# # The test checks that basic DDL and DML events are encrypted # in the binary log on master. # The test is to be run with all binlog formats # (combinations for rpl_init.inc take care of that). # # # The test runs with the encrypted master and non-encrypted slave. # It generates a sequence of events on master, and checks that # - all events are encrypted on master; # - slave is able to replicate from the master; # - relay logs and binary logs are not encrypted on slave. # # The same exercise is repeated # - without annotated binlog events and without binlog checksums; # - with binlog checksums; # - with annotated events and binlog checksums; # - with annotated events, default checksums and minimal binlog row image # --source include/have_partition.inc --source encryption_algorithms.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --enable_connect_log --echo ################# --echo # Initialization --echo ################# --disable_connect_log --let $rpl_topology= 1->2 --source include/rpl_init.inc --enable_connect_log # We stop SQL thread because we want to have # all relay logs at the end of the test flow --connection server_2 --disable_connect_log --source include/stop_slave_sql.inc --enable_connect_log --connection server_1 SET @binlog_annotate_row_events.save= @@global.binlog_annotate_row_events; SET @binlog_checksum.save= @@global.binlog_checksum; SET @master_verify_checksum.save= @@global.master_verify_checksum; SET @binlog_row_image.save= @@global.binlog_row_image; --echo #################################################### --echo # Test 1: simple binlog, no checksum, no annotation --echo #################################################### --connection server_1 SET binlog_annotate_row_events= 0; SET GLOBAL binlog_annotate_row_events= 0; SET GLOBAL binlog_checksum= NONE; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum= 0; --source testdata.inc --echo #################################################### --echo # Test 2: binlog with checksum, no annotated events --echo #################################################### --connection server_1 SET binlog_annotate_row_events= 0; SET GLOBAL binlog_annotate_row_events= 0; SET GLOBAL binlog_checksum= CRC32; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum= 1; --source testdata.inc --echo #################################################### --echo # Test 3: binlog with checksum and annotated events --echo #################################################### --connection server_1 SET binlog_annotate_row_events= 1; SET GLOBAL binlog_annotate_row_events= 1; SET GLOBAL binlog_checksum= CRC32; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum= 1; --source testdata.inc --echo #################################################### --echo # Test 4: binlog with annotated events and binlog_row_image=minimal --echo #################################################### --connection server_1 SET binlog_annotate_row_events= 1; SET GLOBAL binlog_annotate_row_events= 1; SET GLOBAL binlog_checksum= NONE; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum= 0; SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= MINIMAL; SET binlog_row_image= MINIMAL; --source testdata.inc --echo ############################# --echo # Final checks for the master --echo ############################# --let $master_datadir= `SELECT @@datadir` --let SEARCH_RANGE = 500000 --let SEARCH_FILE= $master_datadir/master-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= _to_encrypt.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_FILE= $master_datadir/master-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= COMMIT.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_FILE= $master_datadir/master-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= TIMESTAMP.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --disable_connect_log --source include/save_master_pos.inc --enable_connect_log --echo ############################# --echo # Final checks for the slave --echo ############################# # Wait for the IO thread to write everything to relay logs --connection server_2 --let $slave_datadir= `SELECT @@datadir` --disable_connect_log --source include/sync_io_with_master.inc # Check that relay logs are unencrypted --let SEARCH_FILE= $slave_datadir/slave-relay-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= _to_encrypt.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_FILE= $slave_datadir/slave-relay-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= COMMIT.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_FILE= $slave_datadir/slave-relay-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= TIMESTAMP.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc # Re-enable SQL thread, let it catch up with IO thread # and check slave binary logs --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/sync_slave_sql_with_io.inc --enable_connect_log --let SEARCH_FILE= $slave_datadir/slave-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= _to_encrypt.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_FILE= $slave_datadir/slave-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= COMMIT.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_FILE= $slave_datadir/slave-bin.0* --let SEARCH_PATTERN= TIMESTAMP.* --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --echo ########## --echo # Cleanup --echo ########## --connection server_1 SET GLOBAL binlog_annotate_row_events= @binlog_annotate_row_events.save; SET GLOBAL binlog_checksum= @binlog_checksum.save; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum= @master_verify_checksum.save; SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image= @binlog_row_image.save; --disable_connect_log --source include/rpl_end.inc