SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'mysql' ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME ORDINAL_POSITION COLUMN_DEFAULT IS_NULLABLE DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH NUMERIC_PRECISION NUMERIC_SCALE DATETIME_PRECISION CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME COLUMN_TYPE COLUMN_KEY EXTRA PRIVILEGES COLUMN_COMMENT IS_GENERATED GENERATION_EXPRESSION def mysql columns_priv Column_name 5 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql columns_priv Column_priv 7 '' NO set 31 93 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','References') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql columns_priv Db 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql columns_priv Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql columns_priv Table_name 4 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql columns_priv Timestamp 6 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql columns_priv User 3 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats avg_frequency 8 NULL YES decimal NULL NULL 12 4 NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats avg_length 7 NULL YES decimal NULL NULL 12 4 NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats column_name 3 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats db_name 1 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats histogram 11 NULL YES varbinary 255 255 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL varbinary(255) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats hist_size 9 NULL YES tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(3) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats hist_type 10 NULL YES enum 14 42 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats max_value 5 NULL YES varbinary 255 255 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL varbinary(255) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats min_value 4 NULL YES varbinary 255 255 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL varbinary(255) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats nulls_ratio 6 NULL YES decimal NULL NULL 12 4 NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql column_stats table_name 2 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Alter_priv 13 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Alter_routine_priv 19 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Create_priv 8 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Create_routine_priv 18 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Create_tmp_table_priv 14 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Create_view_priv 16 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Db 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Delete_priv 7 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Drop_priv 9 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Event_priv 21 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Execute_priv 20 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Grant_priv 10 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Index_priv 12 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Insert_priv 5 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Lock_tables_priv 15 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db References_priv 11 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Select_priv 4 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Show_view_priv 17 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Trigger_priv 22 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db Update_priv 6 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql db User 3 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event body 3 NULL NO longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL longblob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event body_utf8 22 NULL YES longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL longblob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event character_set_client 19 NULL YES char 32 96 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(32) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event collation_connection 20 NULL YES char 32 96 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(32) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event comment 16 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event created 8 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event db 1 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event db_collation 21 NULL YES char 32 96 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(32) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event definer 4 '' NO char 141 423 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(141) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event ends 12 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL datetime select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event execute_at 5 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL datetime select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event interval_field 7 NULL YES enum 18 54 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('YEAR','QUARTER','MONTH','DAY','HOUR','MINUTE','WEEK','SECOND','MICROSECOND','YEAR_MONTH','DAY_HOUR','DAY_MINUTE','DAY_SECOND','HOUR_MINUTE','HOUR_SECOND','MINUTE_SECOND','DAY_MICROSECOND','HOUR_MICROSECOND','MINUTE_MICROSECOND','SECOND_MICROSECOND') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event interval_value 6 NULL YES int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event last_executed 10 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL datetime select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event modified 9 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event name 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event on_completion 14 'DROP' NO enum 8 24 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('DROP','PRESERVE') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event originator 17 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event sql_mode 15 '' NO set 494 1482 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('REAL_AS_FLOAT','PIPES_AS_CONCAT','ANSI_QUOTES','IGNORE_SPACE','IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS','ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION','NO_DIR_IN_CREATE','POSTGRESQL','ORACLE','MSSQL','DB2','MAXDB','NO_KEY_OPTIONS','NO_TABLE_OPTIONS','NO_FIELD_OPTIONS','MYSQL323','MYSQL40','ANSI','NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO','NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES','STRICT_TRANS_TABLES','STRICT_ALL_TABLES','NO_ZERO_IN_DATE','NO_ZERO_DATE','INVALID_DATES','ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO','TRADITIONAL','NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER','HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE','NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION','PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event starts 11 NULL YES datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL datetime select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event status 13 'ENABLED' NO enum 18 54 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('ENABLED','DISABLED','SLAVESIDE_DISABLED') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql event time_zone 18 'SYSTEM' NO char 64 64 NULL NULL NULL latin1 latin1_swedish_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql func dl 3 '' NO char 