GROUP_CONCAT() create table t1 (a varchar(32), b int generated always as (group_concat(a,'')) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'group_concat()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # MAX() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (max(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'max()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # MIN() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (min(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'min()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # STD() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (std(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'std()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # STDDEV_POP() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (stddev_pop(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'std()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # STDDEV_SAMP() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (stddev_samp(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'std()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # STDDEV() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (stddev(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'std()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # SUM() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (sum(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'sum()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # VAR_POP() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (var_pop(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'variance()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # VAR_SAMP() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (var_samp(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'var_samp()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # VARIANCE() create table t1 (a int, b int generated always as (variance(a)) virtual); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'variance()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` # # Sub-selects # create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int, b int generated always as (select count(*) virtual from t1)); ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'select ...' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `b` drop table t1; # # Long expression create table t1 (a int, b varchar(300) generated always as (concat(a,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')) virtual); drop table t1; create table t1 (a int, b varchar(300) generated always as (concat(a,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')) virtual); drop table t1; # # Constant expression create table t1 (a int generated always as (PI()) virtual); drop table t1; # bug#21098119: GCOL WITH MATCH/AGAINST --> # ASSERTION FAILED: TR && TR->TABLE->FILE # create table t1 (a int); alter table t1 add column r blob generated always as (match(a) against ('' in boolean mode)) virtual; ERROR HY000: Function or expression 'match ... against()' cannot be used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `r` drop table t1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v1,v2; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,t2,t3; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg1; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trg2; set sql_warnings = 0;