################# extra/rpl_tests/rpl_ddl.test ######################## # # # DDL statements (sometimes with implicit COMMIT) and other stuff # # executed on the master and it's propagation into the slave. # # # # The variables # # $engine_type -- storage engine to be tested/used for the # # permanent tables within the master # # $temp_engine_type -- storage engine which supports TEMPORARY # # tables <> $engine_type # # $temp_engine_type must point to an all # # time available storage engine # # 2007-02 MySQL 5.1 MyISAM and MEMORY only # # $show_binlog -- print binlog entries # # 0 - no (default) + fits to the file with # # results # # 1 - yes (important for debugging) # # This variable is used within # # include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc. # # $manipulate -- Manipulation of the binary logs # # 0 - do nothing # # 1 - so that the output of SHOW BINLOG # # EVENTS IN contains only # # commands of the current test sequence # # This is especially useful, if the # # $show_binlog is set to 1 and many # # subtest are executed. # # This variable is used within # # include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc. # # have to be set before sourcing this script. # # # # General assumption about the ideal replication behaviour: # # Whatever on the master is executed the content of the slave must # # be in sync with it. # # # # Tests of special interest: # # a) Which DDL commands cause an implicit COMMIT ? # # This is also of interest outside of replication. # # b) Transactions modifying table content ending with # # - explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK # # - implicit COMMIT because the connection to the master # # executed a corresponding DDL statement or runs in # # AUTOCOMMIT mode # # - something similar to "implicit COMMIT" if the storage # # engine (master) is not transactional # # c) Command which change no data like SELECT or SHOW # # They do not change anything within the master but # # this must be also valid for the slave. # # # ####################################################################### # Last update: # 2007-02-12 ML: - slave needs AUTOCOMMIT = 1, because we want to check only # the propagation of actions of the master connection. # - replace comments via SQL by "--echo ..." # - remove some bugs within the testscripts # - remove the use of include/rpl_stmt_seq2.inc # # # NOTES: # 2006-11-15 Lars: Matthias (ML) is the "owner" of this test case. # So, please get him to review it whenever you want to # do changes to it. # # PLEASE BE CAREFUL, WHEN MODIFYING THE TESTS !! # # Typical test architecture (--> include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc) # -------------------------------------------------------- # 1. Master (no AUTOCOMMIT!): INSERT INTO mysqltest1.t1 without commit # 2. Master and slave: Check the content of mysqltest1.t1 # 3. Master (no AUTOCOMMIT!): EXECUTE the statement to be tested # 4. Master and slave: Check the content of mysqltest1.t1 # 5. Master (no AUTOCOMMIT!): ROLLBACK # 6. Master and slave: Check the content of mysqltest1.t1 # If the previous into mysqltest1.t1 inserted row is visible, # than the statement to be tested caused an explicit COMMIT # (statement = COMMIT) or an implicit COMMIT (example CREATE TABLE). # If the previous into mysqltest1.t1 inserted row is not visible, # than the statement to be tested caused either an explicit ROLLBACK # (statement = ROLLBACK), an implicit ROLLBACK (deadlock etc. but # not tested here) or it does not cause any transaction end. # 7. Flush the logs # # Some rules: # ----------- # 1. Any use of mysqltest1.t1 within the statement to be tested must be # avoided if possible. The only known exception is around LOCK TABLE. # # 2. The test logics needs for # master connection: AUTOCOMMIT = 0 # slave connection: AUTOCOMMIT = 1 # The master connection is the actor and the slave connection is # only an observer. I.e. the slave connection must not influence # the activities of master connection. # # 3. !All! objects to be dropped, renamed, altered ... must be created # before the tests start. # --> less switching of AUTOCOMMIT mode on master side. # # 4. Never use a test object, which was direct or indirect affected by a # preceding test sequence again. # If one preceding test sequence hits a (sometimes not visible, # because the sql error code of the statement might be 0) bug # and these rules are ignored, a following test sequence might earn ugly # effects like failing 'sync_slave_with_master', crashes of the slave or # abort of the test case etc.. This means during analysis the first look # points into a totally wrong area. # Except table mysqltest1.t1 where ONLY DML is allowed. # # 5. This file is used in several tests (t/rpl_ddl_.test). # Please be aware that every change of the current file affects # the results of these tests. # # ML: Some maybe banal hints: # 1. The fact that we have here a master - slave replication does # not cause that many general MySQL properties do not apply. # Example: # The connection to the slave is just a simple session and not a however # magic working "copy" of the master session or something similar. # - TEMPORARY TABLES and @variables are session specific # - the slave session cannot see these things of the master. # 2. The slave connection must not call sync_slave_with_master. # 3. SHOW STATUS SLAVE must be run within the slave connection. # 4. Testcase analysis becomes much more comfortable if # $show_binlog within include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc is set to 1. # ############################################################### # Some preparations ############################################################### set global sql_mode=''; set local sql_mode=''; # The sync_slave_with_master