# # MW-286 Spurious deadlock error after error with wsrep_desync and wsrep_on # --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/big_test.inc --connection node_1 CREATE TABLE ten (f1 INTEGER) Engine=InnoDB; INSERT INTO ten VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER) Engine=InnoDB; # Insert some values before the ALTER INSERT INTO t1 (f1) SELECT 000000 + (10000 * a1.f1) + (1000 * a2.f1) + (100 * a3.f1) + (10 * a4.f1) + a5.f1 FROM ten AS a1, ten AS a2, ten AS a3, ten AS a4, ten AS a5; # Insert more values while the ALTER is running --send INSERT INTO t1 (f1) SELECT 100000 + (10000 * a1.f1) + (1000 * a2.f1) + (100 * a3.f1) + (10 * a4.f1) + a5.f1 FROM ten AS a1, ten AS a2, ten AS a3, ten AS a4, ten AS a5; --connection node_2 SET GLOBAL wsrep_desync = TRUE; SET wsrep_on = FALSE; --error 0,ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (f1); SET wsrep_on = TRUE; SET GLOBAL wsrep_desync = FALSE; --connection node_1 reap; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE ten;