128 384 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(128) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql func name 1 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql func ret 2 0 NO tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql func type 4 NULL NO enum 9 27 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('function','aggregate') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql general_log argument 6 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql general_log command_type 5 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql general_log event_time 1 current_timestamp(6) NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 NULL NULL timestamp(6) on update current_timestamp(6) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql general_log server_id 4 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql general_log thread_id 3 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql general_log user_host 2 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql gtid_slave_pos domain_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql gtid_slave_pos seq_no 4 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql gtid_slave_pos server_id 3 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql gtid_slave_pos sub_id 2 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_category help_category_id 1 NULL NO smallint NULL NULL 5 0 NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_category name 2 NULL NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) UNI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_category parent_category_id 3 NULL YES smallint NULL NULL 5 0 NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_category url 4 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci text select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_keyword help_keyword_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_keyword name 2 NULL NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) UNI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_relation help_keyword_id 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_relation help_topic_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_topic description 4 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci text select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_topic example 5 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci text select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_topic help_category_id 3 NULL NO smallint NULL NULL 5 0 NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_topic help_topic_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_topic name 2 NULL NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) UNI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql help_topic url 6 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci text select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Alter_priv 12 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Alter_routine_priv 18 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Create_priv 7 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Create_routine_priv 17 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Create_tmp_table_priv 13 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Create_view_priv 15 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Db 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Delete_priv 6 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Drop_priv 8 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Execute_priv 19 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Grant_priv 9 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Index_priv 11 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Insert_priv 4 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Lock_tables_priv 14 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host References_priv 10 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Select_priv 3 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Show_view_priv 16 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Trigger_priv 20 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql host Update_priv 5 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql index_stats avg_frequency 5 NULL YES decimal NULL NULL 12 4 NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql index_stats db_name 1 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql index_stats index_name 3 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql index_stats prefix_arity 4 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql index_stats table_name 2 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats database_name 1 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats index_name 3 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats last_update 4 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats sample_size 7 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats stat_description 8 NULL NO varchar 1024 3072 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(1024) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats stat_name 5 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats stat_value 6 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_index_stats table_name 2 NULL NO varchar 199 597 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(199) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_table_stats clustered_index_size 5 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_table_stats database_name 1 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_table_stats last_update 3 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_table_stats n_rows 4 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_table_stats sum_of_other_index_sizes 6 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql innodb_table_stats table_name 2 NULL NO varchar 199 597 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(199) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql plugin dl 2 '' NO varchar 128 384 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(128) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql plugin name 1 '' NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc body 11 NULL NO longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL longblob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc body_utf8 20 NULL YES longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL longblob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc character_set_client 17 NULL YES char 32 96 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(32) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc collation_connection 18 NULL YES char 32 96 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(32) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc comment 16 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc created 13 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc db 1 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc db_collation 19 NULL YES char 32 96 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(32) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc definer 12 '' NO char 141 423 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(141) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc is_deterministic 7 'NO' NO enum 3 9 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('YES','NO') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc language 5 'SQL' NO enum 3 9 