# ==== Purpose ==== # # Auxiliary file used by rpl_delayed_slave.test. This assumes that an # 'INSERT INTO t1...' query has been executed on the master. It does # this: # # - After half the delay, check the status. It should be delaying and # the query should not have executed. # # - After one and a half delay, check the status. It should not be # delaying and the query should be executed. # # # ==== Usage ==== # # --let $query_number= 4 # --source extra/rpl_tests/delayed_slave_wait_on_query.inc # # Parameters: # $query_number # The value of the 'b' column in t1 for the row inserted by the query # we are waiting for. connection master; --echo [on slave] --let $slave_timeout= $time1 --source include/sync_slave_io_with_master.inc --echo # sleep 1*T --sleep $time1 --let $assert_text= Query $query_number should not be executed --let $assert_cond= MAX(b) < $query_number FROM t1 --source include/rpl_assert.inc --let $assert_text= Status should be 'Waiting until MASTER_DELAY...' --let $assert_cond= "[SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_SQL_Running_State, 1]" LIKE "Waiting until MASTER_DELAY%" --source include/rpl_assert.inc --echo # sleep 1*T --sleep $time1 --echo # sync with master (with timeout 1*T) --source include/sync_with_master.inc --let $assert_text= Query $query_number should be executed --let $assert_cond= MAX(b) = $query_number FROM t1 --source include/rpl_assert.inc --let $assert_text= Status should be 'Has read all relay log...' --let $assert_cond= "[SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Slave_SQL_Running_State, 1]" LIKE "Slave has read all relay log%" --source include/rpl_assert.inc --source include/check_slave_is_running.inc