is needed to make the xids deterministic. sync_slave_with_master; connection master; SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1; # # 2. CREATE all objects needed # working database is mysqltest1 # working table (transactional!) is mysqltest1.t1 # CREATE DATABASE mysqltest1; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest2; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t1 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; # Prevent Bug#26687 rpl_ddl test fails if run with --innodb option # The testscript (suite/rpl/rpl_ddl.test) + the expected result need that the # slave uses MyISAM for the table mysqltest.t1. sync_slave_with_master; connection slave; if (`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysqltest1' AND TABLE_NAME = 't1' AND ENGINE <> 'MyISAM'`) { skip This test needs on slave side: InnoDB disabled, default engine: MyISAM; } connection master; INSERT INTO mysqltest1.t1 SET f1= 0; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t2 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t3 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t4 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t5 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t6 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; CREATE INDEX my_idx6 ON mysqltest1.t6(f1); eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t7 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; INSERT INTO mysqltest1.t7 SET f1= 0; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t8 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t9 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t10 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t11 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t12 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t13 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t14 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t15 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t16 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t17 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t18 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t19 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$engine_type; eval CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mysqltest1.t23 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$temp_engine_type; # # 3. master sessions: never do AUTOCOMMIT # slave sessions: do AUTOCOMMIT # SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; use mysqltest1; sync_slave_with_master; connection slave; SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1; use mysqltest1; connection master; # We don't want to abort the whole test if one statement sent # to the server gets an error, because the following test # sequences are nearly independend of the previous statements. --disable_abort_on_error ############################################################### # Banal case: commands which should never commit # Just for checking if the test sequence is usable ############################################################### let $my_stmt= SELECT 1; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc let $my_stmt= SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc ############################################################### # Banal case: (explicit) COMMIT and ROLLBACK # Just for checking if the test sequence is usable ############################################################### let $my_stmt= COMMIT; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc let $my_stmt= ROLLBACK; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc ############################################################### # Cases with commands very similar to COMMIT ############################################################### let $my_stmt= SET AUTOCOMMIT=1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SET AUTOCOMMIT=0; let $my_stmt= START TRANSACTION; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc let $my_stmt= BEGIN; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc ############################################################### # Cases with (BASE) TABLES and (UPDATABLE) VIEWs ############################################################### let $my_stmt= DROP TABLE mysqltest1.t2; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW TABLES LIKE 't2'; connection slave; SHOW TABLES LIKE 't2'; connection master; let $my_stmt= DROP TEMPORARY TABLE mysqltest1.t23; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW TABLES LIKE 't23'; connection slave; SHOW TABLES LIKE 't23'; connection master; let $my_stmt= RENAME TABLE mysqltest1.t3 to mysqltest1.t20; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW TABLES LIKE 't20'; connection slave; SHOW TABLES LIKE 't20'; connection master; let $my_stmt= ALTER TABLE mysqltest1.t4 ADD column f2 BIGINT; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc describe mysqltest1.t4; connection slave; describe mysqltest1.t4; connection master; let $my_stmt= CREATE TABLE mysqltest1.t21 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE= $engine_type; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc let $engine=''; let $eng_type=''; let $my_stmt= CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mysqltest1.t22 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE=$temp_engine_type; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc let $my_stmt= TRUNCATE TABLE mysqltest1.t7; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SELECT * FROM mysqltest1.t7; sync_slave_with_master; connection slave; SELECT * FROM mysqltest1.t7; connection master; ############################################################### # Cases with LOCK/UNLOCK ############################################################### # Attention: # We have to LOCK mysqltest1.t1 