# # A very basic test for the galera arbitrator. We shut down node #3 and use its port allocation to start garbd. # As MTR does not allow multiple servers to be down at the same time, we are limited as to what we can test. # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_garbd.inc --source include/big_test.inc --let $galera_connection_name = node_3 --let $galera_server_number = 3 --source include/galera_connect.inc # Save original auto_increment_offset values. --let $node_1=node_1 --let $node_2=node_2 --let $node_3=node_3 --source ../galera/include/auto_increment_offset_save.inc --echo Killing node #3 to free ports for garbd ... --connection node_3 --let $gp3 = `SELECT SUBSTR(@@wsrep_provider_options, LOCATE('base_port =', @@wsrep_provider_options) + LENGTH('base_port = '))` --let $galera_port_3 = `SELECT SUBSTR('$gp3', 1, LOCATE(';', '$gp3') - 1)` --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --connection node_1 --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 2 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size' --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo Starting garbd ... --let $gp1 = `SELECT SUBSTR(@@wsrep_provider_options, LOCATE('base_port =', @@wsrep_provider_options) + LENGTH('base_port = '))` --let $galera_port_1 = `SELECT SUBSTR('$gp1', 1, LOCATE(';', '$gp1') - 1)` --exec $MTR_GARBD_EXE --address "gcomm://$galera_port_1" --group my_wsrep_cluster --options 'base_port=$galera_port_3' > $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/garbd.log 2>&1 & --sleep 5 --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 3 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size' --source include/wait_condition.inc CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); --connection node_2 SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM t1; --echo Killing garbd ... --exec pkill --oldest --full garbd.*$galera_port_3 --sleep 5 --connection node_1 --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 2 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size' --source include/wait_condition.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); --connection node_2 SELECT COUNT(*) = 2 FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo Restarting node #3 to satisfy MTR's end-of-test checks --connection node_3 --source include/start_mysqld.inc # Restore original auto_increment_offset values. --source ../galera/include/auto_increment_offset_restore.inc # Workaround for galera#101 --connection node_1 CALL mtr.add_suppression("WSREP: Protocol violation\. JOIN message sender 1\.0 \(.*\) is not in state transfer \(SYNCED\)"); --connection node_2 CALL mtr.add_suppression("WSREP: Protocol violation\. JOIN message sender 1\.0 \(.*\) is not in state transfer \(SYNCED\)"); --connection node_3 CALL mtr.add_suppression("WSREP: Protocol violation\. JOIN message sender 1\.0 \(.*\) is not in state transfer \(SYNCED\)");