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('SQL') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc modified 14 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc name 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc param_list 9 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc returns 10 NULL NO longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL longblob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc security_type 8 'DEFINER' NO enum 7 21 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('INVOKER','DEFINER') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc specific_name 4 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc sql_data_access 6 'CONTAINS_SQL' NO enum 17 51 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('CONTAINS_SQL','NO_SQL','READS_SQL_DATA','MODIFIES_SQL_DATA') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc sql_mode 15 '' NO set 494 1482 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('REAL_AS_FLOAT','PIPES_AS_CONCAT','ANSI_QUOTES','IGNORE_SPACE','IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS','ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION','NO_DIR_IN_CREATE','POSTGRESQL','ORACLE','MSSQL','DB2','MAXDB','NO_KEY_OPTIONS','NO_TABLE_OPTIONS','NO_FIELD_OPTIONS','MYSQL323','MYSQL40','ANSI','NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO','NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES','STRICT_TRANS_TABLES','STRICT_ALL_TABLES','NO_ZERO_IN_DATE','NO_ZERO_DATE','INVALID_DATES','ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO','TRADITIONAL','NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER','HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE','NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION','PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proc type 3 NULL NO enum 9 27 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Db 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Grantor 6 '' NO char 141 423 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(141) MUL select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Proc_priv 7 '' NO set 27 81 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Execute','Alter Routine','Grant') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Routine_name 4 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Routine_type 5 NULL NO enum 9 27 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv Timestamp 8 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql procs_priv User 3 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv Grantor 6 '' NO char 141 423 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(141) MUL select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv Proxied_host 3 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv Proxied_user 4 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv Timestamp 7 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv User 2 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql proxies_priv With_grant 5 0 NO tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql roles_mapping Admin_option 4 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql roles_mapping Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql roles_mapping Role 3 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql roles_mapping User 2 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Db 3 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Host 2 '' NO varchar 2048 6144 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(2048) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Owner 9 '' NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Password 5 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Port 6 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(4) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Server_name 1 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Socket 7 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Username 4 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(80) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql servers Wrapper 8 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log db 7 NULL NO varchar 512 1536 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log insert_id 9 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log last_insert_id 8 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log lock_time 4 NULL NO time NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 NULL NULL time(6) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log query_time 3 NULL NO time NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 NULL NULL time(6) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log rows_affected 13 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log rows_examined 6 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log rows_sent 5 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log server_id 10 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log sql_text 11 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log start_time 1 current_timestamp(6) NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 6 NULL NULL timestamp(6) on update current_timestamp(6) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log thread_id 12 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql slow_log user_host 2 NULL NO mediumtext 16777215 16777215 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Column_priv 8 '' NO set 31 93 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','References') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Db 2 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Grantor 5 '' NO char 141 423 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(141) MUL select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Table_name 4 '' NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Table_priv 7 '' NO set 98 294 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete','Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter','Create View','Show view','Trigger') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv Timestamp 6 current_timestamp() NO timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL 0 NULL NULL timestamp on update current_timestamp() select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql tables_priv User 3 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql table_stats cardinality 3 NULL YES bigint NULL NULL 20 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql table_stats db_name 1 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql table_stats table_name 2 NULL NO varchar 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone Time_zone_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI auto_increment select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone Use_leap_seconds 2 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('Y','N') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_leap_second Correction 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_leap_second Transition_time 1 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_name Name 1 NULL NO char 64 192 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_name Time_zone_id 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition Time_zone_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition Transition_time 2 NULL NO bigint NULL NULL 19 0 NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition Transition_type_id 3 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition_type Abbreviation 5 '' NO char 8 24 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci