# -*- cperl -*- # Copyright (c) 2008 MySQL AB, 2008, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Use is subject to license terms. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA package My::Platform; use strict; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT= qw(IS_CYGWIN IS_WINDOWS IS_WIN32PERL native_path posix_path mixed_path check_socket_path_length process_alive open_for_append); BEGIN { if ($^O eq "cygwin") { # Make sure cygpath works if ((system("cygpath > /dev/null 2>&1") >> 8) != 1){ die "Could not execute 'cygpath': $!"; } eval 'sub IS_CYGWIN { 1 }'; } else { eval 'sub IS_CYGWIN { 0 }'; } if ($^O eq "MSWin32") { eval 'sub IS_WIN32PERL { 1 }'; } else { eval 'sub IS_WIN32PERL { 0 }'; } } BEGIN { if (IS_CYGWIN or IS_WIN32PERL) { eval 'sub IS_WINDOWS { 1 }'; } else { eval 'sub IS_WINDOWS { 0 }'; } } # # native_path # Convert from path format used by perl to the underlying # operating systems format # # NOTE # Used when running windows binaries (that expect windows paths) # in cygwin perl (that uses unix paths) # use Memoize; if (!IS_WIN32PERL){ memoize('mixed_path'); memoize('native_path'); memoize('posix_path'); } sub mixed_path { my ($path)= @_; if (IS_CYGWIN){ return unless defined $path; my $cmd= "cygpath -m $path"; $path= `$cmd` or print "Failed to run: '$cmd', $!\n"; chomp $path; } return $path; } sub native_path { my ($path)= @_; $path=~ s/\//\\/g if (IS_CYGWIN or IS_WIN32PERL); return $path; } sub posix_path { my ($path)= @_; if (IS_CYGWIN){ return unless defined $path; $path= `cygpath $path`; chomp $path; } return $path; } use File::Temp qw /tempdir/; sub check_socket_path_length { my ($path)= @_; return 0 if IS_WINDOWS; # This may not be true, but we can't test for it on AIX due to Perl bug # See Bug #45771 return 0 if ($^O eq 'aix'); # See Debian bug #670722 - failing on kFreeBSD even after setting short path return 0 if $^O eq 'gnukfreebsd' and length $path < 40; require IO::Socket::UNIX; my $truncated= undef; # Create a tempfile name with same length as "path" my $tmpdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 0); my $len = length($path) - length($tmpdir) - 1; my $testfile = $tmpdir . "/" . "x" x ($len > 0 ? $len : 1); my $sock; eval { $sock= new IO::Socket::UNIX ( Local => $testfile, Listen => 1, ); $truncated= 1; # Be negatvie die "Could not create UNIX domain socket: $!" unless defined $sock; die "UNIX domain socket path was truncated" unless ($testfile eq $sock->hostpath()); $truncated= 0; # Yes, it worked! }; die "Unexpected failure when checking socket path length: $@" if $@ and not defined $truncated; $sock= undef; # Close socket rmtree($tmpdir); # Remove the tempdir and any socket file created return $truncated; } sub process_alive { my ($pid)= @_; die "usage: process_alive(pid)" unless $pid; return kill(0, $pid) unless IS_WINDOWS; my @list= split(/,/, `tasklist /FI "PID eq $pid" /NH /FO CSV`); my $ret_pid= eval($list[1]); return ($ret_pid == $pid); } use Symbol qw( gensym ); use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'Win32API::File', qw( CloseHandle CreateFile GetOsFHandle OsFHandleOpen OPEN_ALWAYS FILE_APPEND_DATA FILE_SHARE_READ FILE_SHARE_WRITE FILE_SHARE_DELETE ); use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'Win32::API'; use constant WIN32API_FILE_NULL => []; # Open a file for append # On Windows we use CreateFile with FILE_APPEND_DATA # to insure that writes are atomic, not interleaved # with writes by another processes. sub open_for_append { my ($file) = @_; my $fh = gensym(); if (IS_WIN32PERL) { my $handle; if (!($handle = CreateFile( $file, FILE_APPEND_DATA(), FILE_SHARE_READ()|FILE_SHARE_WRITE()|FILE_SHARE_DELETE(), WIN32API_FILE_NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS(),# Create if doesn't exist. 0, WIN32API_FILE_NULL, ))) { return undef; } if (!OsFHandleOpen($fh, $handle, 'wat')) { CloseHandle($handle); return undef; } return $fh; } open($fh,">>",$file) or return undef; return $fh; } 1;