# # This include file is used by more than one test suite # (currently binlog and binlog_encryption). # Please check all dependent tests after modifying it # # Usage: # --let use_remote_mysqlbinlog= 1 # optional # --source extra/binlog_tests/binlog_row_annotate.inc # # By default, the script uses mysqlbinlog both with direct access to files # and via connection to the server. In some cases, direct access to files # might be impossible (e.g. with encryption). If use_remote_mysqlbinlog # flag is set, this part of the logic will be omitted. # ############################################################################### # WL47: Store in binlog text of statements that caused RBR events # new event: ANNOTATE_ROWS_EVENT # new master option: --binlog-annotate-row-events # new mysqlbinlog option: --skip-annotate-row-events # # Intended to test that: # *** If the --binlog-annotate-row-events option is switched on on master # then Annotate_rows events: # - are generated; # - are generated only once for "multi-table-maps" rbr queries; # - are not generated when the corresponding queries are filtered away; # - are generated when the corresponding queries are filtered away partialy # (e.g. in case of multi-delete). # *** Annotate_rows events are printed by mysqlbinlog started without # --skip-annotate-row-events options both in remote and local cases. # *** Annotate_rows events are not printed by mysqlbinlog started with # --skip-annotate-row-events options both in remote and local cases. ############################################################################### set @old_binlog_checksum=@@binlog_checksum; set global binlog_checksum=NONE; --let datadir= `select @@datadir` --source include/have_log_bin.inc --source include/binlog_start_pos.inc --source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc set sql_mode=""; let $collation_server=`select @@collation_server`; # Fix timestamp to avoid varying results SET timestamp=1000000000; # Delete all existing binary logs RESET MASTER; CREATE DATABASE test1; CREATE TABLE test1.t1(a int); CREATE DATABASE test2; CREATE TABLE test2.t2(a int); CREATE VIEW test2.v2 AS SELECT * FROM test2.t2; CREATE DATABASE test3; CREATE TABLE test3.t3(a int); CREATE DATABASE xtest1; CREATE TABLE xtest1.xt1(a int); CREATE DATABASE xtest2; CREATE TABLE xtest2.xt2(a int); # By default SESSION binlog_annotate_row_events = OFF INSERT INTO test1.t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); SET SESSION binlog_annotate_row_events = ON; INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO test3.t3 VALUES (1), (2), (3); # This query generates two Table maps but the Annotate # event should appear only once before the first Table map DELETE test1.t1, test2.t2 FROM test1.t1 INNER JOIN test2.t2 INNER JOIN test3.t3 WHERE test1.t1.a=test2.t2.a AND test2.t2.a=test3.t3.a; # This event should be filtered out together with Annotate event INSERT INTO xtest1.xt1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); # This event should pass the filter INSERT INTO test2.v2 VALUES (1), (2), (3); # This event should pass the filter only for test2.t2 part DELETE xtest1.xt1, test2.t2 FROM xtest1.xt1 INNER JOIN test2.t2 INNER JOIN test3.t3 WHERE xtest1.xt1.a=test2.t2.a AND test2.t2.a=test3.t3.a; # These events should be filtered out together with Annotate events INSERT INTO xtest1.xt1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO xtest2.xt2 VALUES (1), (2), (3); DELETE xtest1.xt1, xtest2.xt2 FROM xtest1.xt1 INNER JOIN xtest2.xt2 INNER JOIN test3.t3 WHERE xtest1.xt1.a=xtest2.xt2.a AND xtest2.xt2.a=test3.t3.a; FLUSH LOGS; --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # The following Annotate_rows events should appear below: --echo # - INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - INSERT INTO test3.t3 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - DELETE test1.t1, test2.t2 FROM <...> --echo # - INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - DELETE xtest1.xt1, test2.t2 FROM <...> --echo ##################################################################################### --source include/show_binlog_events.inc if (!$use_remote_mysqlbinlog) { --echo # --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # mysqlbinlog --echo # The following Annotates should appear in this output: --echo # - INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - INSERT INTO test3.t3 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - DELETE test1.t1, test2.t2 FROM <...> (with two subsequent Table maps) --echo # - INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - DELETE xtest1.xt1, test2.t2 FROM <...> (with one subsequent Table map) --echo ##################################################################################### --replace_regex /server id [0-9]*/server id #/ /server v [^ ]*/server v #.##.