char(8) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition_type Is_DST 4 0 NO tinyint NULL NULL 3 0 NULL NULL NULL tinyint(3) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition_type Offset 3 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition_type Time_zone_id 1 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql time_zone_transition_type Transition_type_id 2 NULL NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Alter_priv 17 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Alter_routine_priv 28 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user authentication_string 42 NULL NO text 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin text select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Create_priv 8 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Create_routine_priv 27 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Create_tablespace_priv 32 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Create_tmp_table_priv 20 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Create_user_priv 29 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Create_view_priv 25 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user default_role 45 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Delete_priv 7 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Drop_priv 9 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Event_priv 30 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Execute_priv 22 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user File_priv 13 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Grant_priv 14 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Host 1 '' NO char 60 180 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(60) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Index_priv 16 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Insert_priv 5 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user is_role 44 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Lock_tables_priv 21 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user max_connections 39 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user max_questions 37 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user max_statement_time 46 0.000000 NO decimal NULL NULL 12 6 NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,6) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user max_updates 38 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user max_user_connections 40 0 NO int NULL NULL 10 0 NULL NULL NULL int(11) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Password 3 '' NO char 41 41 NULL NULL NULL latin1 latin1_bin char(41) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user password_expired 43 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user plugin 41 '' NO char 64 64 NULL NULL NULL latin1 latin1_swedish_ci char(64) select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Process_priv 12 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user References_priv 15 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Reload_priv 10 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Repl_client_priv 24 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Repl_slave_priv 23 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Select_priv 4 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Show_db_priv 18 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Show_view_priv 26 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Shutdown_priv 11 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user ssl_cipher 34 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user ssl_type 33 '' NO enum 9 27 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('','ANY','X509','SPECIFIED') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Super_priv 19 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Trigger_priv 31 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user Update_priv 6 'N' NO enum 1 3 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user User 2 '' NO char 80 240 NULL NULL NULL utf8 utf8_bin char(80) PRI select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user x509_issuer 35 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL def mysql user x509_subject 36 NULL NO blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL blob select,insert,update,references NEVER NULL ########################################################################## # Show the quotient of CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH and CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH ########################################################################## SELECT DISTINCT CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS COL_CML, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'mysql' AND CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = 1 ORDER BY CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME, COL_CML; COL_CML DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME 1.0000 blob NULL NULL 1.0000 longblob NULL NULL 1.0000 varbinary NULL NULL 1.0000 char latin1 latin1_bin 1.0000 char latin1 latin1_swedish_ci 1.0000 text utf8 utf8_bin 1.0000 mediumtext utf8 utf8_general_ci 1.0000 text utf8 utf8_general_ci SELECT DISTINCT CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS COL_CML, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'mysql' AND CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH <> 1 ORDER BY CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME, COL_CML; COL_CML DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME 3.0000 char utf8 utf8_bin 3.0000 enum utf8 utf8_bin 3.0000 varchar utf8 utf8_bin 3.0000 char utf8 utf8_general_ci 3.0000 enum utf8 utf8_general_ci 3.0000 set utf8 utf8_general_ci 3.0000 varchar utf8 utf8_general_ci SELECT DISTINCT CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS COL_CML, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'mysql' AND CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH IS NULL ORDER BY CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME, COL_CML; COL_CML DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME NULL bigint NULL NULL NULL datetime NULL NULL NULL decimal NULL NULL NULL int NULL NULL NULL smallint NULL NULL NULL time NULL NULL NULL timestamp NULL NULL NULL tinyint NULL NULL --> CHAR(0) is allowed (see manual), and here both CHARACHTER_* values --> are 0, which is intended behavior, and the result of 0 / 0 IS NULL SELECT CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH / CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS COL_CML, TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME, COLUMN_TYPE FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'mysql' ORDER BY TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, ORDINAL_POSITION; COL_CML TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH CHARACTER_SET_NAME COLLATION_NAME COLUMN_TYPE 3.0000 mysql columns_priv Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql columns_priv Db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql columns_priv User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql columns_priv Table_name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql columns_priv Column_name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) NULL mysql columns_priv Timestamp timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp 3.0000 mysql columns_priv Column_priv set 31 93 utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','References') 3.0000 mysql