# # TODO: write here what the test checks after MDEV-11288 is fixed # # The test starts with unencrypted master. # It stops replication, generates a few statement and row events # on the master, then restarts the server with encrypted binlog, # generates some more events and restarts it back without encryption # (no encryption plugin). # Then it resumes replication and checks what happens when the server # tries to feed the binary logs (included the encrypted ones) # to the slave. # --source include/have_binlog_format_mixed.inc --echo ################# --echo # Initialization --echo ################# --let $rpl_topology= 1->2 --source include/rpl_init.inc --enable_connect_log # We stop replication because we want it to happen after the switch --connection server_2 --disable_connect_log --source include/stop_slave.inc --enable_connect_log --echo ##################################################### --echo # Part 1: unencrypted master --echo ##################################################### --connection server_1 call mtr.add_suppression("Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Could not decrypt binlog: encryption key error;"); CREATE TABLE table1_no_encryption ( pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ts TIMESTAMP NULL, b BLOB ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO table1_no_encryption VALUES (NULL,NOW(),'data_no_encryption'); INSERT INTO table1_no_encryption SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table1_no_encryption; FLUSH BINARY LOGS; SET binlog_format=ROW; INSERT INTO table1_no_encryption SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table1_no_encryption; INSERT INTO table1_no_encryption SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table1_no_encryption; # Make sure that binary logs are not encrypted --let SEARCH_RANGE = 500000 --let SEARCH_FILE= master-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= table1_no_encryption --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc # We are storing the position now, because up to this point the slave # should be able to synchronize with master --save_master_pos --echo ##################################################### --echo # Part 2: restart master, now with binlog encryption --echo ##################################################### --let $rpl_server_parameters= --encrypt-binlog=1 --plugin-load-add=$FILE_KEY_MANAGEMENT_SO --file-key-management --loose-file-key-management-filename=$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/keys.txt --let $rpl_server_number= 1 --source restart_server.inc CREATE TABLE table2_to_encrypt ( pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ts TIMESTAMP NULL, b BLOB ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO table2_to_encrypt VALUES (NULL,NOW(),'data_to_encrypt'); INSERT INTO table2_to_encrypt SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table2_to_encrypt; FLUSH BINARY LOGS; SET binlog_format=ROW; INSERT INTO table2_to_encrypt SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table2_to_encrypt; INSERT INTO table2_to_encrypt SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table2_to_encrypt; # Make sure that binary logs are encrypted --let SEARCH_FILE= master-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= table2_to_encrypt --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --echo ##################################################### --echo # Part 3: restart master again without encryption --echo ##################################################### --let $rpl_server_parameters= --encrypt-binlog=0 --let $rpl_server_number= 1 --source restart_server.inc CREATE TABLE table3_no_encryption ( pk INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ts TIMESTAMP NULL, b BLOB ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO table3_no_encryption VALUES (NULL,NOW(),'data_no_encryption'); INSERT INTO table3_no_encryption SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table3_no_encryption; INSERT INTO table3_no_encryption SELECT NULL,NOW(),b FROM table3_no_encryption; --echo ##################################################### --echo # Check: resume replication and check how it goes --echo ##################################################### --connection server_2 start slave; # The slave should be able to synchronize with master up to # the previously saved position (when the log was still unencrypted) --sync_with_master --connection server_1 # Now save the current position and make slave to try to syncrhonize. # It shouldn't work, the slave IO thread is expected to abort with an error --save_master_pos --connection server_2 --let slave_io_errno=1236 --source include/wait_for_slave_io_error.inc --sorted_result SHOW TABLES; --disable_connect_log --source include/stop_slave.inc --enable_connect_log reset slave; --echo ########## --echo # Cleanup --echo ########## --connection server_1 reset master; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1_no_encryption; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table2_to_encrypt; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table3_no_encryption; DROP TABLE table1_no_encryption, table2_to_encrypt, table3_no_encryption; --connection server_2 --disable_connect_log --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/rpl_end.inc