##/ /exec_time=[0-9]*/exec_time=#/ /thread_id=[0-9]*/thread_id=#/ /table id [0-9]*/table id #/ /mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/ /end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/ /# at [0-9]*/# at #/ /collation_server=[0-9]+/collation_server=X/ /character_set_client=[0-9]+/character_set_client=X/ /collation_connection=[0-9]+/collation_connection=X/ --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=decode-rows -v -v $datadir/master-bin.000001 --echo # --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # mysqlbinlog --database=test1 --echo # The following Annotate should appear in this output: --echo # - DELETE test1.t1, test2.t2 FROM <...> --echo ##################################################################################### --replace_regex /server id [0-9]*/server id #/ /server v [^ ]*/server v #.##.##/ /exec_time=[0-9]*/exec_time=#/ /thread_id=[0-9]*/thread_id=#/ /table id [0-9]*/table id #/ /mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/ /end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/ /# at [0-9]*/# at #/ /collation_server=[0-9]+/collation_server=X/ /character_set_client=[0-9]+/character_set_client=X/ /collation_connection=[0-9]+/collation_connection=X/ --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=decode-rows --database=test1 -v -v $datadir/master-bin.000001 --echo # --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # mysqlbinlog --skip-annotate-row-events --echo # No Annotates should appear in this output --echo ##################################################################################### --replace_regex /server id [0-9]*/server id #/ /server v [^ ]*/server v #.##.##/ /exec_time=[0-9]*/exec_time=#/ /thread_id=[0-9]*/thread_id=#/ /table id [0-9]*/table id #/ /mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/ /end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/ /# at [0-9]*/# at #/ /collation_server=[0-9]+/collation_server=X/ /character_set_client=[0-9]+/character_set_client=X/ /collation_connection=[0-9]+/collation_connection=X/ --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=decode-rows --skip-annotate-row-events -v -v $datadir/master-bin.000001 --let use_remote_mysqlbinlog= 0 } --echo # --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server --echo # The following Annotates should appear in this output: --echo # - INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - INSERT INTO test3.t3 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - DELETE test1.t1, test2.t2 FROM <...> (with two subsequent Table maps) --echo # - INSERT INTO test2.t2 VALUES (1), (2), (3) --echo # - DELETE xtest1.xt1, test2.t2 FROM <...> (with one subsequent Table map) --echo ##################################################################################### --replace_regex /server id [0-9]*/server id #/ /server v [^ ]*/server v #.##.##/ /exec_time=[0-9]*/exec_time=#/ /thread_id=[0-9]*/thread_id=#/ /table id [0-9]*/table id #/ /mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/ /end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/ /# at [0-9]*/# at #/ /collation_server=[0-9]+/collation_server=X/ /character_set_client=[0-9]+/character_set_client=X/ /collation_connection=[0-9]+/collation_connection=X/ --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=decode-rows -v -v --read-from-remote-server --user=root --host=localhost --port=$MASTER_MYPORT master-bin.000001 --echo # --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server --database=test1 --echo # The following Annotate should appear in this output: --echo # - DELETE test1.t1, test2.t2 FROM <...> --echo ##################################################################################### --replace_regex /server id [0-9]*/server id #/ /server v [^ ]*/server v #.##.##/ /exec_time=[0-9]*/exec_time=#/ /thread_id=[0-9]*/thread_id=#/ /table id [0-9]*/table id #/ /mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/ /end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/ /# at [0-9]*/# at #/ /collation_server=[0-9]+/collation_server=X/ /character_set_client=[0-9]+/character_set_client=X/ /collation_connection=[0-9]+/collation_connection=X/ --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=decode-rows --database=test1 -v -v --read-from-remote-server --user=root --host=localhost --port=$MASTER_MYPORT master-bin.000001 --echo # --echo ##################################################################################### --echo # mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server --skip-annotate-row-events --echo # No Annotates should appear in this output --echo ##################################################################################### --replace_regex /server id [0-9]*/server id #/ /server v [^ ]*/server v #.##.##/ /exec_time=[0-9]*/exec_time=#/ /thread_id=[0-9]*/thread_id=#/ /table id [0-9]*/table id #/ /mapped to number [0-9]*/mapped to number #/ /end_log_pos [0-9]*/end_log_pos #/ /# at [0-9]*/# at #/ /collation_server=[0-9]+/collation_server=X/ /character_set_client=[0-9]+/character_set_client=X/ /collation_connection=[0-9]+/collation_connection=X/ --exec $MYSQL_BINLOG --base64-output=decode-rows --skip-annotate-row-events -v -v --read-from-remote-server --user=root --host=localhost --port=$MASTER_MYPORT master-bin.000001 # Clean-up set global binlog_checksum=@old_binlog_checksum; DROP DATABASE test1; DROP DATABASE test2; DROP DATABASE test3; DROP DATABASE xtest1; DROP DATABASE xtest2;