column_stats db_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql column_stats table_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql column_stats column_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 1.0000 mysql column_stats min_value varbinary 255 255 NULL NULL varbinary(255) 1.0000 mysql column_stats max_value varbinary 255 255 NULL NULL varbinary(255) NULL mysql column_stats nulls_ratio decimal NULL NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) NULL mysql column_stats avg_length decimal NULL NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) NULL mysql column_stats avg_frequency decimal NULL NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) NULL mysql column_stats hist_size tinyint NULL NULL NULL NULL tinyint(3) unsigned 3.0000 mysql column_stats hist_type enum 14 42 utf8 utf8_bin enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB') 1.0000 mysql column_stats histogram varbinary 255 255 NULL NULL varbinary(255) 3.0000 mysql db Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql db Db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql db User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql db Select_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Insert_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Update_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Delete_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Create_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Drop_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Grant_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db References_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Index_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Alter_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Create_tmp_table_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Lock_tables_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Create_view_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Show_view_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Create_routine_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Alter_routine_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Execute_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Event_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql db Trigger_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql event db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql event name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 1.0000 mysql event body longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL longblob 3.0000 mysql event definer char 141 423 utf8 utf8_bin char(141) NULL mysql event execute_at datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime NULL mysql event interval_value int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) 3.0000 mysql event interval_field enum 18 54 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('YEAR','QUARTER','MONTH','DAY','HOUR','MINUTE','WEEK','SECOND','MICROSECOND','YEAR_MONTH','DAY_HOUR','DAY_MINUTE','DAY_SECOND','HOUR_MINUTE','HOUR_SECOND','MINUTE_SECOND','DAY_MICROSECOND','HOUR_MICROSECOND','MINUTE_MICROSECOND','SECOND_MICROSECOND') NULL mysql event created timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp NULL mysql event modified timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp NULL mysql event last_executed datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime NULL mysql event starts datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime NULL mysql event ends datetime NULL NULL NULL NULL datetime 3.0000 mysql event status enum 18 54 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('ENABLED','DISABLED','SLAVESIDE_DISABLED') 3.0000 mysql event on_completion enum 8 24 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('DROP','PRESERVE') 3.0000 mysql event sql_mode set 494 1482 utf8 utf8_general_ci set('REAL_AS_FLOAT','PIPES_AS_CONCAT','ANSI_QUOTES','IGNORE_SPACE','IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS','ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION','NO_DIR_IN_CREATE','POSTGRESQL','ORACLE','MSSQL','DB2','MAXDB','NO_KEY_OPTIONS','NO_TABLE_OPTIONS','NO_FIELD_OPTIONS','MYSQL323','MYSQL40','ANSI','NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO','NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES','STRICT_TRANS_TABLES','STRICT_ALL_TABLES','NO_ZERO_IN_DATE','NO_ZERO_DATE','INVALID_DATES','ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO','TRADITIONAL','NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER','HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE','NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION','PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH') 3.0000 mysql event comment char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) NULL mysql event originator int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned 1.0000 mysql event time_zone char 64 64 latin1 latin1_swedish_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql event character_set_client char 32 96 utf8 utf8_bin char(32) 3.0000 mysql event collation_connection char 32 96 utf8 utf8_bin char(32) 3.0000 mysql event db_collation char 32 96 utf8 utf8_bin char(32) 1.0000 mysql event body_utf8 longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL longblob 3.0000 mysql func name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) NULL mysql func ret tinyint NULL NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) 3.0000 mysql func dl char 128 384 utf8 utf8_bin char(128) 3.0000 mysql func type enum 9 27 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('function','aggregate') NULL mysql general_log event_time timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp(6) 1.0000 mysql general_log user_host mediumtext 16777215 16777215 utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext NULL mysql general_log thread_id bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned NULL mysql general_log server_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned 3.0000 mysql general_log command_type varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) 1.0000 mysql general_log argument mediumtext 16777215 16777215 utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext NULL mysql gtid_slave_pos domain_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql gtid_slave_pos sub_id bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned NULL mysql gtid_slave_pos server_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql gtid_slave_pos seq_no bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned NULL mysql help_category help_category_id smallint NULL NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned 3.0000 mysql help_category name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) NULL mysql help_category parent_category_id smallint NULL NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned 1.0000 mysql help_category url text 65535 65535 utf8 utf8_general_ci text NULL mysql help_keyword help_keyword_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned 3.0000 mysql help_keyword name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) NULL mysql help_relation help_topic_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql help_relation help_keyword_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql help_topic help_topic_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned 3.0000 mysql help_topic name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) NULL mysql help_topic help_category_id smallint NULL NULL NULL