#### suite/funcs_1/storedproc/storedproc_08.inc # --source include/default_charset.inc --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/load_sp_tb.inc # ============================================================================== # (numbering from requirement document TP v1.0, Last updated: 25 Jan 2005 01:00) # # 3.1.8 SHOW statement checks: # #- 1. Ensure that the definition of a procedure is properly recorded and displayed when a SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS statement is executed. #- 2. Ensure that the definition of a procedure is not displayed when a SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS statement is executed. #- 3. Ensure that an attempt to execute SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS, with the name of a non-existent procedure, fails with an appropriate error message. #- 4. Ensure that an attempt to execute SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS, with the name of a function, fails with an appropriate error message. #- 5. Ensure that the definition of a function is properly recorded and displayed when a SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS statement is executed. #- 6. Ensure that the definition of a function is not displayed when a SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS statement is executed. #- 7. Ensure that an attempt to execute SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS, with the name of a non-existent function, fails with an appropriate error message. #- 8. Ensure that an attempt to execute SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS, with the name of a procedure, fails with an appropriate error message. ## 9. Ensure that all stored procedure changes made with ALTER PROCEDURE or ALTER FUNCTION are properly recorded and displayed when a SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS statement, or a SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS statement (respectively) is executed. #- 10. Ensure that, when a stored procedure is dropped, its definition no longer appears when a SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS statement, or a SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS statement (respectively) is executed. # # ============================================================================== let $message= Section 3.1.8 - SHOW statement checks:; --source include/show_msg80.inc # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let $message= Testcase; --source include/show_msg.inc let $message= Ensure that all stored procedure changes made with ALTER PROCEDURE or ALTER FUNCTION are properly recorded and displayed when a SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE STATUS statement, or a SHOW CREATE FUNCTION or SHOW CREATE FUNCTION STATUS statement (respectively) is executed.; --source include/show_msg80.inc --disable_warnings DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS fn_1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS fn_2; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_2; --enable_warnings delimiter //; CREATE PROCEDURE sp_1 (i1 int) BEGIN set @x=i1; END// CREATE PROCEDURE sp_2 (i1 int) SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'created with INVOKER' BEGIN set @x=i1; END// CREATE FUNCTION fn_1 (i1 longtext, i2 mediumint , i3 longblob, i4 year, i5 real) returns year BEGIN set @x=i1; set @y=@x; return i4; END// CREATE FUNCTION fn_2 (i1 longtext, i2 mediumint , i3 longblob, i4 year, i5 real) RETURNS YEAR SQL SECURITY INVOKER COMMENT 'created with INVOKER' BEGIN set @x=i1; set @y=@x; return i4; END// delimiter ;// --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/storedproc_08_show.inc let $message= ... now change some stuff:; --source include/show_msg.inc # some of the changes might be 'strange' here, but they are used here ONLY to # check that the changes are recorded / showd correct ALTER PROCEDURE sp_1 SQL SECURITY INVOKER; ALTER PROCEDURE sp_1 COMMENT 'new comment, SP changed to INVOKER'; ALTER PROCEDURE sp_2 SQL SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER PROCEDURE sp_2 DROP COMMENT; ALTER PROCEDURE sp_2 COMMENT 'SP changed to DEFINER'; ALTER PROCEDURE sp_2 READS SQL DATA; ALTER FUNCTION fn_1 SQL SECURITY INVOKER; ALTER FUNCTION fn_1 COMMENT 'new comment, FN changed to INVOKER'; ALTER FUNCTION fn_1 NO SQL; ALTER FUNCTION fn_2 SQL SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER FUNCTION fn_2 COMMENT 'FN changed to DEFINER'; ALTER FUNCTION fn_2 MODIFIES SQL DATA; --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/storedproc_08_show.inc let $message= ... change back to default and check result:; --source include/show_msg.inc ALTER FUNCTION fn_2 CONTAINS SQL; --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/storedproc_08_show.inc # cleanup let $message= ... cleanup; --source include/show_msg.inc DROP FUNCTION fn_1; DROP FUNCTION fn_2; DROP PROCEDURE sp_1; # ============================================================================== # USE the same .inc to cleanup before and after the test --source suite/funcs_1/storedproc/cleanup_sp_tb.inc # ============================================================================== let $message= . +++ END OF SCRIPT +++; --source include/show_msg80.inc # ==============================================================================