# -*- cperl -*- # Copyright (c) 2007 MySQL AB, 2008, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Use is subject to license terms. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA # This is a library file used by the Perl version of mysql-test-run, # and is part of the translation of the Bourne shell script with the # same name. use strict; package My::SafeProcess::Base; # # Utility functions for Process management # use Carp; use IO::Pipe; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT= qw(create_process); # # safe_fork # Retry a couple of times if fork returns EAGAIN # sub _safe_fork { my $retries= 5; my $pid; FORK: { $pid= fork; if ( not defined($pid)) { croak("fork failed after: $!") if (!$retries--); warn("fork failed sleep 1 second and redo: $!"); sleep(1); redo FORK; } } return $pid; }; # # Decode exit status # sub exit_status { my $self= shift; my $raw= $self->{EXIT_STATUS}; croak("Can't call exit_status before process has died") unless defined $raw; if ($raw & 127) { # Killed by signal my $signal_num= $raw & 127; my $dumped_core= $raw & 128; return 1; # Return error code } else { # Normal process exit return $raw >> 8; }; } # threads.pm may not exist everywhere, so use only on Windows. use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads"; use if $^O eq "MSWin32", "threads::shared"; my $win32_spawn_lock :shared; # # Create a new process # Return pid of the new process # sub create_process { my %opts= ( @_ ); my $path = delete($opts{'path'}) or die "path required"; my $args = delete($opts{'args'}) or die "args required"; my $input = delete($opts{'input'}); my $output = delete($opts{'output'}); my $error = delete($opts{'error'}); my $open_mode= $opts{append} ? ">>" : ">"; if ($^O eq "MSWin32"){ lock($win32_spawn_lock); #printf STDERR "stdin %d, stdout %d, stderr %d\n", # fileno STDIN, fileno STDOUT, fileno STDERR; # input output redirect my ($oldin, $oldout, $olderr); open $oldin, '<&', \*STDIN or die "Failed to save old stdin: $!"; open $oldout, '>&', \*STDOUT or die "Failed to save old stdout: $!"; open $olderr, '>&', \*STDERR or die "Failed to save old stderr: $!"; if ( $input ) { if ( ! open(STDIN, "<", $input) ) { croak("can't redirect STDIN to '$input': $!"); } } if ( $output ) { if ( ! open(STDOUT, $open_mode, $output) ) { croak("can't redirect STDOUT to '$output': $!"); } } if ( $error ) { if ( $output eq $error ) { if ( ! open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") ) { croak("can't dup STDOUT: $!"); } } elsif ( ! open(STDERR, $open_mode, $error) ) { croak("can't redirect STDERR to '$error': $!"); } } # Magic use of 'system(1, @args)' to spawn a process # and get a proper Win32 pid unshift (@$args, $path); my $pid= system(1, @$args); if ( $pid == 0 ){ print $olderr "create_process failed: $^E\n"; die "create_process failed: $^E"; } # Retore IO redirects open STDERR, '>&', $olderr or croak("unable to reestablish STDERR"); open STDOUT, '>&', $oldout or croak("unable to reestablish STDOUT"); open STDIN, '<&', $oldin or croak("unable to reestablish STDIN"); #printf STDERR "stdin %d, stdout %d, stderr %d\n", # fileno STDIN, fileno STDOUT, fileno STDERR; return $pid; } local $SIG{PIPE}= sub { print STDERR "Got signal $@\n"; }; my $pipe= IO::Pipe->new(); my $pid= _safe_fork(); if ($pid){ # Parent $pipe->reader(); my $line= <$pipe>; # Wait for child to say it's ready return $pid; } $SIG{INT}= 'DEFAULT'; $SIG{HUP}= 'DEFAULT'; # Make this process it's own process group to be able to kill # it and any childs(that hasn't changed group themself) setpgrp(0,0) if $opts{setpgrp}; if ( $output ) { close STDOUT; open(STDOUT, $open_mode, $output) or croak "can't redirect STDOUT to '$output': $!"; } if ( $error ) { if ( defined $output and $output eq $error ) { if ( ! open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") ) { croak("can't dup STDOUT: $!"); } } else { close STDERR; open(STDERR, $open_mode, $error) or croak "can't redirect STDERR to '$error': $!"; } } if ( $input ) { if ( ! open(STDIN, "<", $input) ) { croak("can't redirect STDIN to '$input': $!"); } } # Tell parent to continue $pipe->writer(); print $pipe "ready\n"; if ( !exec($path, @$args) ){ croak("Failed to exec '$path': $!"); } croak("Should never come here"); } 1;