NULL smallint(5) unsigned 1.0000 mysql help_topic description text 65535 65535 utf8 utf8_general_ci text 1.0000 mysql help_topic example text 65535 65535 utf8 utf8_general_ci text 1.0000 mysql help_topic url text 65535 65535 utf8 utf8_general_ci text 3.0000 mysql host Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql host Db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql host Select_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Insert_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Update_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Delete_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Create_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Drop_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Grant_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host References_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Index_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Alter_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Create_tmp_table_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Lock_tables_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Create_view_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Show_view_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Create_routine_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Alter_routine_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Execute_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql host Trigger_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql index_stats db_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql index_stats table_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql index_stats index_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) NULL mysql index_stats prefix_arity int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned NULL mysql index_stats avg_frequency decimal NULL NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,4) 3.0000 mysql innodb_index_stats database_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql innodb_index_stats table_name varchar 199 597 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(199) 3.0000 mysql innodb_index_stats index_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) NULL mysql innodb_index_stats last_update timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp 3.0000 mysql innodb_index_stats stat_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) NULL mysql innodb_index_stats stat_value bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned NULL mysql innodb_index_stats sample_size bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned 3.0000 mysql innodb_index_stats stat_description varchar 1024 3072 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(1024) 3.0000 mysql innodb_table_stats database_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql innodb_table_stats table_name varchar 199 597 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(199) NULL mysql innodb_table_stats last_update timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp NULL mysql innodb_table_stats n_rows bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned NULL mysql innodb_table_stats clustered_index_size bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned NULL mysql innodb_table_stats sum_of_other_index_sizes bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) unsigned 3.0000 mysql plugin name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql plugin dl varchar 128 384 utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(128) 3.0000 mysql proc db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql proc name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql proc type enum 9 27 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') 3.0000 mysql proc specific_name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql proc language enum 3 9 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('SQL') 3.0000 mysql proc sql_data_access enum 17 51 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('CONTAINS_SQL','NO_SQL','READS_SQL_DATA','MODIFIES_SQL_DATA') 3.0000 mysql proc is_deterministic enum 3 9 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('YES','NO') 3.0000 mysql proc security_type enum 7 21 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('INVOKER','DEFINER') 1.0000 mysql proc param_list blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL blob 1.0000 mysql proc returns longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL longblob 1.0000 mysql proc body longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL longblob 3.0000 mysql proc definer char 141 423 utf8 utf8_bin char(141) NULL mysql proc created timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp NULL mysql proc modified timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp 3.0000 mysql proc sql_mode set 494 1482 utf8 utf8_general_ci set('REAL_AS_FLOAT','PIPES_AS_CONCAT','ANSI_QUOTES','IGNORE_SPACE','IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS','ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY','NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION','NO_DIR_IN_CREATE','POSTGRESQL','ORACLE','MSSQL','DB2','MAXDB','NO_KEY_OPTIONS','NO_TABLE_OPTIONS','NO_FIELD_OPTIONS','MYSQL323','MYSQL40','ANSI','NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO','NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES','STRICT_TRANS_TABLES','STRICT_ALL_TABLES','NO_ZERO_IN_DATE','NO_ZERO_DATE','INVALID_DATES','ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO','TRADITIONAL','NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER','HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE','NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION','PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH') 1.0000 mysql proc comment text 65535 65535 utf8 utf8_bin text 3.0000 mysql proc character_set_client char 32 96 utf8 utf8_bin char(32) 3.0000 mysql proc collation_connection char 32 96 utf8 utf8_bin char(32) 3.0000 mysql proc db_collation char 32 96 utf8 utf8_bin char(32) 1.0000 mysql proc body_utf8 longblob 4294967295 4294967295 NULL NULL longblob 3.0000 mysql procs_priv Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql procs_priv Db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql procs_priv User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql procs_priv Routine_name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql procs_priv Routine_type enum 9 27 utf8 utf8_bin enum('FUNCTION','PROCEDURE') 3.0000 mysql procs_priv Grantor char 141 423 utf8 utf8_bin char(141) 3.0000 mysql procs_priv Proc_priv set 27 81 utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Execute','Alter Routine','Grant') NULL mysql procs_priv Timestamp timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp 3.0000 mysql proxies_priv Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql proxies_priv User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql proxies_priv Proxied_host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql proxies_priv Proxied_user char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) NULL mysql proxies_priv With_grant tinyint NULL NULL NULL NULL tinyint(1) 3.0000 mysql proxies_priv Grantor char 141 423 utf8 utf8_bin char(141) NULL mysql proxies_priv Timestamp timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp 3.0000 mysql roles_mapping Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql roles_mapping User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql roles_mapping Role char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql