# Test grants for various objects (especially variables) related to # the binary log source include/have_log_bin.inc; connection default; --disable_warnings reset master; --enable_warnings set @saved_binlog_format = @@global.binlog_format; create user mysqltest_1@localhost; show grants for mysqltest_1@localhost; connect (plain,localhost,mysqltest_1,,test); connect (root,localhost,root,,test); # Testing setting session SQL_LOG_BIN variable both as # root and as plain user. --echo **** Variable SQL_LOG_BIN **** connection root; --echo [root] set session sql_log_bin = 1; connection plain; --echo [plain] --error ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR set session sql_log_bin = 1; # Testing setting both session and global BINLOG_FORMAT variable both # as root and as plain user. --echo **** Variable BINLOG_FORMAT **** connection root; --echo [root] set global binlog_format = row; set session binlog_format = row; connection plain; --echo [plain] --error ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR set global binlog_format = row; --error ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR set session binlog_format = row; --echo **** Clean up **** disconnect plain; disconnect root; connection default; set global binlog_format = @saved_binlog_format; drop user mysqltest_1@localhost; # Testing if REPLICATION CLIENT privilege is enough to execute # SHOW MASTER LOGS and SHOW BINARY. CREATE USER 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost'; GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost'; --connect(rpl,localhost,mysqltest_1,,) --connection rpl # We are only interested if the following commands succeed and not on # their output. --disable_result_log SHOW MASTER LOGS; SHOW BINARY LOGS; --enable_result_log # clean up --disconnect rpl connection default; DROP USER 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost';