# -*- cperl -*- # Copyright (c) 2008, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA package My::CoreDump; use strict; use Carp; use My::Platform; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /; use mtr_results; my $hint_mysqld; # Last resort guess for executable path # If path in core file is 79 chars we assume it's been truncated # Looks like we can still find the full path using 'strings' # If that doesn't work, use the hint (mysqld path) as last resort. sub _verify_binpath { my ($binary, $core_name)= @_; my $binpath; if (length $binary != 79) { $binpath= $binary; print "Core generated by '$binpath'\n"; } else { # Last occurrence of path ending in /mysql*, cut from first / if (`strings '$core_name' | grep "/mysql[^/. ]*\$" | tail -1` =~ /(\/.*)/) { $binpath= $1; print "Guessing that core was generated by '$binpath'\n"; } else { return unless $hint_mysqld; $binpath= $hint_mysqld; print "Wild guess that core was generated by '$binpath'\n"; } } return $binpath; } sub _gdb { my ($core_name)= @_; # Check that gdb exists `gdb --version`; if ($?) { print "gdb not found, cannot get the stack trace\n"; return; } if (-f $core_name) { print "\nTrying 'gdb' to get a backtrace from coredump $core_name\n"; } else { print "\nCoredump $core_name does not exist, cannot run 'gdb'\n"; return; } # Find out name of binary that generated core `gdb -c '$core_name' --batch 2>&1` =~ /Core was generated by `([^\s\'\`]+)/; my $binary= $1 or return; $binary= _verify_binpath ($binary, $core_name) or return; # Create tempfile containing gdb commands my ($tmp, $tmp_name) = tempfile(); print $tmp "bt\n", "thread apply all bt\n", "quit\n"; close $tmp or die "Error closing $tmp_name: $!"; # Run gdb my $gdb_output= `gdb '$binary' -c '$core_name' -x '$tmp_name' --batch 2>&1`; unlink $tmp_name or die "Error removing $tmp_name: $!"; return if $? >> 8; return unless $gdb_output; resfile_print <&1` =~ /Corefile specified executable: "([^"]+)"/; my $binary= $1 or return; $binary= _verify_binpath ($binary, $core_name) or return; # Find all threads my @thr_ids = `echo threads | dbx '$binary' '$core_name' 2>&1` =~ /t@\d+/g; # Create tempfile containing dbx commands my ($tmp, $tmp_name) = tempfile(); foreach my $thread (@thr_ids) { print $tmp "where $thread\n"; } print $tmp "exit\n"; close $tmp or die "Error closing $tmp_name: $!"; # Run dbx my $dbx_output= `cat '$tmp_name' | dbx '$binary' '$core_name' 2>&1`; unlink $tmp_name or die "Error removing $tmp_name: $!"; return if $? >> 8; return unless $dbx_output; resfile_print <&1`; if ($? >> 8) { print "Cannot find cdb. Please Install Debugging tools for Windows\n"; print "from http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/"; if($ENV{'ProgramW6432'}) { print "install64bit.mspx (native x64 version)\n"; } else { print "installx86.mspx\n"; } } } sub _cdb { my ($core_name)= @_; print "\nTrying 'cdb' to get a backtrace\n"; return unless -f $core_name; # Try to set environment for debugging tools for Windows if ($ENV{'PATH'} !~ /Debugging Tools/) { if ($ENV{'ProgramW6432'}) { # On x64 computer $ENV{'PATH'}.= ";".$ENV{'ProgramW6432'}."\\Debugging Tools For Windows (x64)"; } else { # On x86 computer. Newest versions of Debugging tools are installed in the # directory with (x86) suffix, older versions did not have this suffix. $ENV{'PATH'}.= ";".$ENV{'ProgramFiles'}."\\Debugging Tools For Windows (x86)"; $ENV{'PATH'}.= ";".$ENV{'ProgramFiles'}."\\Debugging Tools For Windows"; } } # Read module list, find out the name of executable and # build symbol path (required by cdb if executable was built on # different machine) my $tmp_name= $core_name.".cdb_lmv"; `cdb -z $core_name -c \"lmv;q\" > $tmp_name 2>&1`; if ($? >> 8) { unlink($tmp_name); # check if cdb is installed and complain if not cdb_check(); return; } open(temp,"< $tmp_name"); my %dirhash=(); while() { if($_ =~ /Image path\: (.*)/) { if (rindex($1,'\\') != -1) { my $dir= substr($1, 0, rindex($1,'\\')); $dirhash{$dir}++; } } } close(temp); unlink($tmp_name); my $image_path= join(";", (keys %dirhash),"."); # For better callstacks, setup _NT_SYMBOL_PATH to include # OS symbols. Note : Dowloading symbols for the first time # can take some minutes if (!$ENV{'_NT_SYMBOL_PATH'}) { my $windir= $ENV{'windir'}; my $symbol_cache= substr($windir ,0, index($windir,'\\'))."\\cdb_symbols"; print "OS debug symbols will be downloaded and stored in $symbol_cache.\n"; print "You can control the location of symbol cache with _NT_SYMBOL_PATH\n"; print "environment variable. Please refer to Microsoft KB article\n"; print "http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311503 for details about _NT_SYMBOL_PATH\n"; print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $ENV{'_NT_SYMBOL_PATH'}.= "srv*".$symbol_cache."*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols"; } my $symbol_path= $image_path.";".$ENV{'_NT_SYMBOL_PATH'}; # Run cdb. Use "analyze" extension to print crashing thread stacktrace # and "uniqstack" to print other threads my $cdb_cmd = "!sym prompts off; !analyze -v; .ecxr; !for_each_frame dv /t;!uniqstack -p;q"; my $cdb_output= `cdb -c "$cdb_cmd" -z $core_name -i "$image_path" -y "$symbol_path" -t 0 -lines 2>&1`; return if $? >> 8; return unless $cdb_output; # Remove comments (lines starting with *), stack pointer and frame # pointer adresses and offsets to function to make output better readable $cdb_output=~ s/^\*.*\n//gm; $cdb_output=~ s/^([\:0-9a-fA-F\`]+ )+//gm; $cdb_output=~ s/^ChildEBP RetAddr//gm; $cdb_output=~ s/^Child\-SP RetAddr Call Site//gm; $cdb_output=~ s/\+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)//gm; resfile_print <($core_name)){ return; } } return; } 1;