# # This include file is used by more than one test suite # (currently rpl and binlog_encryption). # Please check all dependent tests after modifying it # # Usage: # # --let $use_remote_mysqlbinlog= 1 # optional # --let $binlog_start_pos= # optional # --let $binlog_file= # optional # # --source extra/binlog_tests/binlog_incident.inc # # The script uses MYSQLBINLOG to verify certain results. # By default, it uses binary logs directly. If it is undesirable, # this behavior can be overridden by setting $use_remote_binlog # as shown above. # # All values will be unset after every execution of the script, # so if they are needed, they should be set explicitly before each call. # # The purpose of this test is to provide a reference for how the # incident log event is represented in the output from the mysqlbinlog # program. source include/have_log_bin.inc; source include/have_debug.inc; source include/binlog_start_pos.inc; let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`; RESET MASTER; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3); SELECT * FROM t1; # This will generate an incident log event and store it in the binary # log before the replace statement. REPLACE INTO t1 VALUES (4); DROP TABLE t1; FLUSH LOGS; if ($binlog_start_pos) { --let $startpos= --start-position=$binlog_start_pos --let $binlog_start_pos= } --let $filename= master-bin.000001 if ($binlog_file) { --let $filename= $binlog_file --let $binlog_file= } --let $mysqlbinlog_args= $MYSQLD_DATADIR/$filename if ($use_remote_mysqlbinlog) { --let $mysqlbinlog_args= --read-from-remote-server --protocol=tcp --host= --port=$MASTER_MYPORT -uroot $filename --let $use_remote_mysqlbinlog= 0 } exec $MYSQL_BINLOG $startpos $mysqlbinlog_args >$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/binlog_incident-bug44442.sql; --disable_query_log eval SELECT cont LIKE '%RELOAD DATABASE; # Shall generate syntax error%' AS `Contain RELOAD DATABASE` FROM (SELECT load_file('$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/binlog_incident-bug44442.sql') AS cont) AS tbl; --enable_query_log remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/binlog_incident-bug44442.sql;