# This test case verifies that the mysqlbinlog --base64-output=X flags # work as expected, and that BINLOG statements with row events fail if # they are not preceded by BINLOG statements with Format description # events. # # See also BUG#32407. # BINLOG statement does not work in embedded mode. source include/not_embedded.inc; disable_warnings; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; enable_warnings; # Test to show BUG#32407. This reads a binlog created with the # mysql-5.1-telco-6.1 tree, specifically at the tag # mysql-5.1.15-ndb-6.1.23, and applies it to the database. The test # should fail before BUG#32407 was fixed and succeed afterwards. --echo ==== Test BUG#32407 ==== # The binlog contains row events equivalent to: # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int) engine = myisam # INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (1) exec $MYSQL_BINLOG suite/binlog/std_data/bug32407.001 | $MYSQL; # The above line should succeed and t1 should contain two ones select * from t1; # Test that a BINLOG statement encoding a row event fails unless a # Format_description_event as been supplied with an earlier BINLOG # statement. --echo ==== Test BINLOG statement w/o FD event ==== # This is a binlog statement consisting of one Table_map_log_event and # one Write_rows_log_event. Together, they correspond to the # following query: # INSERT INTO TABLE test.t1 VALUES (2) error ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT; BINLOG ' SVtYRxMBAAAAKQAAADQBAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABHRlc3QAAnQxAAEDAAE= SVtYRxcBAAAAIgAAAFYBAAAQABAAAAAAAAEAAf/+AgAAAA== '; # The above line should fail and 2 should not be in the table select * from t1; # Test that it works to read a Format_description_log_event with a # BINLOG statement, followed by a row-event in base64 from the same # version. --echo ==== Test BINLOG statement with FD event ==== # This is a binlog statement containing a Format_description_log_event # from the same version as the Table_map and Write_rows_log_event. BINLOG ' ODdYRw8BAAAAZgAAAGoAAAABAAQANS4xLjIzLXJjLWRlYnVnLWxvZwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4N1hHEzgNAAgAEgAEBAQEEgAAUwAEGggAAAAICAgC '; # This is a Table_map_log_event+Write_rows_log_event corresponding to: # INSERT INTO TABLE test.t1 VALUES (3) BINLOG ' TFtYRxMBAAAAKQAAAH8BAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABHRlc3QAAnQxAAEDAAE= TFtYRxcBAAAAIgAAAKEBAAAQABAAAAAAAAEAAf/+AwAAAA== '; # The above line should succeed and 3 should be in the table select * from t1; # The same as above with one-fragment BINLOG to prove # equivalency with the fragmented BINLOG @frag_0, @frag_1. DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a=3; # This is a binlog statement containing a Format_description_log_event # from the same version as the Table_map and Write_rows_log_event. BINLOG ' ODdYRw8BAAAAZgAAAGoAAAABAAQANS4xLjIzLXJjLWRlYnVnLWxvZwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4N1hHEzgNAAgAEgAEBAQEEgAAUwAEGggAAAAICAgC '; # This is a Table_map_log_event+Write_rows_log_event corresponding to: # INSERT INTO TABLE test.t1 VALUES (3) SET @binlog_fragment_0=' TFtYRxMBAAAAKQAAAH8BAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABHRlc3QAAnQxAAEDAAE= TFtYRxcBAAAAIgAAAKEBAAAQABAAAAAAAAEAAf/+AwAAAA== '; SET @binlog_fragment_1=''; BINLOG @binlog_fragment_0, @binlog_fragment_1; # The above line should succeed and 3 should be in the table: select * from t1; # show "one-shot" feature of binlog_fragment variables SELECT @binlog_fragment_0, @binlog_fragment_1 as 'NULL','NULL'; # Test that mysqlbinlog stops with an error message when the # --base64-output=never flag is used on a binlog with base64 events. --echo ==== Test --base64-output=never on a binlog with row events ==== # mysqlbinlog should fail --replace_regex /#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] .*/<#>/ /SET \@\@session.pseudo_thread_id.*/<#>/ error 1; exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=never suite/binlog/std_data/bug32407.001; # the above line should output the query log event and then stop # Test that the following fails cleanly: "First, read a # Format_description event which has N event types. Then, read an # event of type M>N" --echo ==== Test non-matching FD event and Row event ==== # This is the Format_description_log_event from # bug32407.001, encoded in base64. It contains only the old # row events (number of event types is 22) BINLOG ' 4CdYRw8BAAAAYgAAAGYAAAAAAAQANS4xLjE1LW5kYi02LjEuMjQtZGVidWctbG9nAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADgJ1hHEzgNAAgAEgAEBAQEEgAATwAEGggICAg= '; # The following is a Write_rows_log_event with event type 23, i.e., # not supported by the Format_description_log_event above. It # corresponds to the following query: # INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5) error 1149; BINLOG ' Dl1YRxMBAAAAKQAAADQBAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABHRlc3QAAnQxAAEDAAE= Dl1YRxcBAAAAIgAAAFYBAAAQABAAAAAAAAEAAf/+BQAAAA== '; # the above line should fail and 5 should not be in the binlog. select * from t1; # Test that BUG#37426 is triggered. CREATE TABLE char128_utf8 ( i1 INT NOT NULL, c CHAR(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, i2 INT NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE char63_utf8 ( i1 INT NOT NULL, c CHAR(63) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, i2 INT NOT NULL); # # This is the format description log event # BINLOG ' MuNkSA8BAAAAZgAAAGoAAAAAAAQANS4xLjI1LXJjLWRlYnVnLWxvZwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy42RIEzgNAAgAEgAEBAQEEgAAUwAEGggAAAAICAgC '; # ... this event corresponding to # # INSERT INTO char63_utf8 VALUES ( 1, "123", 1 ) # # The binlog event below shall not trigger the bug check BINLOG ' 3u9kSBMBAAAANgAAAJYBAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABHRlc3QAC2NoYXI2M191dGY4AAMD/gMC/r0A 3u9kSBcBAAAAKgAAAMABAAAQABAAAAAAAAEAA//4AQAAAAMxMjMBAAAA '; SELECT * FROM char63_utf8; # ... and this is an event corresponding to # # INSERT INTO char128_utf8 VALUES ( 1, "123", 1 ) # # The binlog event below shall trigger the bug check and produce an error # error ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR; BINLOG ' iONkSBMBAAAANwAAAJkBAAAAABAAAAAAAAAABHRlc3QADGNoYXIxMjhfdXRmOAADA/4DAv6AAA== iONkSBcBAAAAKwAAAMQBAAAQABAAAAAAAAEAA//4AQAAAAMAMTIzAQAAAA== '; drop table t1, char63_utf8, char128_utf8; call mtr.add_suppression("Slave SQL.*master suffers from this bug: http:..bugs.mysql.com.bug.php.id=37426.* error.* 1105"); call mtr.add_suppression("Slave SQL.*Table definition on master and slave does not match: Column 1 size mismatch.* error.* 1535"); call mtr.add_suppression("Slave SQL.*Column 1 of table .test.char128_utf8. cannot be converted.* error.* 1677"); --echo # --echo # Bug #54393: crash and/or valgrind errors in --echo # mysql_client_binlog_statement --echo # --error ER_SYNTAX_ERROR BINLOG ''; --error ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR BINLOG '123'; --error ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR BINLOG '-2079193929'; --error ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR BINLOG 'xç↓%~∙D╒ƒ╡';