# ==== Purpose ==== # # Waits until the IO thread of the current connection has started and # connected to the master (i.e., until SHOW SLAVE STATUS returns Yes # in the Slave_IO_Running field), or until a timeout is reached. # # # ==== Usage ==== # # [--let $slave_timeout= NUMBER] # [--let $rpl_debug= 1] # [--let $rpl_allow_error= 1] # --source include/wait_for_slave_io_to_start.inc # # Parameters: # $slave_timeout # See include/wait_for_slave_param.inc # # $rpl_allow_error # By default, this file fails if there is an error in the IO # thread. However, the IO thread can recover and reconnect after # certain errors. If such an error is expected, can set # $rpl_allow_error=1. This will prevent this file from failing if # there is an error in the IO thread. # # $rpl_debug # See include/rpl_init.inc --let $include_filename= wait_for_slave_io_to_start.inc --source include/begin_include_file.inc let $slave_param= Slave_IO_Running; let $slave_param_value= Yes; if (!$rpl_allow_error) { --let $slave_error_param= Last_IO_Errno } source include/wait_for_slave_param.inc; --let $slave_error_param= --let $rpl_allow_error= 0 --let $include_filename= wait_for_slave_io_to_start.inc --source include/end_include_file.inc