# # MDEV-8598 : Failed MySQL DDL commands and Galera replication # # On node 1 connection node_1; USE test; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2; CREATE TABLE t1(i INT) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUE(1); SELECT * FROM t1; i 1 # Create a new user 'foo' with limited privileges CREATE USER foo@localhost; GRANT SELECT on test.* TO foo@localhost; # Open connection to the 1st node using 'test_user1' user. connect foo_node_1,localhost,foo,,test,$port_1,; connection foo_node_1; SELECT * FROM t1; i 1 # Following RENAME should not replicate to other node. RENAME TABLE t1 TO t2; ERROR 42000: DROP, ALTER command denied to user 'foo'@'localhost' for table 't1' # On node 2 connection node_2; USE test; SELECT * FROM t1; i 1 # On node_1 connection node_1; RENAME TABLE t1 TO t2; SHOW TABLES; Tables_in_test t2 # On node 2 connection node_2; USE test; SELECT * FROM t2; i 1 connection node_1; DROP USER foo@localhost; DROP TABLE t2; # End of tests