here, though it violates the testing # philosophy. # Mysql response in case without previous LOCK TABLES mysqltest1.t1 # is: # SELECT MAX(...) FROM mysqltest1.t1 is # ERROR HY000: Table 't1' was not locked with LOCK TABLES let $my_stmt= LOCK TABLES mysqltest1.t1 WRITE, mysqltest1.t8 READ; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc UNLOCK TABLES; # No prior locking let $my_stmt= UNLOCK TABLES; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc # With prior read locking # Attention: # This subtest generates an error since the rpl_stmt_seq.inc # tries to insert into t1. LOCK TABLES mysqltest1.t1 READ; let $my_stmt= UNLOCK TABLES; let $my_master_commit= false; let $my_slave_commit= false; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc # With prior write locking LOCK TABLES mysqltest1.t1 WRITE, mysqltest1.t8 READ; let $my_stmt= UNLOCK TABLES; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc ############################################################### # Cases with INDEXES ############################################################### let $my_stmt= DROP INDEX my_idx6 ON mysqltest1.t6; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW INDEX FROM mysqltest1.t6; connection slave; SHOW INDEX FROM mysqltest1.t6; connection master; let $my_stmt= CREATE INDEX my_idx5 ON mysqltest1.t5(f1); let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW INDEX FROM mysqltest1.t5; connection slave; SHOW INDEX FROM mysqltest1.t5; connection master; ############################################################### # Cases with DATABASE ############################################################### let $my_stmt= DROP DATABASE mysqltest2; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW DATABASES LIKE "mysqltest2"; connection slave; SHOW DATABASES LIKE "mysqltest2"; connection master; let $my_stmt= CREATE DATABASE mysqltest3; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW DATABASES LIKE "mysqltest3"; connection slave; SHOW DATABASES LIKE "mysqltest3"; connection master; # End of 4.1 tests ############################################################### # Cases with STORED PROCEDUREs ############################################################### let $my_stmt= CREATE PROCEDURE p1() READS SQL DATA SELECT "this is p1"; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc --vertical_results --replace_column 5 # 6 # SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'p1'; connection slave; --replace_column 5 # 6 # SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'p1'; connection master; --horizontal_results let $my_stmt= ALTER PROCEDURE p1 COMMENT "I have been altered"; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc --vertical_results --replace_column 5 # 6 # SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'p1'; connection slave; --replace_column 5 # 6 # SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'p1'; connection master; --horizontal_results let $my_stmt= DROP PROCEDURE p1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc --vertical_results SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'p1'; connection slave; SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS LIKE 'p1'; connection master; --horizontal_results ############################################################### # Cases with VIEWs ############################################################### let $my_stmt= CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v1 as select * from t1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; connection slave; SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; connection master; let $my_stmt= ALTER VIEW v1 AS select f1 from t1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; connection slave; SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; connection master; let $my_stmt= DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc --error 1146 SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; connection slave; --error 1146 SHOW CREATE VIEW v1; connection master; ############################################################### # Cases with TRIGGERs ############################################################### let $my_stmt= CREATE TRIGGER trg1 BEFORE INSERT ON t1 FOR EACH ROW SET @a:=1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc --replace_column 6 # SHOW TRIGGERS; connection slave; --replace_column 6 # SHOW TRIGGERS; connection master; let $my_stmt= DROP TRIGGER trg1; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SHOW TRIGGERS; connection slave; SHOW TRIGGERS; connection master; ############################################################### # Cases with USERs ############################################################### let $my_stmt= CREATE USER user1@localhost; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'user1'; connection slave; SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'user1'; connection master; let $my_stmt= RENAME USER user1@localhost TO rename1@localhost; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'rename1'; connection slave; SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'rename1'; connection master; let $my_stmt= DROP USER rename1@localhost; let $my_master_commit= true; let $my_slave_commit= true; --source include/rpl_stmt_seq.inc SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'rename1'; connection slave; SELECT user FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'rename1'; ############################################################### # Cleanup ############################################################### use test; connection master; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE mysqltest1.t22; DROP DATABASE mysqltest1; # mysqltest2 was alreday DROPPED some tests before. DROP DATABASE mysqltest3; set global sql_mode=default;