roles_mapping Admin_option enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql servers Server_name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql servers Host varchar 2048 6144 utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(2048) 3.0000 mysql servers Db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql servers Username char 80 240 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(80) 3.0000 mysql servers Password char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) NULL mysql servers Port int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(4) 3.0000 mysql servers Socket char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql servers Wrapper char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) 3.0000 mysql servers Owner varchar 512 1536 utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) NULL mysql slow_log start_time timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp(6) 1.0000 mysql slow_log user_host mediumtext 16777215 16777215 utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext NULL mysql slow_log query_time time NULL NULL NULL NULL time(6) NULL mysql slow_log lock_time time NULL NULL NULL NULL time(6) NULL mysql slow_log rows_sent int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) NULL mysql slow_log rows_examined int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) 3.0000 mysql slow_log db varchar 512 1536 utf8 utf8_general_ci varchar(512) NULL mysql slow_log last_insert_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) NULL mysql slow_log insert_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) NULL mysql slow_log server_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned 1.0000 mysql slow_log sql_text mediumtext 16777215 16777215 utf8 utf8_general_ci mediumtext NULL mysql slow_log thread_id bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned NULL mysql slow_log rows_affected int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) 3.0000 mysql tables_priv Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql tables_priv Db char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql tables_priv User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 3.0000 mysql tables_priv Table_name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin char(64) 3.0000 mysql tables_priv Grantor char 141 423 utf8 utf8_bin char(141) NULL mysql tables_priv Timestamp timestamp NULL NULL NULL NULL timestamp 3.0000 mysql tables_priv Table_priv set 98 294 utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete','Create','Drop','Grant','References','Index','Alter','Create View','Show view','Trigger') 3.0000 mysql tables_priv Column_priv set 31 93 utf8 utf8_general_ci set('Select','Insert','Update','References') 3.0000 mysql table_stats db_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) 3.0000 mysql table_stats table_name varchar 64 192 utf8 utf8_bin varchar(64) NULL mysql table_stats cardinality bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(21) unsigned NULL mysql time_zone Time_zone_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned 3.0000 mysql time_zone Use_leap_seconds enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('Y','N') NULL mysql time_zone_leap_second Transition_time bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) NULL mysql time_zone_leap_second Correction int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) 3.0000 mysql time_zone_name Name char 64 192 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(64) NULL mysql time_zone_name Time_zone_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql time_zone_transition Time_zone_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql time_zone_transition Transition_time bigint NULL NULL NULL NULL bigint(20) NULL mysql time_zone_transition Transition_type_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql time_zone_transition_type Time_zone_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql time_zone_transition_type Transition_type_id int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(10) unsigned NULL mysql time_zone_transition_type Offset int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) NULL mysql time_zone_transition_type Is_DST tinyint NULL NULL NULL NULL tinyint(3) unsigned 3.0000 mysql time_zone_transition_type Abbreviation char 8 24 utf8 utf8_general_ci char(8) 3.0000 mysql user Host char 60 180 utf8 utf8_bin char(60) 3.0000 mysql user User char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) 1.0000 mysql user Password char 41 41 latin1 latin1_bin char(41) 3.0000 mysql user Select_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Insert_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Update_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Delete_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Create_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Drop_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Reload_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Shutdown_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Process_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user File_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Grant_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user References_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Index_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Alter_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Show_db_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Super_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Create_tmp_table_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Lock_tables_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Execute_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Repl_slave_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Repl_client_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Create_view_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Show_view_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Create_routine_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Alter_routine_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Create_user_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Event_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Trigger_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user Create_tablespace_priv enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user ssl_type enum 9 27 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('','ANY','X509','SPECIFIED') 1.0000 mysql user ssl_cipher blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL blob 1.0000 mysql user x509_issuer blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL blob 1.0000 mysql user x509_subject blob 65535 65535 NULL NULL blob NULL mysql user max_questions int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned NULL mysql user max_updates int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned NULL mysql user max_connections int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) unsigned NULL mysql user max_user_connections int NULL NULL NULL NULL int(11) 1.0000 mysql user plugin char 64 64 latin1 latin1_swedish_ci char(64) 1.0000 mysql user authentication_string text 65535 65535 utf8 utf8_bin text 3.0000 mysql user password_expired enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user is_role enum 1 3 utf8 utf8_general_ci enum('N','Y') 3.0000 mysql user default_role char 80 240 utf8 utf8_bin char(80) NULL mysql user max_statement_time decimal NULL NULL NULL NULL decimal(12,6)